14 Betrayal Stories That Prove You Can Trust Absolutely No One

Social anxiety has a way of turning even the simplest situations into nerve-wracking ordeals. Whether it’s overthinking every word, avoiding eye contact, or making a dramatic escape to avoid embarrassment, those anxious moments stick with us. Here are 10 people sharing their most embarrassing social anxiety stories — you might just relate to a few.
My parents always bring up the time when I was 4, and we were at this Mexican restaurant. Apparently, they started singing “Happy Birthday” to me, to which I smiled, but then got nervous and promptly, confidently, leaned over and bit my dad on the arm.
BetterthanAdam / Reddit
I went into a store I used to work at, expecting to see my coworkers. A lady was there, but I didn’t know her. She asked me if she could help. I stuttered a no. I stood and tapped my feet around like a tap dancer. I tried apologizing but instead said, “Uh, I’m not looking for you.”
She looked so confused, and I could feel my face getting red. I literally ran out. Not just walked quickly — ran and slammed into the door and hurt my arm. Though injured, I trudged on. I heard her call out and ask if I was okay as I ran out. Now I can never go back.
Llebanna / Reddit
Talking to my boss after a long day of exams and assignments. I go to leave, and she catches the door before I can leave to say goodbye. For some reason, my wired brain made me give her finger guns and say “zoop” as I walked away. Thought about it the whole way home.
actuallylavagirl / Reddit
Asked a worker in the mall for assistance the other day. She looked at me really weird and said she didn’t work there. I internally freaked out. I said, “I know” and asked if she could still help, she agreed and turned around to walk in the direction I needed help (facing away from me) and I immediately power walked out of there.
sketchbook****sin / Reddit
I was at a chipotle. The girl asked me how my day had been. I said, “Large please” because I got confused and thought she was asking what size I wanted. Then she asked if I wanted white rice or the other rice they had, and I said, “Yes!”
suarezj9 / Reddit
I was in a dance class a few years ago, and we had to do improv. Everyone was a way better dancer than me. My teacher gave us 5 minutes to come up with a dance to a whole song, and you’d have to dance in front of the class alone. I noped out of there and hid in the bathroom.
My phone was in the classroom, but I didn’t care. I decided to sneak out the front door of the studio. There’s a small problem there. The walkway to the parking lot was in front of the giant windows of my classroom. I decided to just duck down and run the best I could, hoping no one saw me. I made it to the car and had my Dad run in and get my phone. Didn’t go back to my class for a few weeks.
Island-radio / Reddit
One time when I was a kid, I was calling up a girl I liked to ask her if she wanted to hang out. Her mom answered the phone and in my awkward teenage bumbling I asked her mom if SHE wanted to hang out. I’m still not quite over that one, nearly 10 years later.
Unknown author / Reddit
Climbed a tree to get away from people at an outdoor party. Stayed there until everyone left and then went home.
Captain_Frying_Pan / Reddit
I was picking up my little sister from school, and I didn’t have anything better to do, and I didn’t want her to have to wait on the long Carline, so I got there 40 minutes early. About 5 minutes before school let out, she told me she was going home with a friend.
I was so scared that the people behind me in line would think I was creepy if I just left the line after all that time, so I pretended to be on the phone, got out of my car and rummaged through my trunk while acting like I was angry at the person on the other end of the call, complete with annoyed arm movements and all, then got back in and drove off.
Scoutregister / Reddit
I was in the bathroom fixing my shirt. Someone walked into the stall next to me. I used TP to wipe my nose and dropped it in the bowl. This auto flush sensor was triggered. I still needed to use the restroom, but worried it would seem weird.
I decided to leave the stall and wash my hands to seem normal. Then walked loudly to the exit and opened the door into the hall, then I said, “Oh, excuse me” like I’d accidentally bumped into someone else coming in, and walked right back in.
I made sure to change the sound of my footsteps walking more quietly so that stall-man would think I was a different person. Then I did my business and then washed my hands again, using the farthest sink so he couldn’t spot my shoes.
trialobite / Reddit
It all starts out fine — until it doesn’t. One small misstep turns into a full-blown disaster, and suddenly, you’re stuck in an embarrassing moment you wish you could undo. In this article, we gathered 10 stories of moments that went off the rails in an instant.