Jared Leto

How Wearing Skirts Actually Affects Modern Men

How Wearing Skirts Actually Affects Modern Men
year ago

In 2010, Jared Leto posted, “Real men wear skirts,” a statement that has since inspired his own appearances in dresses and skirts at events like red carpets. This trend has caught on among various celebrities, and more recently, it’s gained popularity among the general male population.

8 Surprising Celebrity Beauty Hacks That Keep Them Looking Younger Every Day

8 Surprising Celebrity Beauty Hacks That Keep Them Looking Younger Every Day
year ago

Sometimes we feel envious of celebrities who seem to have found the fountain of youth. We may attribute their beautiful looks to their genetics, but it turns out that there’s more to this than meets the eye. According to a study, “Up to 40% of changes that contribute to the aged appearance are the result of non-genetic factors.” This suggests that celebrities who appear to be ageless must have some effective anti-aging methods up their sleeves.

17 Movie Roles That Brought More Problems Than Benefits

17 Movie Roles That Brought More Problems Than Benefits
year ago

In the world of acting, highs and lows are commonplace. While certain roles can catapult performers to superstardom, others can generate a great deal of negative attention. In some instances, these circumstances can even lead stars to take a break from or abandon their careers altogether. It’s both astounding and unfortunate that an actor’s greatest role may also be their downfall.

10 Times Actors Failed to Live Up to the Audience Expectations

10 Times Actors Failed to Live Up to the Audience Expectations
year ago

Sometimes actors and actresses fail to live up to what is expected of them when playing a character, and neither the critics nor the public can let it go. Some are even nominated for worst performance or fail to fill the shoes of the character they played. Here is a list of performances that were not well received by the public at large.

8 Curious Stories Behind Celebrity Fashion Moments

8 Curious Stories Behind Celebrity Fashion Moments
year ago

More often than not, individuality is the way to go, especially regarding fashion and outfits. When celebrities step out to show off their gorgeous looks, there is more to them than meets the eye. These icons have hidden messages behind the clothes they wear, but sometimes it’s hard to recognize them. We’ve gathered a list of exciting style backstories you might want to read about.

8 Actors Who Drastically Changed for a Movie Role

8 Actors Who Drastically Changed for a Movie Role
year ago

It takes a lot of willpower and dedication to completely alter yourself in order to be the perfect fit for a movie role, and these actors and actresses have done just that. As if memorizing lines wasn’t hard enough, being able to change your complete persona is truly inspiring, and it’s why we all love to see them in their element.

Why More Men, Including Celebrities, Are Wearing Dresses and Skirts Nowadays

Why More Men, Including Celebrities, Are Wearing Dresses and Skirts Nowadays
2 years ago

“Real men wear skirts,” according to a tweet posted by Jared Leto in 2010. Since then, the actor has appeared several times in dresses or skirts, including at red carpet events. Many other celebrities are following in his footsteps, but in the past few years, wearing a frock has become more popular among the general male population as well.

14 Super Dedicated Actors Whose Hard Work Left Us Breathless

14 Super Dedicated Actors Whose Hard Work Left Us Breathless
2 years ago

We usually lose ourselves so much when watching a movie that we don’t even think about all the effort that went into creating the magic we see on the silver screen. But oftentimes, what happens behind the scenes can be equally impressive and intriguing. The final result is the joint effort of the cast and crew, but the actors are the ones who make it all believable thanks to their skill, dedication, and bravery.

10 Celebrities Who Were Totally Honest About Why They Chose a Child-Free Life

10 Celebrities Who Were Totally Honest About Why They Chose a Child-Free Life
year ago

In a world constantly evolving and redefining societal norms, the conventional path of parenthood is being reconsidered by many. A groundbreaking study has emerged, shedding light on a truth that challenges long-held assumptions: child-free individuals are just as content and fulfilled in their lives as parents are. This revelation has ignited a fresh perspective on life choices, prompting an increasing number of couples to deliberately opt out of parenthood.Modern times have ushered in a paradigm shift where the pursuit of personal and professional aspirations takes precedence over traditional family structures. The resolute decision to remain child-free is emblematic of this evolution, with numerous couples prioritizing career trajectories over the obligations of parenthood. In a world abounding with opportunities, the allure of climbing the career ladder, exploring passions, and making a lasting impact on the professional sphere has become an appealing alternative to the conventional roles of mothers and fathers.However, it is not just ambition that guides these choices. Many individuals find themselves devoid of the innate nurturing instincts that society often presupposes. The prospect of nurturing and raising a child is a commitment that demands unparalleled emotional and psychological investment. For those who do not naturally resonate with these impulses, opting out of parenthood can be a rational choice, reflective of their self-awareness and honesty about their capacities.Furthermore, there exists a segment of the population whose disinterest in child-rearing stems from a profound detachment from the notion of conventional family life. These free spirits prioritize a life of spontaneity, exploration, and self-discovery over the structure and responsibilities associated with raising children. Their choice, although unconventional, underscores the diversity of human desires and aspirations, challenging the societal notion that procreation is the ultimate human purpose.The emergence of a child-free movement resonates deeply with the philosophy that individual happiness and fulfillment should be the cornerstones of human existence. The decision to remain child-free is an assertion of the agency that each individual possesses to shape their destiny. It stands as a testament to the fact that the fulfillment of one’s unique path can lead to contentment, irrespective of societal expectations.Amidst this changing landscape, the world of Hollywood has seen a number of prominent figures embrace their choice to forgo parenthood, and they do so with remarkable candor. The willingness of these celebrities to share their personal narratives defies the fear of judgment that often accompanies unconventional decisions. By doing so, they inspire countless others to embrace their choices confidently, unburdened by societal pressures.These public figures have illuminated the diverse array of reasons behind their choice to remain child-free. Some have made this decision in pursuit of their careers, recognizing that the demands of parenthood might impede their ability to fully realize their artistic potential. Others have chosen this path due to a lack of inherent parental instincts or an absence of interest in child-rearing. Their honesty serves as a beacon of empowerment for individuals grappling with similar dilemmas, encouraging them to honor their authenticity and intuition.The revelation that child-free individuals can experience as much happiness and fulfillment as parents challenges conventional wisdom and underscores the significance of individual choices. The modern era celebrates diversity in all aspects of life, including the decision to remain child-free. This paradigm shift acknowledges that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to happiness and that the pursuit of personal dreams and ambitions is equally valid. As Hollywood celebrities embrace their unique life trajectories, they pave the way for a society that values authenticity, empowerment, and the freedom to define one’s own path. Ultimately, the choice between parenthood and a child-free life rests on personal aspirations and inclinations, inviting everyone to embark on a journey that resonates with their deepest sense of purpose.

7 Movies That Tweaked the True Stories They Are Based On

7 Movies That Tweaked the True Stories They Are Based On
2 years ago

Making movies based on facts involves a great challenge. Faithfully portraying an event in particular, while at the same time creating an entertaining, coherent and self-functioning story, leads to several changes being made with respect to what is historically correct.

9 Actors Reveal Why They Don’t Watch Their Own Movies

9 Actors Reveal Why They Don’t Watch Their Own Movies
2 years ago

It took Shia LaBeouf many hours to watch all the movies he acted in. But not all his star colleagues share the same passion for their own work. Many of them can’t stand the idea of watching themselves on-screen. And each of them has their own reason for not doing so.

15 Characters Who Were Played By Different Actors and We Can’t Choose Our Favorite

15 Characters Who Were Played By Different Actors and We Can’t Choose Our Favorite
2 years ago

Movie directors and the audience can be so fond of particular characters that they keep bringing them back on the big screen in new films. It’s only fair that some roles get recast, as getting a new actor can bring a new twist to a character or be good for when the story needs to be retold completely. This is the case with Lara Croft: the reboot expanded on the character’s backstory and moved away from the “dated ideas” the original movies had.

10 Actors That Have Mastered Other Arts Besides Drama

10 Actors That Have Mastered Other Arts Besides Drama
2 years ago

Being a successful artist, whether an actor, musician, or painter, is an accomplishment in itself. However, there are certain celebrities who didn’t want to stick with just one field and have proven to excel in several disciplines, extending their talent and demonstrating their sensitivity when it comes to learning new things.

8 Movie Stars Who Let an Oscar Slip Through Their Fingers

8 Movie Stars Who Let an Oscar Slip Through Their Fingers
2 years ago

Sometimes a brilliant actor or actress turns down a role that ends up nabbing that prestigious little gold statue. For example, Gene Hackman almost starred in The Silence of the Lambs in 1991, and Richard Gere let go of Wall Street in 1987.But what about narrow choices from more recent years? We at Bright Side found out which stars could’ve won Oscars in the 2000s but let it fall into the hands of other actors or actresses.

10 Actors That Appeared in Only a Few Scenes, but Went on to Win Oscars

10 Actors That Appeared in Only a Few Scenes, but Went on to Win Oscars
2 years ago

No matter how little screen time an actor has, it can take as little as 5 minutes to prove that their performance is worthy of an Oscar award. In short, in the development of a story, there are moments and characters that can define everything, and by bringing out the best in their role, they can achieve hypnotic scenes that completely steal the show.

15+ Celebrities Who Changed Beyond Recognition Over the Past Decade

15+ Celebrities Who Changed Beyond Recognition Over the Past Decade
year ago

Big changes can happen quicker than we think. You know that feeling when you look at old and new photos of someone and it’s like you’re seeing two totally different people? Well, that’s what’s been going on with celebs like Caitlyn Jenner, Demi Lovato, Elliot Page, and Kylie Jenner. In just 10 years or even less, they’ve transformed in ways that leave us totally amazed.Caitlyn Jenner’s journey, for example, goes way beyond a simple makeover. Going from Bruce Jenner to Caitlyn was more than just a change in appearance — it sparked huge conversations about gender identity worldwide. It’s wild how someone can evolve so much in a decade that their past and present selves seem like distant relatives.Demi Lovato’s evolution is like a story of finding yourself. Over the years, Demi has been super open about her ups and downs, using her fame to talk about mental health and body positivity. Looking at those before-and-after pics not only shows how she’s physically transformed, but also how she’s grown stronger and more confident. She’s gone from a young artist to a fierce advocate for change.Elliot Page’s journey is a powerful example of being true to yourself. In a short span of time, he’s gone through a lot while being in the public eye. Those pics comparing before he transitioned to now send a message about being real and having the courage to live as your authentic self. It’s not just about looks; it’s about finding your place in the world.Then there’s Kylie Jenner, whose transformation is a mix of personal growth and the influence of fame. We’ve seen her go from a reality TV teen to a makeup mogul. Her before-and-after pics don’t just reveal changes in how she looks, but also how she’s matured from a teenager to a businesswoman. It’s like a visual journey through her life.These stories aren’t just about celebrities — they’re about all of us. They show that you don’t need forever to transform your life. Whether you’re famous or not, change is something we all go through. These celebs remind us that in a decade, or even in a much shorter time, you can become a totally different — and better — version of yourself. So, if you’re ever doubting that big transformations are possible, just remember these guys.

20+ Loving Celebs Who Never Forget Their Moms, No Matter How Rich and Famous They Are

20+ Loving Celebs Who Never Forget Their Moms, No Matter How Rich and Famous They Are
year ago

For many people, a mother can be that irreplaceable figure — tireless, loving, full of advice and recommendations, who would not hesitate to give everything for their children. And someone whose children can count on them at all times. The same happens to many celebrities, and although sometimes we tend to idolize them, they are flesh and blood people like us, who often want nothing more than the company or the hand of their mom.

17 People Recalled Their Meetings With Celebrities and Shared What Famous People Are Like in Real Life

17 People Recalled Their Meetings With Celebrities and Shared What Famous People Are Like in Real Life
3 years ago

Meeting a celebrity remains an unreachable dream for many people, especially if you live in a small city. However, in general, it’s not all that rare to meet your idol somewhere random since many of them lead a very modest lifestyle, go shopping in supermarkets and flower shops, use public transport, and sit on planes next to ordinary people. And once you encounter a celebrity in an unofficial environment, you’ll instantly understand what kind of people they are.

14 Stars Who Were Ready to Say Goodbye to Their Status as Most Attractive Hollywood Celebrity for the Sake of One Role

14 Stars Who Were Ready to Say Goodbye to Their Status as Most Attractive Hollywood Celebrity for the Sake of One Role
3 years ago

We appreciate actors for their talented transformations and truthful emotions. But sometimes, fitting into a role might not be that easy — the character can be ambiguous or the life position of the character might be the opposite of the life view of the actor. There are also cases where the actors have to sacrifice one of their main professional tools, their beauty, for the sake of one role.

15 Celebs Whose Mothers Are Their Best Friends

15 Celebs Whose Mothers Are Their Best Friends
2 years ago

We have something in common with A-list actors, singers, and famous stars — we were all brought into this world by our mother. We might show our love for them in different ways. Some celebrities and their mothers are best friends and they’ve chosen to open the curtains and tell us all about it.

12 Times Actors Outdid Themselves to Get Into the Character They Played

12 Times Actors Outdid Themselves to Get Into the Character They Played
3 years ago

Signing autographs, endless photoshoots, and receiving long-awaited awards are not what the ordinary life of an actor or actress consists of. Their reality is much more prosaic: actors adhere to strict diets or gain weight, learn new skills (that can be fun, or not), and oftentimes work in conditions that are far from comfortable.

18 Details in Popular Movies That Are Hard to Believe

18 Details in Popular Movies That Are Hard to Believe
3 years ago

It’s always nice to rewatch good movies. But at the same time, discovering something new within them makes them twice as enjoyable. This is especially true when you uncover some secret tricks left by directors that have only become clear many years after your first viewing.

12 Actors Who Used Very Bizarre Methods to Gain Weight for Roles

12 Actors Who Used Very Bizarre Methods to Gain Weight for Roles
3 years ago

Stuffing themselves with anything that comes their way or undergoing spartan training sessions — an actor’s job behind the scenes can be full of unexpected surprises. Even though many visual effects can be added with computer graphics, nothing replaces real, authentic looks. To create the best experience for us, our favorite actors sometimes have to take on incredibly difficult challenges.

13 Androgynous Celebrities That It’s Hard to Not Look At

13 Androgynous Celebrities That It’s Hard to Not Look At
3 years ago

Androgyny is the idea of people having both female and male qualities in their outward appearance. Many androgynous people think that they’re somewhere in the middle between a man and a woman. Celebrities that have such appearances are like chameleons in that they can easily become a character of the opposite sex or transform into a fantasy character without using a lot of makeup. Additionally, fashion trends of today are great for androgynous people because unisex pieces are becoming more and more popular.

20+ Celebrities Who Masterfully Got Into Someone Else’s Photo but Didn’t Ruin It

20+ Celebrities Who Masterfully Got Into Someone Else’s Photo but Didn’t Ruin It
4 years ago

Many famous people, despite their celebrity status, don’t hesitate to jump into other people’s photos without giving it a second thought. And it doesn’t matter if they’re the celeb’s colleagues or ordinary people who are trying to take the picture — absolutely everyone sincerely enjoys when this happens. And the end result turns out to be the real masterpiece that always puts a smile on everyone’s faces.

14 Actors Who Dramatically Changed Their Appearance for a Role

14 Actors Who Dramatically Changed Their Appearance for a Role
4 years ago

Among many unforgettable performances in cinema history, there are some that will be especially memorable because the actors put forth a huge effort to change their appearance, like starving for weeks or gaining so much weight that they couldn’t move around as easily anymore.