Daniel Radcliffe Went on Reddit to Answer Any Questions, and Now We Admire Him Even More

year ago

It’s hard to believe that a 6-year-old boy who played a monkey in a school play would suddenly get the title of the highest-grossing actor, according to the Guinness World Records. Although we can’t meet him personally, at least the Internet made it possible to get to know him better. Reddit users got the chance to learn more about this talented actor and ask him absolutely anything.

Bright Side picked 12 questions that we’ve all probably wanted to ask, but never could.

1. “What was the best prank you pulled on the Harry Potter set?”

  • “I should tell you about the one that was pulled on me, rather than any I pulled. In the third film, there’s a shot in the great hall of all the kids sleeping. The camera starts wide and comes in an inch from my face. Alan Rickman decided to plant a fart machine in my sleeping bag, and they waited until the camera had come in for this developing shot, and then unleashed this tremendous noise in the hall.
    I thought it was one of the kids messing around, but it was one of the members of Britain’s acting royalty. I laughed a lot and was a bit embarrassed.”

2. “What does your ideal breakfast consist of, and how do you take your tea?”

  • “I don’t really drink much tea! If I do, it’s with a little bit of milk and no sugar. My ideal breakfast would be eggs Benedict with a large bowl of cereal with milk. Oh, yeah, and no fruit, just basically eggs, bacon, bread, and cereal in any form is my ideal breakfast.”

3. “Have you been approached for a role in Game of Thrones? What character were you offered/like to play?”

  • “I haven’t been approached! And I don’t know what I would do. My lack of Game of Thrones knowledge was revealed in an interview a while ago. I’d totally side with the Starks, though, because their symbol is a wolf.”

4. “Are you a horror fan? Can you tell us your favorite horror movies?”

  • “Yeah! The Shining is probably my favorite, and Straw Dogs, and tell you what, just because it has a nostalgic place in my heart — Anaconda.”

5. “Are you a cat person or a dog person?”

  • “Dog. Very, very firmly in the dog camp here.”

6. “What’s your spirit animal?”

Invision/Invision/East News
  • “I would definitely say a wolf. 100%. I’ve been obsessed with them since I was very young. A grey wolf, to be specific.”

7. “What do you look for in a good script when you’re being approached for a role?”

Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection/East News
  • “Originality, wit, a good moment of transformation for a character so he isn’t the same at the end of the story. Or the story itself, it’s all those things you’re looking for! It could be the director you’re doing the movie with or people you’re going to be working with, those are all things you factor in when deciding what you’re going to be doing next.”

8. “Which actors do you want to work with in the future?”

  • “George Clooney, Jennifer Lawrence. I think they’d be really cool. Paul Rudd, I met him and was like, ’You’re awesome!’ I just want to work with people you can get on with, and have a good rapport with. People like the Coen Brothers, or Wes Anderson, Paul Thomas Anderson, Christopher Nolan, it’s directors I suppose I get more excited about than actors.”

9. “Not including Harry Potter, who is your favorite character in the franchise?”

  • “Probably Sirius. I always loved the character. Gary’s portrayal of him was perfect. Or Lupin. Any of the characters my dad used to hang out with, other than Wormtail. There was always something about those 2 guys I loved a lot.”

10. “What’s one thing in your life that you are striving to improve, and what are you doing to improve it?”

  • “I suppose I’m trying to care less what people think of me, and the way I have done that, very successfully the past few months now, is to not look at stuff on the internet. That’s the key.”

11. “Do you prefer Dan, Daniel, Danny, or what?”

  • “Just ’Dan’ is best. ’Daniel’ is fine, but I always sort of think I’m in trouble. And if you call yourself ’Danny’ you give everyone around you the right to sing ’Danny Boy’ to you all the time, and it’s a nice song, but once you’ve heard it 1,000 times, you don’t want to hear it every time you introduce yourself to somebody.”

12. “What is the weirdest thing someone has asked you to sign?”

Steven Ferdman/Everett Collection/East News
  • “I’ve signed a picture of Elijah Wood. I was on a red carpet in Japan, and a Japanese man gave me a picture of Elijah, and I knew I wasn’t going to get past the language barrier to explain, so I wrote, ’I’m not Elijah Wood, signed Daniel Radcliffe.’ People also seem obsessed with getting me to sign baseballs, which I don’t understand. Quidditch balls would be relevant, but just baseballs, for no reason at all.”

What would you ask Daniel Radcliffe if you got the chance? In what movie did you see him for the first time?

Preview photo credit Steven Ferdman/Everett Collection/East News, richardwrinkle / Reddit, Daniel-Radcliffe / Reddit


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