Time travel

5 Ways to Time Travel (Even If It’s Just to the Future)

5 Ways to Time Travel (Even If It’s Just to the Future)
year ago

Okay so you’ve seen the movies and read the books on time travel. Most of them tell stories about entering some futuristic boxes — and in the blink of an eye, you’re in some different epoch. For now, this is just sci-fi. But there are ways to make time travel possible — at least theoretically. We just don’t have the technology figured out yet.For starters, time travel to the future could be achieved by traveling at high speeds. But not just “getting a ticket on the super highway” kind of speed. This is based on Einstein’s theory of special relativity. It explains that time slows down for objects that move at really high speeds. And the good news is scientists have already tested this theory, and it looks promising. They did it with the help of two identical clocks. One was placed on a jet, and one stayed on the ground.

People Shared 15 Pics That Will Make You Believe Time Travel Exists

People Shared 15 Pics That Will Make You Believe Time Travel Exists
2 years ago

In this world, we are all unique, and each individual has their own set of DNA. However, some people may look like their ancestors or a celebrity from the past or present. It’s intriguing to see how similar some appear to be, but it also makes us wonder if time travel is a possibility.

10+ People Who Prove Time-Travel Could Very Well Be Real

10+ People Who Prove Time-Travel Could Very Well Be Real
2 years ago

Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day exists, and it’s celebrated on December 8th. On this day, people dress up as their favorite time travelers, use old words, and design their own back to the future/past machine. As it turns out, each one of us has one of these time machines in our households, but we usually call them “family albums.” It takes only one second to instantly wake up decades ago, in our younger selves’ bodies or even in another relative’s place.Bright Side found 14 people who dared to put their seatbelts on and put in the settings of the year they want to revisit — here’s how it turned out!

18 Matches That Made Us Wonder If Time Traveling Is Real

18 Matches That Made Us Wonder If Time Traveling Is Real
2 years ago

Some people have their DNA game on point, so much so that even children from multiple generations down the line end up looking exactly like their ancestors. Others turn into carbon copies of their parents or even copies of movie characters. Bright Side rounded up several photos of people whose resemblances are so uncanny, it would make you question whether these people were actually time travelers.

Scientists Finally Simulated Time Manipulation With a 25% Chance of Changing the Past

Scientists Finally Simulated Time Manipulation With a 25% Chance of Changing the Past
11 months ago

Have you ever experienced those moments where time seems to sprint by in some instances and crawl at a snail’s pace in others? Whether it’s the joy of spending time with a cherished friend or the tedium of being stuck in sweltering traffic, time can play tricks on our perception. Yet, despite these fluctuations, time itself is often believed to be constant, ticking away at the same steady rate, or so we thought.

Man Traveled to Future and You Could Too...Technically

Man Traveled to Future and You Could Too...Technically
year ago

So time travel is real. Actually, you’re traveling through time right now. With every second of this article, you move one second into the future. Hehe. But there’s one person on Earth who has managed to time travel a little further into the future, 0.02 of a second. And that’s not the limit. Meet Sergei Krikalev. He’s an astronaut who spent 803 days, 9 hours and 39 minutes on the International Space Station. That’s the key to his time travel.

The White Myth We’ve Been Told About Ancient Statues

The White Myth We’ve Been Told About Ancient Statues
year ago

Today we’re going on an art history trip. Our main focus is to unravel the mystery of whether or not ancient statues have always been white. We’ll visit museums and even time travel to try and get a glimpse of what these statues were really like back in the day. To kick off our tour, we land in New York. We climb the famous steps of the MET, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and walk inside this enormous museum. You walk down the aisle and get to the room where one of the world’s biggest collections of ancient Greek and Roman statues is held.

15 Celebrity Clones That Will Leave Us Staring in Disbelief

15 Celebrity Clones That Will Leave Us Staring in Disbelief
year ago

Science and nature often know how to interfere with genetics and create individuals who are seemingly similar in their external appearance. Every person has their own double, but it is more noticeable with famous people because they are easily visible to a larger crowd that would notice the similarities. Some of them are even from different centuries or decades, which can spark the question about whether time travel is possible.

A Train Went Missing and Reappeared in Other Eras

A Train Went Missing and Reappeared in Other Eras
year ago

A lot of weird incidents have happened in the mysterious valley of Heizhu [haj-zu], [“The Hollow of Black Bamboo”] ever since the 1950s. People even started comparing it to the infamous Bermuda Triangle, but are they really that similar? It all started when an airplane went missing here under circumstances no one can explain yet. They searched the location back and forth, but nothing appeared to have remained of the aircraft. And guess what? No one received any SOS messages from the team on board. And, to top it off, the same year, a considerable number of tourists and local residents were lost here in the valley, never to be seen again.

What If You Have Already Met a Time Traveler

What If You Have Already Met a Time Traveler
year ago

You know how Stephen Hawking said: “The best evidence we have that time travel is not possible, and never will be, is that we have not been invaded by hordes of tourists from the future.” But what if these tourists come to our time, but they do it secretly? You may even have met one of them. Let’s see the most famous time travelers.

10+ People Who Need a Time Machine to Restart Their Terrible Day

10+ People Who Need a Time Machine to Restart Their Terrible Day
year ago

Scientist Stephen Hawking once held a curious experiment. He organized a party with appetizers, balloons, you name it. However, he only sent the invites after the party had already taken place. He wanted to demonstrate that time travel is impossible, and he did. NASA begs to differ and confirms that time travel is possible, just not in the way we’ve seen in books and movies. This is good news for the following people because they’d love to start their terrible day over.

21 Photos That Let Us Take a Sneak Peek Into the Past

21 Photos That Let Us Take a Sneak Peek Into the Past
year ago

Our childhood days were stress-free and full of adventures, and sometimes we want to return to those times. Scientists still have not found a way to time travel, so we can only look at old photos and imagine ourselves there. However, some people take this seriously and recreate these pictures, traveling to the same locations and even finding similar clothes and items.

15+ Pics That Have the Special Power to Move You Through Time

15+ Pics That Have the Special Power to Move You Through Time
2 years ago

Traveling in time is actually a possible thing now, scientists claim. But if we decided to do it, it would rather be a one-way ticket. Turns out, if we wanted to change something in our past or correct our previous mistakes with the help of time-traveling, it would cause us to destroy our future. Today, we suggest you flip through epochs in a safe way, by looking at the special photos.

15+ Pics That Prove Time Can Take Away Everything but Memories

15+ Pics That Prove Time Can Take Away Everything but Memories
2 years ago

Photos capture the most precious moments of our lives, and we often want to relive these moments again as we’re flipping through our old pictures. And it comes as no surprise that recreating family photos is becoming more and more popular. From taking pictures at the same spots to copying the exact same poses, these heartwarming pictures will give you a sweet taste of nostalgia.

12 Celebrities Who Channeled Fashion Icons of the Past and Made Us Travel Through Time

12 Celebrities Who Channeled Fashion Icons of the Past and Made Us Travel Through Time
3 years ago

They say fashion trends repeat, and celebrities stepping out in outfits that resemble the looks of fashion icons from the past prove it better than any words. Nicole Kidman looking just like Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, Dua Lipa performing in a sparkling purple dress that gave strong Diana Ross vibes, and Harry Styles paying a subtle tribute to Princess Diana with his sheep patterned vest — here are just a few times the outfits of our favorite celebrities sparked feelings of pleasant nostalgia in our hearts.

11 Ordinary Things That You Can Be Fined for in Some Countries

11 Ordinary Things That You Can Be Fined for in Some Countries
3 years ago

Weird laws, strange decrees — there are many of them around the world. Some legislative acts are relics of the past because it seems that someone simply forgot to delete them, but there are also modern laws that might seem absurd at first glance. How is it possible that one thing is legal in one country and banned in another?

10 Things That Happened in the Movies That Are Far, Far From Being True

10 Things That Happened in the Movies That Are Far, Far From Being True
3 years ago

Sometimes, when we watch a science fiction movie, we just assume that traveling at the speed of light, like people do in Star Wars, is possible. Or whenever an adventurer archeologist like Indiana Jones finds a new tomb, he just lights a torch that is supposed to be thousands of years old and we think it’s normal. We constantly believe these “white lies” without much questioning, because these stories are so well written that they captivate us and we stop paying attention to these tiny details.

20+ People Recreated Their Old Photos to Vividly Show How Time Flies

20+ People Recreated Their Old Photos to Vividly Show How Time Flies
4 years ago

If we could time travel, many people would hurry to try it. They probably wouldn’t go into the unknown future, but instead most would go into their own past. And it comes as no surprise because in our childhood, we felt happiness with every cell in our body, the sun shined brighter, and we had the strongest friendships that were supposed to last a lifetime. Some people managed to open a portal to their youth by recreating their old pictures, so they could feel like they were still these carefree babies, at least for a couple of seconds.

9 Paradoxes That’ll Let Your Brain Have a Good Time

9 Paradoxes That’ll Let Your Brain Have a Good Time
4 years ago

Logic and common sense are our best tools for solving problems in our heads, helping us find the best solution that will lead us to the best results. However, when it comes to paradoxes, these dilemmas test our minds, since their solutions seem more like a maze that leads us to the root of the problem.

21 People Share the Eerie Stories That Made Them Stop Cold in Confusion

21 People Share the Eerie Stories That Made Them Stop Cold in Confusion
4 years ago

If parallel universes and time travel were real, some of those irrational experiences people face throughout their lives would probably have an explanation. Going through the same event twice or dreaming about something that comes true the next day are some of the plots of these stories, and the Internet is the best place to share and investigate them.

20 Family Photos Proving Nature Is a True Copy Machine

20 Family Photos Proving Nature Is a True Copy Machine
Family & kids
5 years ago

Babies are expected to take after their parents, but there are times when the resemblance just gets a little too uncanny. Some people could pass for a copy-and-paste version of their parent or another relative when they were younger. In other words, genetics can sometimes be so powerful, they almost make you believe in time travel!

17 Crazy Illustrations That Show How People Imagined the Future 100 Years Ago

17 Crazy Illustrations That Show How People Imagined the Future 100 Years Ago
5 years ago

The future has fascinated people in all periods of history. This is why we always dream of creating a time-travel machine. But we don’t have one now so all we can do is use our imagination. The artists of the past also tried to imagine what the world would look like in the future. They managed to foresee some of the changes, but some have clearly missed the mark.

A Couple Shares Their Experience of Living Like Victorians for 10 Years, and It’s More Fascinating Than We Thought

A Couple Shares Their Experience of Living Like Victorians for 10 Years, and It’s More Fascinating Than We Thought
5 years ago

If there were a way to travel back in time, we’d most likely go from one era to another, wearing ancient Roman clothes on Fridays to rocking spacesuits on Saturdays. But Sarah and Gabriel Chrisman decided not to wait for the time-travel machine to be invented and went into the past on their own. For the past 10 years, they’ve been living in the 19th century, having recreated life as it was during that time.

9 Isolated Places to Escape to When You’re Tired of Modern Civilization

9 Isolated Places to Escape to When You’re Tired of Modern Civilization
5 years ago

Who would have known that time traveling was just a “few” thousand miles away. If you’re wishing for an experience away from 21st-century modernity and stress, then packing for some of the most remote places on Earth is your solution. Don’t expect to get there by plane: Prepare for days of sailing across oceans, hiking high mountains, or diving into deep canyons. And don’t expect to find any supermarkets, Wi-Fi, or even currency there.

16 People Living in 3100 While We’re Stuck in 2022

16 People Living in 3100 While We’re Stuck in 2022
2 years ago

Some really incredible technologies are entering our lives right now. Did you know Dublin already has buses with USB ports where any passenger can charge their device on the go? At the same time, inventive (and lazy) people make this world better by proving we can create the comforts of the future almost from scratch. So unexpected and different, the year 3100 is closer than we think — with the help of both science and creativity.

12 Mysterious Things Even Scientists Can’t Explain

12 Mysterious Things Even Scientists Can’t Explain
year ago

Since ancient times, we’ve tried to explain numerous miraculous things that exist on our planet. The majority of such things are now explained scientifically. However, there are still some phenomena that are hard to believe. Bright Side collected 12 mysterious phenomena that are created by nature or people.