While they may not all be cause for concern, some common signs our bodies give us as warnings of bigger problems are often ignored. When our health is at stake, it's always better to be safe than sorry, so it's a great idea to make a doctor's appointment when we notice these symptoms.
Whether it’s the start of a new year, a new you or new work, what most of us demand from our bodies is more energy. The time-old adage of drinking enough water, getting plenty of rest and eating right may sound clichéd. That being said, it’s exactly the kind of fuel and maintenance needed to keep our body fit, fine, and ready for any challenges we throw at it. On that note, here go some foods that beat fatigue, and why.
Our body deserves a standing ovation for all it goes through every day and definitely needs special care. So, get ready for a journey through a treasure trove of clever products designed for our comfort. We also did thorough research on each and every one of them, ensuring you’d make informed choices. Let’s dive right in!
What is the one thing that bothers you the most and takes you the longest to do every single day? For anything you might have in mind, there is always a tool or product that can make your life easier while offering great results. Whether it’s acne, pain relief or hair removal, we’ve got some great recommendations that you might find extremely useful. Just stick around until the end to find out what these products have to offer to you.
Most people are sure that humans only have 5 senses. But that’s not entirely true. Taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing aren’t the only ones we have. Scientists claim that people have between 9 and 20 senses in total. These include: thermoception — the sense of warmth; equilibrioception — the sense of balance. There’s also the sense of time — although not everyone seems to have that last one. We used to think there were just eight different blood types. But in reality, there are over 30 known blood group systems. Here on the Bright Side, our favorite blood group is B Positive. Get it?
Seems like to feel at home on any planet we need the four crucial elements: air, water, earth, and fire. I’m gonna tell you what you need to squeeze to get a glass of water on Mars, how to grow your salad there, charge your phone without getting an astronomical electricity bill, and even generate some fresh air!
Did you know that humans are real space people? You were born in Space. Heck, even I was born in Space. We all were born in Space! But for humans to be here on Earth, so many conditions have to be precisely correct that it is highly improbable that we even exist. But we do. First, we — and any other space creatures who might be out there — have to live on a planet orbiting a yellow-ish white star, not a red star or a blue star. Not a blue star because they burn out too quickly — in a few million years — there wouldn’t be time for evolution to do its relatively slow magic and produce intelligent beings. Blue stars also tend to swell up and turn red — when they collapse and explode! It makes it highly unlikely that any civilization could prosper near a blue star.
Regardless of whether your skin is young or mature, it definitely deserves to be taken care of in the best possible way. Often, these beauty products are on the expensive side, so you’re left looking for a way to keep your budget in check. Amazon is a platform that certainly has some of the best deals on skincare products. There, you can buy both luxury items and drugstore beauty products on sale. We were curious to see what skincare they had to offer, and you can see what we found below.
While they may not all be cause for concern, some common signs our bodies give us as warnings of bigger problems often get ignored. When our health is at stake, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So it’s a great idea to make a doctor’s appointment when we notice these symptoms.
People choose to become vegetarians for many reasons. Some do it for their health, while others decide to stop eating meat for ethical reasons. Although a vegetarian diet surely has lots of benefits, giving up meat all of a sudden may result in some unexpected and quite unpleasant side effects. Just like any drastic dietary change, going off meat is very stressful for your body, and it may cause some withdrawal symptoms at first.
Some of us were lucky to be born with naturally voluminous and shiny hair, but for many, it might take some work. While you can always fake the fullness with volumizing shampoos, it’s only a temporary fix and doesn’t actually affect the structure of your hair shaft. But there is actually a lot you can do to make your hair grow faster and thicker, and most of these methods are simple and easily affordable.
More than 50% of women can experience noticeable hair loss in their lifetime. This especially applies to women older than 40 who have just had babies or started menopause. Yes, you can cut your hair short, but still, it’s worth trying to overcome the problem.
There is a correlation between different veggies’ colors and the health benefits they provide. Red veggies are renowned for their antioxidant properties, while green ones are famous for aiding in good eye health — and yellow veggies are often considered a good source of protein. But how should we eat all these foods to maximize their nutritional perks?
The wrong beauty routine can lead to dry, irritated, red skin. Sometimes we even don’t realize that we’re actually harming our face by using very expensive products. That’s because it’s not always about the price of skincare, but rather, the right treatment.
It may seem like adding one more vegetable to your diet won’t make a big difference — but it really can — as long as you make sure to include it in your meals every day. Because vegetables have so many vitamins and minerals in them, they can provide your body with healthy nutrients and even prevent some unpleasant health issues. For example, bell peppers can keep your skin looking young and toned.
Many people love adding a splash of maple syrup to meals to sweeten them up. And as it turns out, this popular breakfast sweetener has so many health and beauty benefits to it, it’s become a kind of real liquid gold. It contains lots of healthy compounds, and one of them, known as quebecol, is named after the Canadian province of Quebec that produces 70% of the world’s supply of this natural sweetener.
Clogged pores, genetics, age, and sun damage are the main causes of enlarged pores. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t minimize them. It’s absolutely possible to reduce this problem if you pick the right treatment and do some basic cleaning procedures.
Stretch marks usually begin as red or purple and slowly change their color to white over time. Fresh marks appear redder because blood vessels are still in the growth phase and it’s the ideal time to start treatment. White stretch marks have been on your body for a long time and they’re more difficult to treat but you can still help them fade naturally.
A runny nose, a scratchy throat, and nonstop sneezing — sounds like you’re dealing with a pesky cold. You might not have the appetite of a grizzly bear at the moment, but you still have to eat something. The right foods can help strengthen your immune system and improve your symptoms sooner, while the wrong foods can make you feel even worse.
Since ancient times, cucumbers have been used in India in meals as well as in traditional medicine. In a warm country like India, cucumbers can help provide necessary hydration and coolness to the body. And that’s not the only benefit this fruit provides (yes, it’s a fruit, not a vegetable).
A bad taste in your mouth may be the symptom of something harmless or something serious. Whether it’s a bitter, sour, metallic, or sweet taste the reasons behind it could be numerous. That is why it’s a good idea to review what you’ve been eating over the past days, how you’ve been feeling, and sometimes even get to know your family’s medical history.
Traditionally beards are considered to be a sign of masculinity, power, strength, and wisdom. However, in the pursuit of getting a full and radiant beard, many men fail due to the uncontrollable itchiness at the beginning and improper beard care that can make it look lackluster and dull.
The most common thing to do with banana peels is to throw them in the trash. However, there are various miraculous uses for this frequently-overlooked product. The peels can be used in your kitchen as a cleaning product or in your beauty routine.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, they say. So corny, isn’t it? However, nutritionists and doctors haven’t stopped recommending oatmeal in the morning for breakfast. And you know, it works! For example, it can help lower the risk of heart disease.
You have probably seen crooked ginger root at the supermarket and not known what to do with it. But its useful medicinal properties have been well-known since ancient times. It’s a source of vitamins, micronutrients, and essential oils that have strengthening, invigorating, and anti-inflammatory effects on the body.
Beauty is made up of many things. But it’s safe to say that healthy and well-kept hair plays one of the key roles in creating a unique and attractive image.