19 Coincidences That Can Be Called “One Chance in a Million”

year ago

Having your toothbrush save a falling mirror from breaking or wasps making a nest on your anti-wasp spray bottle are extremely rare events. Whether it’s luck or misfortune, some people live through moments you wouldn’t believe if they weren’t caught on camera. Thankfully, a few of them were!

Bright Side brings you proof of these one-in-a-million occurrences.

1. “Told my girlfriend it was impossible to stand a coin on its side.”

2. “I saw 4 generations of Honda Civics, in order of age, all in white.”

3. “Found an E that survived the recycling process on the cardboard we use at work.”

4. “Found a bowl in a vintage store made by the guy who inspired me as a kid. At home I realized it was in a book I’ve owned for 31 years.”

5. “A pigeon pooped a portrait of itself on a leaf.”

6. “My new robot vacuum decided to quit apparently.”

7. “Actor Sean Astin photo bombing me in 1993 at an inaugural ball and again 26 years later at Disneyland.”

8. “I was swiping on Tinder at the dispensary when I looked up and saw the girl I was about to swipe on.”

9. “I took the photo before the 1|3 symbol appeared on his phone screen.”

10. “These burned out lights perfectly align.”

11. “My brother hit every pin except 7,8,9, and 10. How odd is that?”

12. “Perfectly placed web”

13. “A leaf fell in front of my phone the second it took a timed photo.”

14. “My vanity mirror fell in my bathroom. It was saved from shattering by my toothbrush.”

15. “Wasps made a nest on my anti-wasp spray bottle.”

16. “Met Keanu Reeves once when I was 14, and again when I was 17. He was wearing the same t-shirt both times.”

17. “My friend’s dog had her own SHINY!”

18. “My dog’s white stripe lines up perfectly with the water’s edge.”

19. “Randomly found an old building that matches a painting I have.”

What is the most unlikely thing that has happened to you? Looking through your pics and stories in the comments is always the best part of the day for us. So come on!

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Please note: This article was updated in May 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit tortugatuba / Reddit


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