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You know a date is going south when even the waiter can tell it’s doomed before the appetizers hit the table. These are 10 awkward moments when servers witnessed the end of a romance before it even had a chance to begin. If you’ve ever had a rough first date, these stories might just make you feel better about your own!
A guy and his date came in for Valentine's Day. They had a great time, ate a lot of food, and got along well with my co-worker who was their server. 2 months later, they come back and request my co-worker again, who happily says yes to serving them.
He goes up and greets them, the guy introduces his wife to him, and my co-worker mentions something about how much he enjoyed serving them on Valentine's Day. They go quiet. Wife gets up and leaves, guy just lowers his head.
Turns out he'd brought his mistress in on Valentine's Day, but my co-worker didn’t realize he was with a different woman this time around, so didn’t think anything of it. We never saw the guy again.
Vesploogie / Reddit
Worked at this Japanese restaurant. One guy comes and orders a bunch of sushi to go, says he's going to surprise his girlfriend. He comes back 30 minutes later and asks us if he could return some of the sushi.
His girlfriend has a seafood allergy and couldn't eat anything he ordered and she was mad he spent so much money, so she made him come and try to get some of it back. We couldn't really give him a refund, but we made him a chicken hibachi on the house because we felt bad for the guy.
-eDgAR- / Reddit
I was working in a small restaurant with 2 floors. A couple was seated at a table upstairs. After ordering food, the woman went to the toilet downstairs. She tripped and knocked her head on the ground.
Two colleagues immediately rushed over to her to see how she was doing. She was unconscious and bleeding, so they called an ambulance. I told the man about it. He walked to the stairs, looked down and walked back to his table to finish his food.
Later, the ambulance arrived, and I asked him if he wanted to go with them to the hospital, and he said no while finishing her food as well. It was so awkward he just sat there for another 45 minutes eating, drinking, paid the bill and left. I still don't know what kind of relationship they had and whether the woman is okay.
evaholierhoek / Reddit
An attempted proposal. Dude tries to set up a sign with GF's friends for her to show up and see the ring near a fountain.
Duck stole the ring, they found it 2 hours later as he dropped in the fountain. She still said yes. Free drinks were given.
grub_en / Reddit
Served a couple a few months ago. Every time I walked over, he would always be the one talking, and she would just be sitting there not having a good time.
At the end, I asked if it was one bill or separate, and she immediately piped up "SEPARATE". I go and take his payment, and as I hand over the Debit machine to the girl, I see the guy take his phone out and start swiping through Tinder.
oversized_canoe / Reddit
Once witnessed a date where the dude talked about how special he was and how his mind wasn't like other people's for the entire date. The girl was politely nodding along, and every time she tried to get a word in, he'd cut her off. Absolutely brutal.
frogsmouth / Reddit
I was working as a waitress in a Sushi restaurant, and Valentine's Day was an all-hands-on-deck shift. This guy I just started seeing wanted to go out, but I told him that working in food service, you never get Valentine's Day off, and we'd just have to celebrate the day after or the weekend after.
He got so upset that he asked a different girl out, came to the restaurant I worked at on V-Day and sat in MY SECTION. He then proceeded to spend the entire evening making a fool out of himself and making his date uncomfortable as he tried to make me jealous. Needless to say, we didn't go out again.
venustas / Reddit
Back when I served food at one of those super touristy seafood restaurants, I worked a Valentine’s Day double shift. For lunch, a younger couple came in celebrating their one-year anniversary. I offer my congratulations and proceed to do my usual spiel before taking orders. The girl is looking more and more dismayed the longer I talk.
I ask if there are any allergies. She looks directly at her boyfriend and states, “Yes, I’m allergic to fish and shellfish.” Then looks over at me very sad. I made sure every aspect of her meal was fine for her. It was that look of “we’ve been dating a year, and he still takes me to a restaurant that could kill me” that really did it for me.
allthewrongwords / Reddit
Had an obvious first date where the lady was grilling the guy on how much money he makes, and he didn't really want to answer. It was awkward serving steak and salad during an interrogation.
literallynamedchad_/ Reddit
An old man proposed to an old woman. He tried to get off the chair to kneel, tripped and fell. He couldn't get back up, and we had to call an ambulance.
Meanwhile, the woman had taken her teeth out to eat her soup and left them on the table in the confusion. My manager had to drive her teeth to the hospital separately.
rancid_****_bucket / Reddit
Winning someone’s heart isn’t as effortless as Hollywood makes it seem. In this article, 10 guys found that out the hard way. Instead of letting the setbacks define them, they embraced the lessons and came out stronger, with a hefty dose of self-acceptance. Because sometimes, the biggest victory isn’t winning someone over, it’s owning who you are and rocking it!