How 20+ Famous Couples Who Have Gone Through Many Things in Life Look Today

3 years ago

Marriage is not an easy thing. To live many long and happy years together, people need to make concessions, find compromises, and not lose themselves in these relationships. But if you love someone, every year spent with this person becomes a true gift. Many celebrities proved it by their own examples and their long-lasting relationships can’t help but inspire the whole world.

We at Bright Side decided to find out how famous couples who have lived together for many years changed.

1. Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson, married for 26 years

2. Mark Ruffalo and Sunrise Coigney, married for 22 years

3. Christopher Walken and Georgianne Walken, married for 53 years

4. Annette Bening and Warren Beatty, married for 30 years

5. Amy Adams and Darren Le Gallo, together for 20 years

6. Denzel Washington and Pauletta Washington, together for 38 years

7. Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, married for 25 years

8. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, married for 34 years

9. Michelle Pfeiffer and David E. Kelley, married for 29 years

10. Jeff Bridges and Susan Geston, married for 45 years

11. Sting and Trudie Styler, married for 30 years

12. Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard, together for 20 years

13. Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller, together for 18 years

14. Tina Turner and Erwin Bach, together for 36 years

15. Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan, married for 34 years

16. Elizabeth Banks and Max Handelman, married for 19 years

17. Viola Davis and Julius Tennon, married for 19 years

18. Bryan Cranston and Robin Dearden, married for 33 years

19. Joel McHale and Sarah Williams, married for 26 years

20. Mark Wahlberg and Rhea Durham, together for 21 years

21. Steve Carell and Nancy Carell, married for 27 years

22. Brooke Shields and Chris Henchy, married for 21 years

What, in your opinion, is the secret to a happy marriage?


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