15 Pairs of Movie Characters Who Are Actually the Same Age

year ago

We usually don’t really think about how old our favorite movie characters are. So, it’s even more interesting to find out that some of them are actually the same age, like Hermione and Angélique.

Hermione (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) and Angélique (Angélique, Marquise des Anges) — 17 years old

Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks) and Veronica (Veronica Mars) — 17 years old

Peter Parker (Spider-Man: Homecoming) and Clark Kent (Smallville, season 1) — 15 years old

Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia) and Eleven (Stranger Things, Season 1) — 12 years old

Caroline (The Vampire Diaries) and Frances (Dirty Dancing) — 17 years old

Danny Zuko (Grease) and Newt (The Maze Runner) —18 years old

Ginny (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) and Daenerys (Game of Thrones, Season 1) — 16 years old

Cathy Linton (Wuthering Heights) and Scarlett (Gone with the Wind) —16 years old

Sandy Olsson (Grease) and Tatyana Larina (Onegin) — 17 years old

Jennifer (Jennifer’s Body) and Rosie (Love, Rosie) — 17 years old

Marty McFly (Back to the Future) and Thomas (The Maze Runner) — 17 years old

Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) and Kaz Brekker (Shadow and Bone) — 17 years old

Jane (Jane Eyre) and Teresa (The Maze Runner) — 19 years old

Beatrice (Divergent) and Inej (Shadow and Bone) — 16 years old

Peeta (The Hunger Games) and Frank Abagnale (Catch Me If You Can) — 16 years old


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