There is an opinion that people in earlier centuries didn’t really care about personal hygiene. In fact, our ancestors always cared about the health of their skin, hair and teeth. But many of their methods may seem quite questionable now. On the other hand, we still use some of them even today.
Ever had something, so gross happen to you that you had to share it? Well, you're not alone. From cringe-worthy moments to downright nasty surprises, these people spill the details on their most disgusting experiences. Get ready to cringe.
Fatherhood has its awesome moments, as the various fathers you may know would probably agree. There's no greater joy than parenting, or so parents will say, even after marathon days of work. Here are some dads who have turned raising children into an art, one that is full of love and laughter, in equal measures.
You know, life can throw us curveballs, but a little help here and there can make all the difference! Sometimes we just need a few handy products to get through the day. That’s why we’ve put together this list of fabulous finds — these products will make solving life’s puzzles as easy as pie.
Discovering that a loved one has an unpleasant habit can be quite upsetting, particularly when it’s your partner. Today, we’ve compiled a list of surprisingly gross habits people have uncovered about others, as shared by the online community.
TikTok users were just as surprised as Laura Henshaw when they discovered where her husband had packed their toothbrushes for their trip. Let’s find out how they ended up in such an unusual spot.
If you’ve ever felt like your pens have a secret escape plan whenever you need them, if you’re tired of your desk looking like a stationery tornado hit it, or if you’re just a fan of original things, you’ll love this list. Here are the most practical and beautiful solutions for your everyday puzzles.
Menstruation is a natural and normal process that affects half of the world’s population, yet it is still considered a taboo topic in many cultures and contexts. A woman on Reddit recently posted a story asking if it was normal to leave her menstrual pads in a visible place in a bathroom. The question sparked a lively discussion among both women and men, who shared their opinions, experiences, and advice on this sensitive issue.
Strange objects are not just for oddity museums. They’re all around us, hidden in dusty drawers, probably wondering why no one has laid a finger on them for years. Solving mysteries are fun for our brains, because of the Aha! moment that appears once we’ve figured it all out. On this note, we gathered some items that racked people’s brains, so much so, that they’ve turned to online experts for some valuable help. We’re curious how many of these can you solve before checking out the answers.
Aaaand... all that endless scrolling is finally going to pay off. It’s time to not only witness the craziest, wackiest, and most brilliant creations that have become must-haves for every living soul but actually buy them and see that no challenge is too big — or too silly — to conquer!
The first dishwasher ever invented was by Joel Houghton, but the tool we use today was actually founded by Josephine Cochran, a woman who got fed up with her delicate china being chipped while she was hand-washing it. The dishwasher they invented helps us all tremendously, and we wanted to do the same for you, so we compiled this list of items.
Bad breath is super common, affecting almost a third of the population — that’s, like, 31.8% of people!There are many factors that can contribute to bad breath, like poor oral hygiene, a dry mouth, certain foods or medications, and even underlying health conditions. While brushing your teeth is a crucial step, it’s not always enough to prevent bad breath.Luckily, Amazon offers a wide range of products that can help keep your breath fresh all day long.
Not everyone realizes how big of a part your mouth plays in maintaining your overall health, as it’s capable of notifying you about possible issues. That’s because the mouth is connected to the respiratory and digestive tract, which means that many germs can enter through your mouth and be transferred to the rest of your body. That’s why it’s so important to keep your mouth clean throughout the day and pay attention to the little things too.
Hey look! Are all of the bristles on your toothbrush bent out of shape? Like me? Only kidding. Well, it’s time to throw it in the trash! Our mouths are full of harmful bacteria, so toothbrushes need to be replaced every three to four months if you want to have a safe and hygienic morning.
Get ready to have your eyes finally open to some of the strange little secrets behind everyday items. From tape measures to toothbrushes to the kitchen stove, you’ll never look at — or use — any of these things the same way again!
What is the one modern-day convenience we use six to eight times a day that we all take for granted?The answer: the lowly toilet. Some people on social media claim we’ve been using our toilets all wrong! Rather than sitting in it like a chair, we should be facing backward instead.
There’s more than one million bacteria on your toothbrush, and although most of them are harmless, some can still hurt your teeth. While daily brushing is essential for keeping your teeth healthy, some mistakes you might be unknowingly making can do more harm than good.
Proper self-care is not as easy as it seems at first glance. There are tons of mistakes you can make, for example applying dry shampoo to dirty hair. So let’s continue the journey of personal care without fail, but with the help of Amazon, which has a bunch of the best-selling health products and instructions for them.
Choosing baby products is a difficult task for parents. To avoid negative effects on newborns and infants, such shopping usually requires a thorough examination of items and attention to the smallest details. That’s why we decided to search for the best baby products in various categories. Check out our list and read on to learn about the pros and cons of the best-rated baby products on Amazon. We hope it will assist you in selecting only the best for your sweet pumpkin!
There are some things that we do almost every day without even thinking twice because we’re so used to them at this point. From peeing in public bathrooms to placing food in the fridge, there may be some routines that you’ve been doing wrong this whole time.
Every day, 50% of serious car accidents are avoided because of clever seatbelt designs. This and other things that make our lives easy-breezy are results of excellent product designing, where engineers think of ingenious solutions using smart features. Some of these are pretty nifty and, oftentimes, way out of our sight.
Knowing how to wash everyday objects properly from the very beginning will let you enjoy them for much longer. Sometimes, the best option is to machine wash. But there are still many precautions we should take, and using the right ’’ingredients’’ in our “recipe” can make for a more pleasant washing experience. In other cases, washing by hand is required to prevent things from getting damaged and their colors from fading too soon.
In the past, tools were designed to be simple and straightforward, but that’s simply not the case today. These days, everything seems to have multiple functions, which is great, except that it’s hard to keep up with it all. From leftover sodas to door knobs, we’ll let you in on some secrets and rarely used features that these basic items have.
When you feel exhausted at the end of the day, chances are you forget to brush your teeth every once in a while. Although properly brushing your teeth is an essential step in preventing cavities and decay, many dental experts say brushing just once a day is enough to keep all these problems at bay.
Most of us dream of having a perfectly white Hollywood smile, and a trip to your dentist is definitely the fastest way to whiten your teeth. But in-between appointments, there’s still a lot you can do to make sure your smile is irresistible.
Life in distant times can seem somehow a little less real than ours. So when we think about Ancient Egypt, for example, we remember the great pyramids and pharaohs but we don’t know much about the way people actually lived there. However, their lives were just as full as ours: they played sports and board games and had housewarming parties.
To perform our daily tasks, we make use of many objects. We brush our teeth, type on our computer, shop, stock the freezer, have ice cream, and the list extends and forks as long as our daily routines. The truth is that for all this, we need to make use of different things. But do we use them well, or is it that in the rush of the daily hustle and bustle, we miss details without realizing their true potential?
Having your toothbrush save a falling mirror from breaking or wasps making a nest on your anti-wasp spray bottle are extremely rare events. Whether it’s luck or misfortune, some people live through moments you wouldn’t believe if they weren’t caught on camera. Thankfully, a few of them were!
Some people think that in order to remove plaque from their teeth, they need to brush really hard. However, this is far from the truth since plaque is so soft, you could remove it with a piece of cloth. The reason you need a toothbrush is simply because a cloth can’t reach all the corners of your mouth. So it’s not tons of pressure you need, but rather, a thorough brushing everywhere around your mouth.
We never know when we may need a simple solution to brighten our homes or make our daily lives easier. Practical hacks can come in handy when you don’t have the correct change to unlock a supermarket cart or need to get things shining clean. Often, the solution is right under our noses and solvable with help from various household objects.
Your smile can make or break you. In fact, 94% of people said a smile is the very first thing they notice when meeting someone. And although most of us dream of having a Hollywood-worthy smile, many of us aren’t doing what it takes to get one. Besides drinking coffee and dark juices, there are more unexpected ways you might be staining your teeth without even realizing it.
Ordinary things still can surprise us. We use a toothbrush every day but never pay attention to why the bristles have blue lines. There are 2 ways to take a baby’s onesie off so your baby’s skin can stay more protected. And there are more useful features of other products that we never knew about.
You might often wonder how your breath smells, but you can’t always tell whether or not you have bad breath. This is something you should definitely be mindful of it, and there are a few ways to manually assess if it is time to brush your teeth. Unless we’re talking about halitosis, which is chronic bad breath and should send you directly to the dentist or doctor. Try to lick the inside of your wrist, for example, and sniff it afterward. This should give you an idea of how your breath smells.
If you’re tired of struggling with bathroom odors, this article is definitely for you — we’ve compiled 10 great hacks to help you keep your bathroom smelling great. These tips and tricks will become game- changers to make your bathroom smell nice and get rid of that nasty stench forever.
It’s quite strange that there are still so many prejudices relating to pedicures in the 21st century. People, especially men, oftentimes feel too shy to visit a salon. Many of them try to cut their nails and file their heels at home before they visit a professional. Also, they ask to soak their feet in hot water because they are afraid that their feet don’t smell good. Turns out, professionals recommend not doing all this and having a more easygoing attitude toward this procedure.
In general, every one of us tries to make our home look and smell as good as possible. We want our space to be clean and safe. However, in an effort to accomplish this task, we make use of various objects that end up contaminating our homes instead of helping.