ooo these are pretty nice fashion tips
14 Little Details That Make Even the Most Stylish Image Look Tasteless
A slight unkemptness in appearance is trendy nowadays, but there are things that have nothing to do with this movement that simply border with grubbiness. Even a woman with a nice-looking appearance can look un-put-together if she stops looking out for the little details that completely spoil any well-thought-out image.
Bright Side spotted insignificant-at-first-glance details in an overall look that can completely spoil the first impression about someone.
1. Wrinkles on tights

It’s said that a wrinkle on the face is better than a wrinkle on your tights. In order to avoid getting the latter, one had better pay proper attention to the size of the tights. Items that are too big will slide down, creating wrinkles in the knee and ankle areas. Also, make sure to examine the composition of the item. If it has less than 5% elastane, the thighs will sag because the Lycra is only in the waist area.
2. Incorrectly chosen underwear
The main rule of underwear is that they should stay under clothes and not be obvious to those in our surroundings. The denser the fabric on our top layer of clothing, the more decorative the details can be on our bra and panties. For tight clothes, you should opt for smooth and seamless underwear. For clothes with an open back, you can go for a backless bra.
3. Spots on the skin left by cheap jewelry
If you know that your jewelry leaves green or black spots and stripes on your skin, make sure to cover the accessories with transparent nail polish from the inside. This will keep the skin from being stained.
4. Uneven seams on clothes
It only takes a couple of seconds to check the correct location of seams before you leave home. Twisted trouser-legs, tights, or sleeves not only look extremely inaccurate but also cause discomfort because they form folds in places folds are not supposed to be and they de-form clothes. Moreover, twisted legs on jeans make legs look curvier and more uneven.
5. 2 voluminous bags carried together
It’s trendy to wear 2 bags simultaneously nowadays. They can be in one style but of different sizes, or they can even be equal. However, tote bags are not intended for everyday wear as an additional bag. They can serve a good purpose when shopping, for example. Wearing a bag like this every day creates an unkempt look. If you need to take many things with you every day, you should consider getting yourself one big, spacious accessory.
6. The habit to making too many adjustments to your outfit
If you feel uncomfortable wearing certain clothes, you should not use them outside your home. Constant fidgeting with your clothes creates the impression that you feel extremely nervous.
7. Split ends
Many girls encounter this issue. This may be due to a lack of vitamins, overdrying, or bad weather conditions. Some girls ignore the fact the ends of their hair don’t look nice and don’t cut them, trying to grow longer hair. However, strands sticking out in different directions create an unkempt look. Short but healthy hair with a nice cut looks much better.
8. White clothes that have lost their color
Even snow-white clothes tend to obtain a yellowish or grayish hue over time. This can be seen on the entire item or the item might have random yellow stains. Try using bleach, baking soda with vinegar, lemon juice, toothpaste, or aspirin to regain the snow-white look of your wardrobe items. In order to keep clothes white longer, make sure to always wash them separately from clothes of other colors.
9. Stains and spots on glasses
The effect of a stylish frame can be easily spoiled by dirty lenses. Make sure to always keep a microfiber cloth at hand and wipe your glasses from time to time. If deep scratches happen to appear on your lenses, it’s better to replace them.
10. Oversized clothes without accents
Oversized clothes are extremely trendy today, but if you ignore enhancing your curves, these clothes can make any body shape look shapeless. You can tuck large tops into your trousers, or add a belt to accentuate your waist and balance out the proportions.
11. Using makeup foundation as lipstick
Girls often prefer applying a makeup foundation instead of nude-shade of lipstick, to achieve the effect of makeup without makeup on the lips. However, this product isn’t suitable for being applied to the lips because of its texture. It often rolls up and gathers in the wrinkles. The result yields unkempt-looking lips. For this type of makeup, you should use moisturizing lipsticks in nude shades.
12. Leggings instead of pants
Leggings are a wonderful option for playing sports. They can be worn instead of tights with an elongated sweatshirt. After all, leggings are not pants, and wearing them with a crop top and high heels is definitely not a good idea. You’ll look as if you have left your home without having completed your overall look.
13. Sleeves that are too long
Sleeves that are too long and that reach the fingers make the overall look feel unkempt, while sleeves that are too short look a bit childish. The best option is when a sleeve finishes a bit lower than the wrist bone. They can be hemmed, which will provide you with a more neat look or you can learn to roll them up in a cool way.
14. Wrinkled sleeves
Rolled-up sleeves make the look more relaxed. It might seem that there is nothing difficult about it — you can simply wrinkle your sleeves — it’s both easy and simple. However, this type of rolling-up looks messy and crumpled, moreover, the sleeves will continue sliding down, back to their initial position. In order to avoid this from happening, you can fold the end, which will make the fabric more dense and it will not slide down. There are also other options.
Until the elbow. Unbutton the cuffs. Tuck the edge of the sleeve gently to the wrong side and roll it up several times. The main thing to keep in mind is to not fold the fabric so that it becomes too thick — it will create the impression that the top you are wearing is too small on you.
Italian style. Unbutton the sleeves and roll the sleeve inside out so that the cuff is above the elbow. Now fold only the bottom part of the sleeve 2 times without tucking the cuff into it. If everything is done correctly, the cuff will peek out slightly.
J. Crew (named after the brand of the same name, which made this method popular). The technicality is the same as in the Italian method. It differs from the previous roll-up by a more unkempt way of folding.
One-time fold. You only need to roll up the sleeves once. This is suitable for shirts, blazers, and jeans jackets. Pay attention to the accuracy of the roll — it will make the overall look more noble.
What details in a person’s look can turn you off?

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