15 Creative Minds Who Gave Old Furniture a New Lease on Life

2 years ago

Old furniture often becomes a pain in the neck for the owners who decide to redecorate their homes. We start to think about how to utilize it and whom to pass it to. However, there are people for whom things of this nature are a true gem. Thus, an old chest of drawers can turn into a perfect gift for a daughter, while a broken bed carcass can become a cool flower holder.

We at Bright Side checked the results of some handymen’s work and enjoyed it a lot. Now we know for sure that any old thing can be turned into a stylish interior item if you add a bit of imagination.

“Got this end table at a garage sale. Added wallpaper on the sides. The fronts are Hallmark wrapping paper.”

I really hope the papers are removeable without damaging the original too much.


“My daughter put this out behind our house when she got a new bed. I went and hauled it back in.”

“She gave me such a hard time about it. Now that it is set up, she can see why I kept it.”

“Gave our old cabinet a new lease on life.”

“Printer stand made from an old office chair with a worn-out seat. Removed the seat and bolted on a piece of shelving.”

“Found at our local recycling center, bought for pennies. Turned it into a quick project for our Harry-Potter-mad daughter.”

“Found these rocking chairs by the side of the road. I’m actually not happy with the outcome of the arms and may sand it down and try again.”

“I see abandoned furniture as a blank canvas.”

“Salvaged some vintage chairs with blue linen.”

“Upcycled a discarded dresser with a broken drawer.”

“It just needed glue and clamps to reattach and function again. I sanded down to bare wood and whitewashed it using a bit of paint.”

“Believe me I tried!!!! Still not bad for a first go!!!”

“Upcycling a dumpster-found dresser. I bought the drawer pulls and put the knobs together myself! Thinking it will look great in a bedroom.”

“Bought this chair for pennies. There were moments when I thought, ‘Am I making it worse?’ But I like how it turned out!”

Restoration of a table from the ’60s

“Couldn’t leave this adorable cabinet on the curb on garbage day. So it came home for a makeover!”

“Old handmade writing desk turned into a changing table for the new nursery. Have to give credit to my wonderful wife — it really was her vision.”

Have you ever given a new lease on life to old furniture?

Preview photo credit RayceC / Reddit


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