15 Photos That Are So Expressive, You Can’t Help But Feel What They’re Feeling

3 years ago

baby confusingly staring at a long beard and a dog lovingly gazing at soap bubbles. These moments are filled with emotions that are better to see with your own eyes. Fortunately, in this day and age, cameras are everywhere and people manage to forever preserve these precious moments in an image.

Bright Side now gives you room to enjoy a selection of truly memorable pics. Be ready for a ton of laughs!

1. “My dog really loves bubbles.”

2. “My niece trying to figure out what’s on my face.”

3. “My friends adopted a new puppy. Don’t let the poker face fool you, he’s overjoyed.”

4. “Jumped in the bath tonight to put a smile on my daughter’s face. My wife took a pic and it’s the best one of us too.”

5. “I visited a cat shelter on a houseboat in Amsterdam and one of the cats didn’t like me very much.”

6. “Linda’s reaction to hearing a post about her art went viral online. She’s a lunch lady at my school.”

7. “My daughter’s priceless reaction when I decided to order an XL bowl of Pho.”

8. “My dog’s reaction to realizing my girlfriend is driving us on our road trip.”

9. “I think I confused my friend’s kid.”

10. “Wick flipping out about the snow.”

11. “My cat’s reaction to being outside for the first time.”

12. “This is the ridiculous face Pepper makes after getting peanut butter.”

13. “My daughter getting a present on her 1st birthday.”

14. “She wasn’t expecting 2 birds to land on her hand at the same time. Got the perfect reaction.”

15. “My daughter stepping on a LEGO.”

What’s the most hysterical photo you’ve ever taken? Are you good at capturing strong emotions with a camera? Tell us all about your talent or lucky moments in the comments.

Preview photo credit moon_jock / Reddit


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