8 Photos That Have So Much Drama You Might Need Tissues

8 months ago

Being stuck in the friend zone is one of the most heartbreaking and disappointing situations anyone can find themselves in. When you are interested in someone who is not as interested in you, you should try and not show too much attention on this person, according to Dr. Jeremy Nicholson. When you act needy, the person won’t love you but will actually take you for granted. But, no matter what experts say, people still get stuck in the friend zone, with the pain deriving from this situation being equal to being stabbed in the chest.

Bright Side collected 21 images that show the savage effects of friend-zoning.

1. You are too savage, woman.

2. Why do you even try?

3. Just let it go. She doesn’t want to understand.

4. Because that’s what he was dreaming of...

5. “My fortune cookie’s trying to start some drama with my wife and I.”

6. “Friendzone lvl 99”

7. Cats get friend-zoned too!

8. Finally a happy ending!

Have you ever been in a situation where you were friend-zoned when you wanted something more? Please share your experiences with us down in the comments section.

Preview photo credit kartoqraf / reddit, unknown / imgur


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