
He Survived 7 Severe Accidents and Won an Enormous Lottery Jackpot

He Survived 7 Severe Accidents and Won an Enormous Lottery Jackpot
year ago

You know your odds of getting struck by lightning are 530,000 to 1. You already knew that, right? The chances that you will win the lottery at least once in your life are 500,000 to 1. The possibility of winning the lottery TWICE is almost zero. This incredible story may seem like fiction since its events seem so unreal. It’s unlikely that any director would want to make a film about this because the audience wouldn’t believe it. You can easily find evidence on the Internet if you don’t believe it either.

12 True Stories With Twists That Would Make David Fincher Blush

12 True Stories With Twists That Would Make David Fincher Blush
month ago

Life often takes unforeseen twists that leave us amazed, entertained, or utterly at a loss for words. Certain events unfold in such astonishing ways that they seem like scenes from a book. This collection brings together true stories with unexpected turns that challenge belief, proving that reality can be just as extraordinary as fiction.

10 True Stories With Twists That Belong in a Bestseller

10 True Stories With Twists That Belong in a Bestseller
2 months ago

Life is full of unexpected turns that can leave us astonished, amused, or completely speechless. Some moments are so surprising they feel like they were pulled straight from the pages of a novel. In this collection, you’ll find real-life stories with twists that defy imagination, showing just how unpredictable and fascinating life can be.

14 Examples That Prove One Detail Can Turn a Story on Its Head

14 Examples That Prove One Detail Can Turn a Story on Its Head
3 months ago

Life loves to throw unexpected twists our way when we least anticipate it. You might start your day assuming it will be ordinary, only to have something unexpected happen that transforms it into an unforgettable experience. These surprises, whether big or small, often become stories we tell for years to come.

17 People Who Were Born With an Entrepreneurial Spirit

17 People Who Were Born With an Entrepreneurial Spirit
4 months ago

Developing a new business is difficult and costly. But people who are passionate about it tend to find their own niche and often become successful. The following stories will be about women, men and children who decided to create something new and succeeded.

I Hired a Cool Nanny For My Kids, But Then I Accidentally Revealed a Disgusting Truth About Her

I Hired a Cool Nanny For My Kids, But Then I Accidentally Revealed a Disgusting Truth About Her
Family & kids
5 months ago

While looking for a nanny, probably all parents become super-selective, extremely careful and demanding. And finding a good one feels like winning a lottery. Ella, 33, sincerely believed she was an extremely lucky person to have found an amazing and super-professional caregiver for her little kids. But then, the woman made a shocking discovery about her so much treasured nanny. Now she doesn't know what to do with this accidentally revealed truth.

14 Parents Who Masterfully Hid Life-Changing Secrets From Their Kids

14 Parents Who Masterfully Hid Life-Changing Secrets From Their Kids
Family & kids
5 months ago

As children, we often struggle to grasp the complexities of the world and the challenges our parents face. However, as we mature, we gain a deeper understanding of their lives and can even empathize with their decisions. Today, we’re sharing some deeply moving and surprising revelations people discovered about their immediate relatives over time, highlighting that every family has its secrets.

12 People Who Experienced Eerie Things in Childhood Along With Their Parents

12 People Who Experienced Eerie Things in Childhood Along With Their Parents
11 months ago

Children experience eerie phenomena as much as any adult would. However, they are often not believed in when they tell someone what happened. Fortunately for a few, their parents witnessed everything and reassured them that they hadn’t imagined anything. Years later, they decided to share their stories with the world and leave the rest of us spooked with their mysterious memories.

10+ People Who Couldn’t Believe What Was Happening to Them

10+ People Who Couldn’t Believe What Was Happening to Them
year ago

Life sometimes brings about moments so unbelievable that people question if they’re really happening. From positive experiences, like marrying your childhood crush, to negative ones, like a shocking incident where your life is left on the line, nothing is impossible. Those who chose to share their stories online are living proof of that.

10+ Unusual Family Secrets That Made People Question Everything

10+ Unusual Family Secrets That Made People Question Everything

We all know families have secrets. Some of them keep peace, while others can make us feel really uneasy. Research shows secrets fall into 3 types — taboos, rule violations and conventional secrets. But instead of studying them, we wanted to share the deepest secrets people told under an anonymous username online — secrets that completely turned their world upside down.

1000 Years Into the Future: Terraforming Other Planets

1000 Years Into the Future: Terraforming Other Planets
2 years ago

You were lucky to find that 6 by 6 foot apartment, after all. None of your friends own one: they mostly live in capsule modules where it’s only possible to sleep without turning and tossing much. The price for what they call “a mansion” today is obscenely high, and you still can’t fully accept it. Tomorrow you gotta sign that contract and make the down payment. Actually, you had the chance to buy it only because you won that chance in the lottery. This is how you live in 2999 — you and the other 100 billion people.

What If a Tiny Needle Hit Earth at Light Speed

What If a Tiny Needle Hit Earth at Light Speed
2 years ago

Something’s moving towards our planet that could end all life on Earth. It’s a regular needle weighing about 5 grams. You’re probably wondering why it’s so dangerous. Can something that small really do any harm? It’s hard to say, because it’s moving at the speed of light, and we don’t really know what will happen when it hits.That’s because the idea itself is hypothetical, so it leaves us with a bunch of questions. Here’s the first one: What happens to a sewing needle in space? Could it actually accelerate to the speed of light? The short answer is no. But it’s not that simple. In our universe, nothing that has mass can reach the speed of light. It takes energy to make any object go faster. Since there can’t be an infinite amount of energy, nothing can ever accelerate that much.

20 Hidden Signs Tell You Someone Is Rich

20 Hidden Signs Tell You Someone Is Rich
2 years ago

Rich people prefer not to talk about money in public, and they never complain about it — neither in public nor in private. Those who do aren’t usually great with it. Such people are ready to waste the last 500 bucks on a new pair of shoes and be left with a $10 bill in their wallet.New money tends to scream, show off and be as posh and luxurious as possible, while old money is way more modest and poised. It’s the reason why you may be sitting right next to an extremely wealthy person who owns a multi-billion company and have no idea about it.

23 Rarest of Rare Things on the Planet (Including YOU!)

23 Rarest of Rare Things on the Planet (Including YOU!)
2 years ago

Statistically speaking, as I’ll be doing here, you might have heard that a total solar eclipse is a rare thing — sorry, but that’s a bit of a myth. This phenomenon occurs approximately once every 18 months. The next one will take place in April 2024, so you can check it out yourself!

“I Wouldn’t Wish It on Anyone,” a Woman Who Got £1,000,000 at Age 17 Reveals Why She Regrets It So Much

“I Wouldn’t Wish It on Anyone,” a Woman Who Got £1,000,000 at Age 17 Reveals Why She Regrets It So Much
2 years ago

In 2013, a young Scottish woman, Jane Park, was only 17 when she won £1 million in the lottery, which equated to more than $1.5 million in 2013, making her the EuroMillions’ youngest winner ever. But since then, Jane’s life has been far from the fairy tale one might expect. The young woman even admitted that she has major regrets regarding her win. And later on, she even contributed to changing a fundamental rule related to the lottery participants.

20 Stories About Rich People Told by Ordinary People

20 Stories About Rich People Told by Ordinary People
2 years ago

Series about con artists are quite popular on streaming platforms. It can be engaging to watch how these fraudsters pour money (that they don’t own) down the drain and get away with it. But what could be more fascinating is learning about how the real, ultra-rich people behave and decide to spend their funds. We found one Reddit thread where users shared their wild stories and personal encounters with some of the world’s wealthiest individuals.

15 Times Someone Got First Row Tickets to Life’s Amazing Show

15 Times Someone Got First Row Tickets to Life’s Amazing Show
2 years ago

Life is a wild journey, and the story of Joan R. Ginther just solidifies that — the lady won a lottery not once, but an unimaginable 4 times. Just to put it in perspective, the chance of you winning the lottery is 1 in 200 million. We know that’s an extreme case, and you probably don’t have this amount of luck. But we also know that the universe works in mysterious ways, and you can expect some serious curveballs in your ordinary day-to-day life too. Bright Side wants to remind you with 15 pictures that it’s when you think you’ve seen or experienced everything that life decides to give you a show you’ll never forget.

15 Photos Showing the World Is Full of Incredible Things, We Just Need to Look Closer

15 Photos Showing the World Is Full of Incredible Things, We Just Need to Look Closer
3 years ago

The odds of winning the lottery once are 1 in 292.2 million. Well, it’s crazy to think that a man named Scotty Thomas pulled that twice. Yeah, fate is not so generous with all of us, but it doesn’t mean the surprises of life are reserved only for a chosen bunch. Far from it, in fact.Bright Side wants to remind you with 15 pictures that incredible things, both small and large, are happening in our mundane lives and will continue to happen. You just have to remember to look a little closer because you never know what life’s next curveball will be.

20+ People Prove That Each of Us Can Become a Favorite of the Universe

20+ People Prove That Each of Us Can Become a Favorite of the Universe
3 years ago

Research suggests that you’re more likely to become a movie star or even an astronaut, but less likely to win a lottery. The tiniest chance any of us has is meeting our doppelgänger, and it’s 1 in 1,000,000,000,000. The heroes of our article are probably going to beat these odds very soon, as they have already been faced with some unpredictable events in their life.

17 People Who Are the True Minions of Lady Luck

17 People Who Are the True Minions of Lady Luck
3 years ago

Sometimes, we get lucky at the most unexpected moments. Some win the lottery, while others come across a pearl in a mussel. And in some cases, it seems fate itself saves people from tragic events. Even if you just got 2 candies in 1 wrapper, it’s still a good reason to thank Lady Luck.

15+ Epic Wastes That Can Infuriate Anyone to the Point of Madness

15+ Epic Wastes That Can Infuriate Anyone to the Point of Madness
3 years ago

Any purchase we make, even the most well-thought-out one, is a bit of a lottery. Whether it’s a housing rental, new shoes, or jewelry. We can’t know whether it’s a good deal until it proves its worth over time. So, we would rather avoid the situations the heroes of this article happened to be in because it seems that luck was not on their side at that moment.

20+ Customs and Traditions From Different Countries That’ve Shocked Foreigners

20+ Customs and Traditions From Different Countries That’ve Shocked Foreigners
4 years ago

Sometimes it seems to us that the differences between countries have become almost invisible due to globalization. We buy the same gadgets, use the same brands, buy products in the same-chain supermarkets, etc. Nevertheless, if we dive into the details, we will find out that the residents of each country have customs and traditions that only they can understand.