I would say a bottle nosed ANGRY dolphin ?
20 Times Clouds Turned the Skies Into a Theater Stage
Lying on the grass, watching the clouds passing you by, and playing the game “What does this cloud look like?” is perhaps one of the best activities to do on a hot summer day. A crocodile cloud here, a kissing cloud there — it’s all up to your imagination. Let’s find out if you were able to see the same things we saw in the clouds in this article.
Bright Side spent another weekend and our imagination to its fullest trying to find the clouds that look like something and here’s what we’ve found (with the help of internet users, of course). Don’t miss our interesting bonus at the end.
1. “This cloud looks just like a feather”
2. The portal has opened.
3. “The clouds outside my plane window look like an alien landscape.”
4. Who is this dog running after?
5. Shark attack!
6. “The clouds looked like a rolling ocean tonight.”
7. The man in the clouds
8. This cloud looks like a bottle-nosed dolphin.
9. The UFO cloud
10. The eagle is taking off.
20. The kiss

Have you managed to spot any unusual clouds this summer? We would be glad to hear from you in the comments!
when I was a kid I also liked to look at the skies and try to find figures in clouds. Weird but as I grew older, I stopped doing it
nature might be the best artist :)
Great photos

Just a few dolphins in the sky...

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