15+ Animals Who Blend in With the Surroundings Like It’s Their Job

3 years ago

If you can’t find your pet in your own house, don’t panic. Chances are, they’ve mastered the art of camouflage, just like the heroes of our article. Cats, dogs, and even a pet mouse — they all can disappear in plain sight, like chameleons, merging with the background. Some of them are so good at it, they can even “mimic” the texture of blankets, rugs, and other household items, which makes finding them even harder.

We at Bright Side found these 17 camouflaged pets who can blend in with the surroundings so well, their humans often spend quite a lot of time searching for them. If your pets are just as good at disguising themselves as something else, you’re welcome to share your pics too.

1. “This bathroom rug has a tail — oh, wait!”

2. “I chose the new kitchen tiles because I liked the look of them. Did not realize how well the dog matched it until I literally tripped over her.”

3. This kitty can blend in with the background just as good as a chameleon.

4. “I almost trip over her every time I go up the stairs.”

5. Quite a risky color choice for a chair if there’s a black cat in the house...

6. Total gray

7. “Not allowed on the bed but thinks no one can see him.”

8. “My dog’s BFF stayed with us for a few days and camouflaged amazingly well against the throw we use on our dog bed.”

9. “My pet mouse blends with my partner’s pajamas.”

10. Please be careful going up the stairs!

11. “My cat disappears into the deck!”

12. “Where is Lola? We can’t find her anywhere!”

13. Catouflage at its best

14. A pawsome match!

15. “I went to take a nap and found my bed purring.”

16. This cat could probably go unnoticed in the snow-covered garden if it wasn’t wearing a red collar.

17. “The way my cat blends into our blanket”

Are your pets good at camouflage? Can you show us some pictures of them blending in with the surroundings so well that you can hardly find them? Share your photos in the comments!

Preview photo credit AFeast/Reddit


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