
My Daughters Are Ruining My Personal Life

My Daughters Are Ruining My Personal Life
Family & kids
7 months ago

In the quiet suburbs where Susan and her daughters resided, the air was heavy with unspoken tensions and unresolved conflicts. Susan, a devoted mother grappling with the complexities of love and family, found herself at a crossroads.

20 Keanu Reeves’ Quotes That Perfectly Show the Insightful Man He Is

20 Keanu Reeves’ Quotes That Perfectly Show the Insightful Man He Is
10 months ago

Keanu Reeves is widely beloved and even gained the status of “Internet’s boyfriend.” He won everyone’s hearts either for his diverse acting roles or his enigmatic and down-to-earth personality. Throughout the years of giving interviews, he has shared profound insights on various aspects of life and career. Despite being a private person, he has imparted wisdom on topics like grief, love, and navigating career expectations. We collected a few of Reeves’s thought-provoking quotes to offer a glimpse into his unique view of the world.

I Was Newly Married and 9 Weeks Pregnant, When the Doctors Delivered News That Changed My Life Forever

I Was Newly Married and 9 Weeks Pregnant, When the Doctors Delivered News That Changed My Life Forever
10 months ago

When a woman is pregnant, all she wants to hear from the doctors is good news. That her baby is developing fine, that the results of all screenings are perfect and that the health of a mom-to-be is thriving. But, unfortunately, life is not totally full of optimistic moments, and our today’s heroine knows a lot about it. Meet Victoria Roscow, a woman, who unexpectedly received totally heartbreaking news when she was pregnant, but was able to cope with the bitter dish that life has served her.

Meet Paola Antonini, an Amputee Model Who Treats Her Prosthetic Leg as a Beautiful Accessory

Meet Paola Antonini, an Amputee Model Who Treats Her Prosthetic Leg as a Beautiful Accessory
2 years ago

We all can remember an incident that became a key event in our life that changed things to some extent. Some of these crucial events are very positive and optimistic, like getting married or giving birth to a long-awaited baby. But some things in our life may happen against our will and are meant to make us stronger. Such a thing happened to a famous model named Paola Antonini, and this fragile woman appears to have such a vivid love of life that she keeps blossoming and spreading light, even after an almost fatal accident.

15 People Who Can Find Sunshine on the Darkest Days

15 People Who Can Find Sunshine on the Darkest Days
2 years ago

You are doing your health a big favor by seeing the proverbial glass half full rather than half empty. Research has shown that optimism can help you lead a healthier life, no matter your current physical state, so a positive outlook works out for the best. People who are more hopeful for tomorrow might just end up having a better day.

10+ People Who Embrace Every Difficulty With a Smile

10+ People Who Embrace Every Difficulty With a Smile
2 years ago

Sometimes, while falling into bad situations, people around us advise we look at things more positively. And even though it might be annoying, they’re right, as optimism offers various benefits for our mental health. It may boost confidence, improve quality of life, and, unexpectedly, even make you sleep better.

20 People Who Met a Mischief With a Good Portion of Laughter

20 People Who Met a Mischief With a Good Portion of Laughter
2 years ago

Our day may sometimes start with a chain of events that we hardly expected and planned. We may go to a hairdresser and get a “nightmare haircut”, or order something online and receive a package that may make us say, “Why?” But there are people who have a super-ability to laugh and smile at such misfortunes, proving that a good sense of humor can really save your day.

16 Pics That Instantly Made Us Smile

16 Pics That Instantly Made Us Smile
2 years ago

Smiling not only boosts our mood, but also provides several health advantages for our bodies. It lifts our spirits and helps us cope with stressful situations. When we’re having a bad day and need a pick-me-up, having something to smile about nearly always helps us feel better. Even the smallest act might become a dazzling light of optimism in a dark moment.

20 People Who Failed So Gracefully We Couldn’t Help but Give Them Kudos

20 People Who Failed So Gracefully We Couldn’t Help but Give Them Kudos
2 years ago

In our world, which is hyper-focused on social media, it may seem like everyone is bragging about their success. But there are some brave people who don’t just show the best and the coolest, but rather share and talk about their failures, and find the courage to laugh at them. And it’s a well-known truth that people who laugh in the face of failure, are likely to be leaders.

19 Pics That’ll Give You All the Feels at Once

19 Pics That’ll Give You All the Feels at Once
2 years ago

A study suggests that positivity and optimism can have an impact on our physical and mental well-being. And people from all over the world show us that no matter what they are dealing with, things can be better. That’s why we admire these people and their attitude which, even in the face of the worst possible scenarios, remains happy and full of hope.

20+ Pics That May Win Your Heart With Their Charisma

20+ Pics That May Win Your Heart With Their Charisma
2 years ago

Smiling and laughing don’t only serve as good painkillers and antidepressants. Surprisingly, if you smile, you look younger, according to scientists. And if a good joke or a laughable picture is spiced up by some charisma, it can add up to the whole effect and make you feel comfortable and relaxed.

18 Situations Proving That Life Is Way More Ironic Than We Think

18 Situations Proving That Life Is Way More Ironic Than We Think
3 years ago

Sometimes the universe has a merciless sense of humor, and the heroes of this article had a chance to experience it firsthand. Some of them had to spend 7 days on the road just to eventually turn around. And others left a better parking space for their neighbors, only to get their own car broken. Then there are some people who purchased prepaid car washes and never got a clean car. These are just a few examples of the irony the universe dishes out to us.

40 Hilarious Illustrations of Humans’ Little Flaws and Big Worries

40 Hilarious Illustrations of Humans’ Little Flaws and Big Worries
3 years ago

An important mission of visual arts is to provide us with alternative answers to the question of who we are, as well as to help us to find consolation in works of art. And this is the perfect description for work by Cristina Bernazzani, who combines artistic practices at Depositphotos with practical ways to help people in her daily career.

20 Photos That Can Awaken a Sleeping Optimist in All of Us

20 Photos That Can Awaken a Sleeping Optimist in All of Us
2 years ago

In a sometimes not-so-bright reality, we all strive to keep believing in wonders, which are, if you look closely, all around us. A story of a stranger who got surprisingly lucky, or a mother’s unconditional love for her child, or even a dog’s sincere excitement — just looking at such things can fill us with hope and optimism. In fact, they can even prolong our life a bit, as one study suggests.

15 Inimitable Children That Speak Better Than Some Adults

15 Inimitable Children That Speak Better Than Some Adults
Family & kids
4 years ago

Children make us really happy, but sometimes they do things that we have no idea how to react to. They can be funny, they can show their unusual views of the world, and they sometimes even tell detective stories. The website “Children Talk” has a huge collection of these stories and we collected the best ones for this article.

15 People Who Know How to Enjoy Their Lives Without Worrying

15 People Who Know How to Enjoy Their Lives Without Worrying
5 years ago

Today, optimism is a rare thing to see. People complain about the weather, their boss, or their low salary. But this is not true for everyone. As it turns out, there are still a lot of people in the world who can see the good things in just about anything: a drowned car, walking a dog in the rain, a snoring husband, and even very small potatoes.

9 Moving Stories From People Who Turned Struggles Into Silver Linings

9 Moving Stories From People Who Turned Struggles Into Silver Linings
2 years ago

Hardships are a part of life and sometimes we can’t control them. However, it is important to realize that they don’t last forever. We can either deal with them by ourselves or we can count on the help of good people in our lives. The content of this article is proof that things really do get better!

14 Photos That Are Literally Screaming for Help

14 Photos That Are Literally Screaming for Help
2 years ago

“I used to stand before the mirror and look deep into my unhappy eyes, sigh and say, ‘Oh cruel fate!’ And in a few minutes, I felt a little bit better.” This is what Moominpappa used to say. Sometimes life presents us with challenges that are difficult to get through, and this practice can actually help.