My Fiancé Had No Shame for Cheating on Me and Still Expected Me to Keep His Baby

2 months ago

Beneath their façade of a perfect relationship lay a heart-wrenching betrayal that shattered her world. This is the story of how one woman navigated through heartbreak, deceit, and the challenges of an unexpected pregnancy.

She unfolded her story.

I’m not sure how to begin. Recently, my fiancé revealed he’d been cheating on me for over a year. We’ve been together for a total of 7 years.

When he confessed, he also said he didn’t want to continue our relationship, which shattered me. We were high school sweethearts, so it hurt even more that he had his new girlfriend with him when he told me. It felt disrespectful that he brought her into the home we bought together.

As it was approaching, I planned to share the news of my pregnancy with him on his birthday. He always dreamed of having a big family, ideally with at least five children. While I didn’t want to have kids, I wasn’t opposed to the idea either.

The moment he ended our relationship, I knew I didn’t want to continue with the pregnancy. I couldn’t imagine co-parenting or raising a child alone. Despite having a stable job, I understand some may see my decision as selfish, but my well-being had to come first.

I told him I was pregnant when he broke up with me. His reaction showed a hint of regret or something. He told me he was fine with split custody, but I didn’t respond.

A few days later, I decided to have an abortion. I thought it was important to be honest with him and not give false hope, as I had no desire to see or speak to him again. When I texted him about my decision, he called me, questioning my decision and expressing disappointment: “Why would you do that??” He argued that I knew he wanted kids and should have discussed it earlier.

I feel conflicted about my choice. However, the thought of giving birth and overall having his baby makes me unhappy. I barely like kids and the thought of having one with someone who broke my heart is not helping. I’m feeling like a bad person now. He’s the only one to know about the abortion but not the pregnancy.

People offered their heartfelt support.

  • “You have the right to choose what happens to your body. Your feelings are valid. Don’t let him manipulate you. Your decision was about your future and well-being. Focus on healing and moving forward.” Flirty_Abby / Reddit
  • “I admire people like you. Often people get emotional and keep the pregnancy facing the co-parenting issue with an ex-spouse forever. You don’t deserve this. Hope you grow strong and wish you the best of luck.” Hot_Broccoli3501 / Reddit
  • “Pregnancy and birth is not a walk in the park, especially in your circumstances. Please don’t let him make you feel guilty. If he hadn’t cheated on you, you would still be together and starting a family together. He is the one who messed this whole thing up.” CrabbiestAsp / Reddit
  • “He had no say. He cheated on you and left you! And didn’t even have the decency to do it one on one. You did what was best for you. If he wants a family he can get his girlfriend pregnant. Good riddance!” iknowsomethings2 / Reddit
  • “It sounds like having a child would have cost her happiness. Also, this is a situation that would change your life forever... being a single mom, having to work the custody arrangements out, and having a selfish and unreasonable baby father... can have huge impacts on your life. If you aren’t sure you want kids, it is better to not put yourself in this situation.” poughlerbear / Reddit
  • “Surrogacy is expensive for a reason since no one would put themselves through pregnancy. Like, he’s not the one who’ll pee every time they sneeze.” EmeraldEmber- / Reddit
  • “He set you up to be a single mother with him as a perpetual headache. I’m guessing he never consulted with you before getting his new GF.” HMS_Slartibartfast / Reddit
  • “Absolutely nothing wrong with choosing yourself.” xasdfxx / Reddit
  • “The audacity of this man, I’m shocked. If you want a kid have one with your new GF then? Like, what? Why should your previous GF who you CHEATED on carry your child for you? Excuse me? If you want a surrogate then be prepared to pay. Wow.” treesofthemind / Reddit

Amid the heartbreak of betrayal and the complexities of an unexpected pregnancy, she found a source of strength she never knew she had. Learning from her story, it’s important to lean on your supportive friends and family, seek therapy, and focus on rebuilding your sense of self when faced with life’s toughest challenges.


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