15+ Pics That Show the Power of Genetics

2 years ago

Sometimes we underestimate just how much genes can dictate our features. Some people are almost exact clones of their ancestors, whilst others have inherited some of their parents’ distinctive features. Either way, it should come as no surprise that we all at least look somewhat like our biological relatives.

Today at Bright Side, we’ll see just how powerful genes are in determining how we look. We’ve collected 17 awesome photos of people showing off their striking resemblance to their relatives!

1. “Found a pic of my mom at 3. It blew my mind how much she looked like my kid at 3.”

2. “I look like my great-great-grandfather”

3. Reese Witherspoon’s daughter is a spitting image of her!

4. “Here is my paternal line! Me, top left, and read like a book through to my great-great-grandfather.”

5. “My paternal grandfather’s photo compared to me. I definitely got my father’s genes.”

6. “My mother insists I look like my grandfather (1942)”

7. “Sometimes I wonder how much I look like my dad. Then I see pictures of him when he was my age!”

8. “A picture of me vs My great-grandparents”

9. “I’ve been told I look like my mother.”

10. “People tell me I look like my dad, so I dressed as him circa 40 years ago for Halloween.”

11. “Me, my dad, and my grandad!”

12. “Everyone always told me I look like my grandfather.”

13. “My aunts say I resemble my great-grandmother.”

14. “Check out the similarities between Gwyneth Paltrow and her daughter Apple!”

15. “Left is me in 2014, right is my grandpa in 1963.”

16. “The resemblance between me and my grandfather”

17. “My granda and I when we were teens.”

Who in your family do you think you look most like? Share your pics!

Preview photo credit SingOneForMe / Reddit


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Me and my little brother in law are similar in face shape. He looks like the childhood me 😁

Comment with image on Bright Side

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