14 Little Details That Make Even the Most Stylish Image Look Tasteless

Sometimes, events in movies and TV shows look so unrealistic that they give us more questions than answers. For example, what money did the characters in Friends use to live in such expensive apartments? Why did the couple in A Quiet Place decide to have another child with hungry monsters all around them?
It seems that the writers just didn’t care enough to explain these things. But, in fact, many of the things we call “plot holes” are actually very easy to explain.
The huge apartment with lilac walls Monica lived in is an essential part of Friends. Renting such a place in one of the most expensive cities in the world would cost at least $2,500 per month. That’s a lot of money for someone who works as a chef.
But it turns out the writers took care of this issue. Monica could pay the rent because it was fixed at $200 per month. The thing is, Monica inherited the apartment from her grandmother, and the rent hadn’t changed since the 1940s.
In The Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne spent 20 years digging the tunnel to escape from jail. He covered the hole in the wall with his Rita Hayworth poster. Some viewers couldn’t understand how Andy was able to put the poster back in place after he crawled into the tunnel.
It’s simple: if you keep the top part of the poster on the wall, get into the tunnel and let it go, the poster will just fall back in place.
The mirror shard appears in the films very unexpectedly. So, in Deathly Hallows, when Harry was in danger, he pulls the shard out and asks the stranger he sees there for help. It all seems strange if you haven’t read the book or don’t remember all the details. It’s just that the writers forgot to tell the story of this artifact.
In the fifth book, Sirius gave the mirror to Harry to be able to speak through it. Later, the artifact broke, but Harry kept it. Aberforth Dumbledore had the second piece, and he sent Dobby to help the characters.
All the Cullen children in Twilight go to school, which is a weird thing to do for immortal vampires. Considering their age (the youngest is 17), the Cullens could go to college or find jobs instead of learning the same things over and over again. So why didn’t they?
The thing is, they need to stay close for their own safety. This is because Carlisle works as a doctor in a small town, which means that his “children” need to act accordingly so that nobody gets suspicious. And the situation repeats in every new place they move to.
Additionally, each of the young vampires has a complex personality. After each time they moved, Edward would continue to go to school, so they could stick together and watch each other’s backs.
In the first part of The Hunger Games, Katniss didn’t let her sister, Prim, take tesserae (in exchange for food). Prim would have to sign up for the games, but if Prim got picked, Katniss could volunteer for her anyway. It seemed very illogical because they would still get more food.
The explanation is that if Prim takes tesserae, she will keep getting her name entered into the games more often every year, including after Katniss turns 18 and becomes ineligible to volunteer.
The decision to have another child in A Quiet Place seems very strange. There are monsters around, no help, and you can’t ask an infant to be quiet.
But according to internet users, there’s nothing strange about it. Many people forget that after the monsters appeared, people didn’t have many birth control options. Pregnancy is not always planned, so it’s not like the characters decided to have a baby — it just happened.
Many viewers are still wondering why Kevin McCallister’s mom just didn’t call home to find out if her son was okay. This simple action would have solved a lot of problems.
In fact, Kevin’s mom tried to call home several times, but due to an accident, people in the city were disconnected. But Kevin still called a pizza place and ordered a cheese pizza.
There’s an explanation for this too. In the 1990s, many families used 2 different providers for local and long-distance calling. It’s very possible that the power line that was knocked over was for long-distance calling, but the local line was still okay.
In Armageddon, a giant asteroid is moving toward Earth. To avoid a collision, scientists come up with a smart plan. But an oil field worker finds a lot of weak parts about the plan and offers help. Together with his team, he goes to the asteroid.
The film is often criticized for the decision to send a team of drillers to space instead of teaching astronauts to drill. But online users say that NASA and other agencies do it all the time: they often hire specialists for certain missions. Besides, drilling and similar tasks require many years of training.
Bruce Willis’s job is to complete the mission, not pilot the ship. There’s a special crew for piloting.
At the end of Signs, the characters find out that the aliens are allergic to water. This is strange because they are developed to travel through space and could’ve chosen any other planet. How can they be stupid enough to choose Earth, a planet that’s mostly full of water?
The most attentive viewers noticed that the film never says the creatures are aliens. They might be demons, which is why the water saved the priest’s family because it was holy water.
The main plot device of Citizen Kane are the last words of the main character. He utters, “Rosebud,” and people wondered what he meant.
Many viewers didn’t understand who heard Charles because he was alone in the shot. The explanation is simple: the butler heard his last words, as he was nearby.
In House of the Dragon, Rhaenyra had 5 relatively simple deliveries. At the end of the season, she felt that her sixth baby was about to be born, even though it was still early. And the strangest thing was that she refused all the help. Why? Did she think she’d do better without medical help?
It’s easy to explain. Rhaenyra remembered her mother who died during a difficult birth, and the midwives were there. Rhaenyra didn’t let anyone control the situation, and she wanted all the control.
What other movies do you think have plot holes that need to be explained?