
What If Our Sun Was Replaced With Another Star

What If Our Sun Was Replaced With Another Star
year ago

The Sun, our majestic and life-sustaining star, has been a constant presence in our skies since time immemorial. Its radiant energy provides warmth, light, and the conditions necessary for life to thrive on Earth. But have you ever wondered what would happen if our Sun suddenly vanished and was replaced by another star?Arcturus. A huge red star. It’s just bursting from inside out! The red sea of plasma on its surface rages and pulsates. This star burns anything that comes close to it. And now... flop! Arcturus is gone! But at the same moment, it reappears at the center of our solar system, replacing the Sun. What we see in the sky isn’t a small yellow dot anymore, but a giant red ball. It’s 25 times wider and 30% heavier than the Sun.

What If a Tiny Piece of the Sun Was Coming Closer to Earth

What If a Tiny Piece of the Sun Was Coming Closer to Earth
2 years ago

You’re driving to your sister’s house when all of a sudden, the sky changes. The cool weather becomes scorching hot in a matter of minutes. People who were going for casual autumn strolls, have now taken off their jackets and are sweating. People who were planning on going for a weekend ski trip have canceled their plans at the last minute to head to the beach. It was sunset, but the sky has become as bright as day. You fish out your sunglasses and continue driving. Nothing seems normal, but people don’t seem to care.

Why Space Is Cold If the Sun Is Hot?

Why Space Is Cold If the Sun Is Hot?
2 years ago

Venus has exceptionally high temperatures, hot enough to melt lead. It’s the hottest planet in our Solar System, with a high-pressure environment and super-strong winds. The winds there are 50 times faster than the planet’s rotation. It’s getting stronger over time, and scientists don’t know why. But they did find something interesting in the planet’s clouds — a potential sign of decaying biological matter. Could there be life then? Not quite, since Venus has a dry, windy atmosphere and doesn’t have enough water for life to develop.

NASA’s Spacecraft Touched the Sun for the First Time Ever

NASA’s Spacecraft Touched the Sun for the First Time Ever
2 years ago

Clouds of fire and smoke fly upward, and the rocket launches. The Delta IV Heavy is one of the most powerful rockets people have ever made. Three massive engines burn tons of fuel, helping the spacecraft gain altitude. The two side boosters undock, leaving the common booster core for further ascent. When in orbit, the rocket releases its payload. This is the Parker Solar Probe — the first spacecraft to touch the Sun. And we’ll follow its journey step by step.

The Sun Is Actually a Rainbow, Here’s How

The Sun Is Actually a Rainbow, Here’s How
2 years ago

Did you know that our Sun is actually... green? Okay, okay, I’m kidding. In reality, it’s... all colors you can imagine at the same time! Wait, what? I know it sounds like a joke, but I’m being serious. Can’t you tell? In fact, our Sun contains absolutely all the waves of the light spectrum. It’s simultaneously red, blue, green, yellow — you name it! Where do you think rainbows come from? When sunlight gets reflected off water droplets in the air, it splits into a bunch of colored waves that we can see individually. And when they’re all together, we see a white ray of light. Our eyes are unable to perceive the concept of “all colors at the same time,” so their combination seems white to us.

23 Unbelievable Conversations That People Had With Colleagues

23 Unbelievable Conversations That People Had With Colleagues
3 weeks ago

Good conversations can spark great things, or at least good thoughts. But what happens when you come across people who have a limited viewpoint, the kind who don’t know much about anything? Here are some Redditors who had the strangest of conversations with colleagues and co-workers, making for some indelible, if hilarious memories.

11 Facts That Could Make You See the World Differently

11 Facts That Could Make You See the World Differently
3 weeks ago

Earth is a magical playground of wonders, bursting with surprises big and small! From sky-kissing mountains that scrape the heavens to invisible micro-creatures throwing their own secret dance parties, our planet is a masterpiece of endless amazement. Every corner of the world tells a story, every breeze whispers a secret, and every raindrop carries the magic of the universe.

15+ People Who Made a Last-Minute Decision That Changed Everything

15+ People Who Made a Last-Minute Decision That Changed Everything
month ago

Sometimes, impulsive decisions not only save us from heartache but can completely change the course of our lives. On the Internet, thousands of people share stories about how a last-minute choice led them to a completely unexpected destination: from meeting the love of their lives to avoiding catastrophe by a hair's breadth. So get ready for a roller coaster of anecdotes that will make you think twice the next time you say, "Well, whatever."

20 Stories That Prove Dads Raise Children in Their Own Way

20 Stories That Prove Dads Raise Children in Their Own Way
Family & kids
4 months ago

With the arrival of a child, men have to try on a new role. And to cope with it properly, they have to learn new skills. For example, how to throw the baby up to the ceiling to make them laugh, how to braid their little princess’s hair or how to tell bedtime stories. Dads raise children in their special way and it’s great.

115+ Self Love Quotes to Celebrate Yourself Twice as Big

115+ Self Love Quotes to Celebrate Yourself Twice as Big
year ago

In a world that often demands perfection, embracing self-love becomes an essential act of rebellion against self-doubt. To kickstart this empowering voyage, we’ve curated a collection of 100+ self-love quotes that will inspire you to love yourself twice as big. These quotes echo the wisdom of celebrities like Beyoncé and famous poets like Oscar Wilde, who remind us that we determine our self-worth and that saying no can be the first step toward self-love. Join us on this uplifting journey as we explore the profound impact of positive affirmations and the transformative power of self-acceptance.

19 Women Who Have Probably Discovered the Elixir of Youth

19 Women Who Have Probably Discovered the Elixir of Youth
Girls stuff
year ago

There are women who draw attention at any age while their friends ask them to reveal their skin and hair care secrets. We have put together the photos of beautiful ladies who will remind us how important it is to love your face and body and never stop taking care of them.

9 Surprising Universe Revelations You Were Unaware Of

9 Surprising Universe Revelations You Were Unaware Of
year ago

Our universe is an endless expanse teeming with surprises waiting to be uncovered. From the mysterious depths of space to the intricate workings of subatomic particles, every corner of the cosmos holds unexpected wonders. Whether it’s the discovery of new celestial phenomena, the unveiling of cosmic mysteries, or the revelations in the microscopic realm, our universe continually challenges our understanding and opens doors to uncharted territories.

15 Everyday Problems That Can Be Easily Solved With the Help of These Products

15 Everyday Problems That Can Be Easily Solved With the Help of These Products
year ago

Let’s face it. Everyday life holds many worries, surprises and unpleasant moments for us, and we sometimes don’t have the time or energy to deal with those things. But, mostly it’s because we don’t have the right tools to solve these issues. In this article, you might find quite a few products that will be the answer to many daily struggles of yours and your loved ones.

Kate Beckinsale, 50, Shares Her Affordable Tips for Botox-Free Skin

Kate Beckinsale, 50, Shares Her Affordable Tips for Botox-Free Skin
year ago

“I literally don’t get Botox,” the famous actress openly said. They say age is just a number, and Kate Beckinsale is living proof of this mantra. At the remarkable age of 50, this Hollywood icon has gracefully embraced the passage of time without the aid of plastic surgery, leaving us all in awe of her eternally youthful appearance.

10 Must-Haves From Amazon That Will Make the Last Month of This Summer Much More Enjoyable

10 Must-Haves From Amazon That Will Make the Last Month of This Summer Much More Enjoyable
year ago

Here’s the latest good news of this August: there’s no need to suffer from melting heat, itchy insect bites and unbearable sunburns! Instead, you can simply enjoy the last month of this beautiful summer, while 10 brilliant items from our today’s selection do their job. Live every single day of this summer to the fullest, and leave little pesky problems to these tools and accessories that were especially designed to make your life stress-free. Grab them while they’re still in stock!

What If All the Planets Moved Between Earth and the Moon

What If All the Planets Moved Between Earth and the Moon
year ago

You’re on a plane heading to an important astronomy convention when you see a large figure outside your window that eclipses the whole Sun. You spit out all of your coffee, and everyone in the plane stares outside in shock. You then notice that it has rings like Saturn. You were supposed to fly to Japan, but you’re forced to land in California.As soon as you land, you look up in the sky and see some more giant planet-like structures floating around in the sky. Everyone is taking pictures and trying to figure out what’s going on. Suddenly you notice a huge ball of fire crashing down near the airport. Everyone scrambles for safety, and luckily, it ends up in the middle of the runway with no one around. The bad news is that there’s no more runway for planes to land.

Sandwich Bread Isn’t Bread, and Water Can Be Wetter

Sandwich Bread Isn’t Bread, and Water Can Be Wetter
year ago

Sandwich bread is not entirely ‘real’ bread, water can boil and freeze at the same time, bananas are berries that grow in grass... Believe these or not, but let me ask you: did you know water can be wetter than it is in nature? Find it out in this article!

A Giant Asteroid Is Flying to Earth, and You’ll See It

A Giant Asteroid Is Flying to Earth, and You’ll See It
year ago

The sun is rising, lighting up the trees, swamps, and massive plants of the Yucatán Peninsula. It’s 66 million years before today — the last days of the Mesozoic era. This peaceful world doesn’t know yet that a rock the size of a mountain is nearing Earth at a speed of more than 40,000 mph [(64,000 kph)]. It looks like a fireball that’s growing larger and larger with every passing minute. Soon, it already seems to be bigger than the Sun. Dinos, roaming the prehistoric Earth, don’t know that they have to run, hide, save themselves! Not that it’s going to help.

Biggest Comet Ever Will Enter Our Solar System in 2031

Biggest Comet Ever Will Enter Our Solar System in 2031
year ago

We’re flying past the planets of our Solar System. We pass by Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Then we move through dark space beyond the edge of our world. We’ve reached our destination. It’s the Oort cloud. It’s a hypothetical region around the Solar System that holds tons of asteroids and blocks of ice. It’s likely to be where the largest comet in human history was born. And now, it’s heading toward the Sun! Bernardinelli-Bernstein was discovered totally by accident during the Dark Energy Survey. Our telescopes were pointed at distant space. Their main goal was to learn more about how the Universe was expanding. Astronomers also wanted to make a more detailed map of the observable universe.Scientists analyzed over 80,000 images and found a moving object. It was alarmingly close to our home planet. Its size was an impressive 62[ml (100 km)] miles. That’s about the width of Lake Michigan. It was an already active comet with a long tail. Usually, comets get a tail when they come close to the Sun. The heat from the star warms the comet’s surface, and light materials, like ice, begin to evaporate. This forms a cloud of steam and dust that stretches far beyond the comet.

If All Plants Ate Meat, There’d Be More Oxygen in the Air

If All Plants Ate Meat, There’d Be More Oxygen in the Air
year ago

You check under the sofa. Nope. You open the cupboard. Not there. You lie down on the floor and sneak a peek under your bed. Nah. No kitties there, just dust bunnies. Then, where’s your cat?! Oh no, could that crazy pet slip out through the back door?A wave of panic overwhelms you, and you bolt outside. Your backyard, once green and blooming, is now covered with a thick layer of rock-hard asphalt. Several large fake plants in pots make the dull landscape somewhat more upbeat.

What If You Woke Up as a Titan Tomorrow

What If You Woke Up as a Titan Tomorrow
year ago

You can feel the waves brushing up against you. You wake up and see that you’re a giant standing up on 2 feet in the sea. So much water starts dripping down like rain. You’re way taller than the Statue of Liberty. You look at your hands and compare them to a small hot dog stand below you. You pick it up and fit it on the palm of your hand before crushing it by accident. Suddenly you feel a slight sting on your ankle. You look down and see that some people are shoving you away while most people are running away in fear. Some are taking pictures of you, while others are shouting at you to go away. You take a step to the main road and crush a car with no one inside.

Ancient Planet Hides Inside Earth for 4 Billion Years

Ancient Planet Hides Inside Earth for 4 Billion Years
year ago

You take off from Earth and park your spacecraft somewhere near the Moon. You’re now almost 240,000 miles away from your home planet. That’s almost 100 widths of the United States. Now, you take out a giant hammer and an enormous chisel using the robotic arms of your spaceship. You place the chisel at the Earth’s North Pole and strike its head with the hammer. Earth splits open like an eggshell, and you see it... Another planet.It’s Theia. And it’s hiding inside our planet like a yolk in an egg. You’d need to go back in time 4.5 billion years to find out how it got there. This beautiful nebula will soon become our Solar System. Colored dust and various space debris are slowly coming closer toward the common center. Soon this jigsaw puzzle of debris becomes too heavy and dense. The temperature inside the giant is rising. Soon, it gets so high that it triggers a nuclear chain reaction.

If You Find That Rock in Your Yard, Don’t Touch It At All

If You Find That Rock in Your Yard, Don’t Touch It At All
year ago

You’re playing fetch with your doggie when all of a sudden you see something falling down from the sky. It’s glowing and has a large tail behind it. It’s speeding down at an alarming rate, getting ever closer.You try to grab your pooch to take it inside, but it goes stubborn, barking and growling. But then you look up and notice the shining UFO becoming more like a ball, and it looks like it’s heading towards you! You run around your backyard trying to catch your hound, but this time it thinks you’re playing with it and runs away from you.You improvise and chase it to go inside the house. And great timing too: the object in the sky flashes, so brightly you can’t even look at it, and then boom! It’s like a small piece of the sun just crashed right behind your house. You leap behind a couch and try to take a look at what happened. Your neighbors knock on your door to see if you’re all right. Once you open to them, they all flood in with their cameras.

Only Known Survivor to Escape a Black Hole

Only Known Survivor to Escape a Black Hole
year ago

Dark, ever-hungry monsters live all across the Universe. They’re born when massive stars blast into space. Black holes as heavy as Earth are just as large as a ping pong ball. They don’t have a surface, but their gravity is so strong even light can’t escape it. Black holes don’t have physical boundaries like a membrane either. The event horizon, which is closest to a typical boundary, is a threshold which, after passing, you can’t get out. For a star, running into a black hole normally ends in a spectacular light show and its destruction. Just one star that astronomers know of managed to survive an encounter with a black hole as heavy as 400,000 Suns. It happened in a galaxy about 250 million light years away from Earth. Astronomers with really powerful equipment noticed bursts of X-rays that raged in space every nine hours. They thought they must be mayday signals from a star trapped by a cosmic abyss.

If Your Car Has Bumper Stickers, Remove Them Immediately

If Your Car Has Bumper Stickers, Remove Them Immediately

Bumper stickers on your car give away way more information than you think! That custom sticker you made with your dog might show robbers that you’re pretty outdoorsy — and like to spend a lot of time away from your house or your car, leaving them exposed. Or that you have enough funds to buy a really expensive dog breed. The fact that you have a sticker saying you have a kid on board could translate to: “I’m easily distracted, and I always have my hands full. It’s really easy to steal my car.” Those stickers that you bring from vacation and place on your car also show that you might be away for a couple of months at a time or that you like to travel long distances.

Here’s What to Do If You See the Red Moon

Here’s What to Do If You See the Red Moon
year ago

People stop their cars on the highway, get out of them, and lift their heads in wonder. In the cities, everyone takes to the streets. Balconies and rooftops of houses are full of people staring at the Moon in shock. It’s red. Some people scream that it’s the end of the world; some seek shelter. Indeed, the usual white Moon now looks like it has been doused in red paint. There’s no need to be afraid if you see such a thing. On the contrary, enjoy the view, because you have witnessed a rare astronomical phenomenon. This is a total lunar eclipse.

What If Earth Were Born in Another Star System?

What If Earth Were Born in Another Star System?
year ago

What would the Earth look like if it was born in another stellar system? I did a little research for you to find out. And the results were surprisingly wholesome! There are some warm tropics, strong winds, and... giant dragonflies. But okay, let me explain from the very beginning. Since 1995, NASA has discovered more than 4,100 planets outside the Solar System [exoplanets]. Unfortunately, most of them are either flying ice balls like Neptune or gas giants like Jupiter. But there are still as many as 161 planets similar to our Earth! And one of them is very close to us — in the Centauri constellation. There are three stars in this constellation.

This Moon Crystal Could Power Earth for 45,000 Years

This Moon Crystal Could Power Earth for 45,000 Years
year ago

Recently, Chinese scientists discovered something interesting on the Moon... An unusual crystal. Moreover, they found out that this crystal contains an element that can literally replace nuclear fuel! Let’s find out more. The composition of the Moon has long remained a mystery to us. Half a century has already passed since the Apollo mission. Unfortunately, we haven’t traveled to the Moon much since then, so it’s not surprising that it’s not so easy for us to study it. But recently we’ve made a breakthrough in this area! In December 2020, Chinese scientists sent a Chang’e-5 probe to the Moon. The mission was named after the ancient Chinese deity of the Moon, Chang’e. Quite poetic, isn’t it?

What Happens If We Pour ALL Earth’s Water on the Sun

What Happens If We Pour ALL Earth’s Water on the Sun
year ago

Is it possible to “put out” the Sun? For example, what would happen if we poured all of Earth’s oceans on it — or even more water? Well, let’s find out. The Universe is a place full of mysteries. Since ancient times, scientists have been arguing about how space works. But none of us has ever doubted the existence of one thing — the Sun. Ah, the center of our Solar system. It’s big, bright, and... immortal? Nah, not really. Actually, the Sun is just an ordinary star. It consists of 75% hydrogen, a little helium, and a pinch of other heavy elements. Gravity holds it all together. But in around 5 billion years, the life cycle of the Sun will come to an end. The hydrogen inside it will run out. Our star will begin to grow gradually. And you can’t even imagine just how BIG it will become!

Ashley Graham, Sharon Stone, and Other Celebs Confirm That “Every Body Is a Beach Body” Regardless of Shape or Age

Ashley Graham, Sharon Stone, and Other Celebs Confirm That “Every Body Is a Beach Body” Regardless of Shape or Age
year ago

Any body can be considered a beach or a bikini body. It’s not about conforming to society’s narrow standards of beauty or having a specific physique. It’s about embracing and celebrating your body, no matter its shape, size, or imperfections. Whether you’re curvy, athletic, petite, or anything in between and no matter how old you are, you have every right to feel confident and beautiful in a bikini just like our celebs.

If Your Hair Stands on End, You’ve Seconds to Run!

If Your Hair Stands on End, You’ve Seconds to Run!

Well, it’s time to stretch your legs and take a walk in the park! The sun is shining, and you enjoy the weather and life on the whole. That’s when you spot a rapidly growing vertical cloud.Bright white at first, it’s approaching alarmingly fast, becoming dense and inky. The sky is darkening, and a gust of wind blows the hat off your head.And then, your hair starts to stand on end! That’s your cue to run for your life — you’re about to be hit by lightning! At this very moment, positive charges are rising through your body.They’re reaching toward the negatively charged part of the storm. If you don’t react fast, these charges will meet, and it’ll end badly for you.