Emoji Quiz: How Many Songs Can You Guess?

6 years ago

When we listen to our favorite music, our brain releases dopamine, making us happy and even giving us chills. So most of us consider ourselves music lovers. But how many of us are real music experts?

We at Bright Side want to challenge you and check how many songs from our list you can guess.


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Tap to see the answer


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Tap to see the answer


Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer


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Tap to see the answer


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Tap to see the answer

So, how many songs have you guessed?

1 — 5 songs:

Well, you have other talents.

6 — 10 songs:

Not bad! We are impressed.

11 — 15 songs:

Wow! We have a real expert here.

Did you expect the results that you got? If you have your own emoji quizzes, we would like to see them in the comments.

Preview photo credit 2018 Emojipedia


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Well, since you did mostly songs that I've literally never heard of at all, I suppose I did pretty good.
However, you completely screwed up #6! It's been done by probably a dozen or more artists, long before Timberlake ever picked up a mike, many even before he was born. It's been done by artists as diverse as Crystal Gayle (she did great with it!) and Aerosmith (they did great with it, too!), and several others, as well. LOL, to list Timberlake as the artist that the song belongs to is absurd! I would suggest you do a bit of research when you claim songs are a specific artist's next time. And, next time, please do songs that people who aren't pop fans can have a decent shot at, and maybe songs that actually earned some recognition, too. Most of these, I guessed a "close enough" on, since I literally have never heard them.


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