A Couple Was Flying Home With Their Newly Adopted 8-Day-Old Daughter, and Got a Baby Shower Right on the Plane

4 years ago

If you’ve ever flown in a plane, you certainly know that sitting next to a crying baby is not ideal. But for the passengers who flew on the same plane with Dustin Moore and his wife Caren, the presence of their little baby turned out to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The entire Bright Side team was deeply touched by Dustin’s story, so we’d love to share it with you.

In November 2019, Dustin and his wife boarded a Southwest Airlines flight to travel back home to California with their 8-day-old daughter who they had just adopted in Colorado.

When the couple boarded the plane, Moore immediately apologized to his fellow passengers. As he was maneuvering the aisle with 4 bags and his wife was carrying the precious bundle, both of them knew that they could cause some serious trouble for the people sitting around them.

The new parents had struggled to have a baby for 9 years and they were absolutely thrilled that day as they were being “blessed with their first child.” They felt scared but determined in their new role as parents, but they didn’t know yet what surprises they would get from other passengers on that plane.

About mid-flight, their baby daughter woke up because she needed a fresh diaper, so Dustin had to ask the crew for a table to change her on. Jenny, a very thoughtful flight attendant, cleared some space for them in the back of the plane and gave them privacy.

After the change, Jenny and another passenger asked why the couple was traveling with such a young baby, and Moore told them their story about how they adopted her and were bringing her home. The passengers were amazed by the story and offered up compliments and words of congratulations for their beautiful daughter.

About 10 minutes later, another flight attendant named Bobby came up to the couple with a warm smile and asked about their baby. They repeated the story with a few details, received more congratulations, and then Bobby went away.

Suddenly, they heard Bobby’s voice on the intercom. He announced that there was a special guest on the plane, their daughter! He said, “She’s just been adopted by her parents Caren and Dustin and is making her way home.” At that point, the entire cabin erupted in cheers and applause.

As it turned out, Jenny did more than just offer congratulations — she told all the other crew members about their story.

Bobby invited all the passengers to write down some pieces of advice or encouragement for the family and the crew passed out pens and napkins to everyone.

Then Bobby gathered all the napkins and started reading some of the messages over the intercom:

  • “Rub each other’s feet, and rub the baby’s feet.”
  • “Make time for date night.”
  • “Always tell her you love her.”
  • “Enjoy every minute. It goes by sooo very fast.”

Bobby and Jenny ended up collecting about 60 messages for the new parents. They also presented the couple with a set of pilot wings for their daughter.

To remember this amazing flight home, Dustin and Caren put all the napkins in a photo album which they hope one day to pass on to their daughter.

As it turned out, the 2 flight attendants were married, and someone did a similar act of kindness for them during their honeymoon flight. So they thought it was the perfect opportunity to pay forward the good deeds to the Moores.

The couple was deeply touched by the kindness of the crew members and passengers. Dustin wrote on his Twitter page, “The outpouring of love from that flight, brought on by the actions of 2 thoughtfully observant flight attendants...it exceeds my ability to describe what it meant to us. How much those wings and written notes uplifted 2 new parents determined to love their new daughter.”

Have you ever taken part in such acts of kindness? Please share your heartwarming stories in the comments below.

Preview photo credit Dustin Moore, MS, RD / twitter


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I'm so glad to know this couple finally got their kid and they're happy


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