10 People Who Can Officially Hold the Title of Famous People’s Doppelgängers

year ago

Don’t be surprised if, all of a sudden, you run into a celebrity in your local grocery store. Some people are just spitting images of famous people. No one knows how they end up like this, but everyone can spot them a mile away.

Bright Side found 10 random people who are probably tired of signing autographs.

1. “My son looks more like Harry Potter than Harry Potter.”

2. “Growing up, kids used to make fun of me because I looked like Bob the Builder.”

3. “Going through an old family album, apparently my brother looked like Andy Samberg 30 years ago.”

4. “When your travel pillow makes you look like Shakespeare.”

5. “My friend looks like Gilbert Gottfried when she wears a stocking cap.”

6. “I told my dad he looked like Arthur today and he didn’t agree until he saw the picture!”

7. “My friend is starting to realize he looks a bit like Mr. Bean.”

8. “My cousin said my cat kind of looks like Ron Perlman.”

9. “My cousin looks like Danny Gonzalez.”

10. “At 40, just got my first pair of prescription glasses, and was told I look like Walter White. I don’t see it.”

What celebrity do you look like? Have you seen anyone who looks like a celebrity/famous character?

Preview photo credit Unknown user / Imgur


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