Why Mosquitos Sing Near Your Ears and How You Can Avoid it

4 years ago

While only female mosquitoes feed on human blood, both males and females can produce that pesky buzzing sound that keeps you awake at night. However, they don’t do this simply because they want to annoy you — they’ve got their own strong reasons for it.

Bright Side would like to clear up some myths about “singing” mosquitoes and help you avoid them.

They’re attracted to ear wax.

According to research, mosquitoes are attracted to smelly areas of the body. When we sleep, we usually cover our bodies with a blanket, leaving our faces exposed. Ears are one of the dirtiest parts of the body, which might be the reason why mosquitoes like to hover above them.

The sound is made by their wings.

Even though it sounds like an annoying song, mosquitoes aren’t actually singing in your ears. The sound is made by the rapid fluttering of their wings, which is as fast as 250 motions per second. It has also been found that mosquitoes communicate with each other by making sounds and can even make a “mating duet.”

Your body heat draws them in.

Searching for food to develop her eggs, a female mosquito looks for humans by detecting body heat and sweat. The carbon dioxide we exhale invites mosquitoes toward our heads when we’re sleeping, which is another reason why we hear them buzzing near our ears.

Here’s how you can ensure a peaceful sleep.

  • Wear light-colored clothes to sleep since mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors.
  • Take a bath before sleeping to keep off sweat.
  • Avoid drinking beer.
  • Sleep under a fast-moving fan.
  • Put plants like lavender, rosemary, and catnip in your room. They’re natural mosquito repellents.

Have you ever experienced mosquitoes buzzing in your ears at night? How do you deal with it?


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Hm.. the lavender idea seems reasonable. When it becomes warmer I will try it


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