Rice is a staple food for more than half of the world’s population, and it is consumed regularly by people all over the globe. Even though brown rice is considered healthier than white rice because it is richer in vitamins and minerals, people still prefer to munch on white rice. However, this food is still a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and other minerals, but we at Bright Side got curious about finding out what might happen if we eat rice on a regular basis.
In the past, common people in Japan couldn’t eat much rice, because most of it was reserved for nobility, and Japanese farmers even used rice to pay their taxes. Today, we can’t imagine Japanese cuisine without rice noodles, sushi, or sticky rice with fried eggs, and this delicious and highly nutritious grain has claimed its spot on our kitchen shelves as well. And it’s not just a side dish or an accompaniment, in fact, a healthy bowl of rice can benefit your body in many surprising ways.
Almost every person who cooks regularly has their own culinary secrets that make their dishes especially tasty: their mashed potatoes are tender and airy, steak is juicy, and chocolate biscuits melt in the mouth. We decided to find these secrets, tricks, and lifehacks shared by Internet users. Many of them can literally make the flavor of a familiar dish brighter and richer in just a couple of seconds.
Exploring your creative side doesn’t always go as planned, and sometimes the results are more funny than impressive. For some, that’s where the journey ends—but for others, it’s just motivation to laugh it off and keep going. The key is to enjoy the process, no matter how messy the outcome might be.
Responsibility starts with us, and in order to help our environment, it is best to practice a sustainable lifestyle—a way of living that aims to minimize people's environmental impact and its degradation. One way to practice it is through composting, which is nature's way of recycling.
Workplaces can be unpredictable, with different characters and people coming together in the same place at the same time. Strange things happen when you least expect them, and sometimes they’re so bizarre that you wouldn’t believe them unless you saw them yourself.
Sometimes small tricks can help us achieve unbelievable results. Knowing the basics of cooking isn’t always enough, and even the best chefs make mistakes when trying something new. While some believe we learn best from our own mistakes, it’s often wiser to learn from others’ experiences and outcomes before making bold decisions ourselves.
With a little love and care, everyday items we toss out could last so much longer. Discover the magic of freezing your tights, squishing your toilet paper, and keeping your hands off the cheese to make your essentials go the extra mile. Why replace when you can refresh?
A grandma who doesn’t eat meat got some flak on Reddit for admitting that she sent her youngest grandchild, who is 5 years old, to bed without dinner. This happened after a tough babysitting session at her house where the child refused to eat the food she had prepared.
Do you have an issue with storage space in your house? If so, you probably haven’t optimized your existing spaces accordingly to your needs. That’s why we have gathered 15 products that might prove lifesaving for you and your home.
Here are the products that’ll have you saying, “Where have you been all my life?” And we have a lot of buyers’ opinions to prove this point. Now, let’s meet these superheroes of comfort, the champions of practicality, and the wizards of problem-solving.
When late August and early September is nearing, most kids feel these anxiety butterflies in their stomach. And the same butterflies also visit their parents, since all the back and forth to school and the extracurricular activities can be seen in the horizon. But we never really focus on the parents and that is simply a mistake. That’s why we chose to compile 12 products that will make every custodian’s life a bit easier during the school year.
Ahh, what a nice cosmic family. Meet Mars — I bet you’ve met him before. These two little guys are Phobos and Deimos, Mars’ small moons. But it seems like Mars isn’t treating the little ones the right way. Phobos and Deimos are believed to be captured asteroids.
Sometimes mistakes can be lucky. One of the most commonly used office supplies, the Post-it note, was invented by accident. When one scientist was trying to create a strong adhesive but ended up with a weak one instead, his colleague created a bookmark that would stick to the page without damaging it. And the yellow paper was used for creating the prototypes just because it was the only paper left. This is how the product was born, and it now makes a lot of things much easier.Inspired by this story, we decided to find more useful creations that can be very handy in your daily life.
When it comes to harmful substances in our home, we often think of household chemicals and pesticides. However, it may come as a surprise that some of the everyday items we use, like bath sponges and tap water, can harm us. In this article, we’ll tell you all about the things we do and use in our life that are threatening to our health.
Picture this: It’s a lovely Sunday morning, and you rise from your bed, do some stretching, and open your window to a gorgeous day with clear skies. But hold up, something’s odd here — the usually jam-packed street is completely deserted. Where did everyone go? You take a closer look, and to your surprise, you realize that you’re the only soul on this planet. What’s your next move?
This is the right way to use a hairbrush. Don’t use it horizontally. Hold it in a vertical position. The bristles are lined up vertically. If you hold the comb horizontally, then these bristles begin to bend. You can check it yourself and feel how convenient it is this way.
The time we spend in our homes is considerable. Why not turn your home into a comfortable and fun place? With the help of certain items, you can do it without much effort and without breaking the bank. We’ve reviewed some fun products on Amazon that can help you do just this.
Each of us has probably, at least once, wondered about the impact of social media on our well-being. It has been a controversial subject for a long time now. Some studies show that it can put us at a higher risk for depression, and it is very important to take a break every once in a while. However, it turns out that it all boils down to how you use it, instead of if.We advise you to use your social media wisely and invite you to embrace what it has to offer and see if these viral products will impress you as well.
Middle Eastern cuisine is famous for its vivid colors and flavors. It is also renowned for its unusual cooking tricks that don’t require any exotic ingredients or spices and can be quickly adopted, even by beginners. So let’s look together at how to make our dishes more colorful with the help of some Middle Eastern cuisine secrets.
Some people think the kitchen should be spotless — the dishes should be washed, and all fruits and vegetables should be sorted by size. However, some foods, including vegetables, shouldn’t even be washed. We decided to find out what we should clean and soak and what we shouldn’t. And in the bonus section, we’ll explain why we ought to wash soda cans before drinking out of them.
Traditional Le Creuset cookware can bring signature flavor and style to every kitchen. This cookware brand is loved by thousands of people who appreciate its durability and unique design. Amazon Black Friday is a chance you shouldn’t miss to buy your first Le Creuset cookware item or enlarge your Le Creuset collection. Starting from today you can buy a variety of stylish items by the famous Le Creuset brand with an appealing discount and upgrade your kitchen with high-end cookware. It is also a good chance to buy a Christmas gift for someone special.
Indian cuisine is well-known worldwide because Indians are skilled at combining spices and flavors. Their culinary wit is unrivaled, and their food is always aromatic and tasty. That is why most of the dishes are popular and enjoyed by others. Whether it is a traditional Indian meal or not, those spices will wake you up.At Bright Side, we compiled some of the Indian food out there, and some of these meals made our mouths water!
According to a poll, adults today spend just about an hour per day preparing all 3 meals. This is 45 minutes less compared to the amount of time the older generations spent in the kitchen. And the 3 main reasons why people cook faster these days are a lack of time, culinary skills and working too late.
We’ve been lied to so many times about so many food facts that we should now start questioning everything we hear. For example, chocolate isn’t bad for you and diet soda isn’t better than actual full-calorie soda. These are only two things that many people still believe to this day. But we are here to try and bust a few myths and show a whole new world of truths about food.
Some foods appear harmless at first. They don’t seem to pose any threat, however, more often than not they can silently cause heart diseases, cholesterol issues, and much more. Some are even full of mercury. Hopefully, this list of foods that you wouldn’t believe can cause issues will open your eyes, because it definitely opened ours.
It is said that there are more than 2,000 varieties of fruits around the world, and chances are we don’t know most of them. There are also many things about our favorite products that might be right under our noses that we tend to ignore. We are here today to take a dive into our favorite foods and see how many things we actually don’t know about them.
We come across a lot of things in our everyday lives, without truly thinking about them. For instance, the holes in pen caps were put in there to avoid choking incidents. Commonplace things around us often have a lot of science behind them, even if it’s not as exciting as launching a rocket into space.
China is a storeroom of wisdom and secrets that can help you to live long and healthy. Sometimes only gray hair can be a hint of real age. Of course, good cosmetics can help to make you look fresher, but it’s important to support your body from the inside as well.
Even though studying at a culinary school might take from several months to 4 years, you don’t have to spend much time to develop your cooking skills. There are so many talented chefs among ordinary people. They make the best meals for their families, and only bad kitchen mistakes can stop them from feeling like true professionals.
Sometimes, even a huge bunch of culinary knowledge can’t protect you from making disappointing mistakes. The thing is, we often act according to our habits and don’t question our methods, believing that it is simply impossible to do better. Due to this, our pancakes are like rubber, our rice is too sticky, and our ground meat turns out dry and tough.
Eating healthy and helping the environment may seem to go hand in hand, but they are often less aligned than we think. Many of the foods that are good for us are produced or harvested in ways that are harmful to planet Earth.
Soft and brittle nails can be a huge problem. No matter how much you try to grow them, they will keep breaking unless you provide them with the proper care. And we at Bright Side know that strong and healthy nails are always desirable, so we collected 7 tips to make them look better than ever.
Even noodles and rice can look like a masterpiece if you make them with all your heart. Sometimes all we need to cheer ourselves up in the morning is adorable food that peeks out from our plates. Marvelous dishes make us admire and cry at the same time because we know everything will be eaten in seconds.
Are you more of a skilled cook, or more like the kind of person who blames the stove when things go wrong? If you chose the second option, you should know that you are not alone. Often, habit, speed, or even some myths that we have believed when it comes to preparing something, makes your dishes not as tasty as you expected.
When a person has lived in a different country for a long time, they can’t remain the same. They learn the way people speak there, different food preferences, and other everyday habits. And the customs that once seemed strange and foreign become very familiar.