Me & My Daughter. everyone thinks we're Sisters, ILL TAKE IT 👍😍👍❣
10+ People Who Look Like They Came From the Past
Yep, genetics surely is a weird thing — one day, you open your old photo album only to discover your great-great-grandpa is looking more like your long-lost twin with time-traveling abilities. A distinctive nose, a familiar look in your eyes, a crooked smile, or even the whole package. But how often does this happen?
We at Bright Side want to present you with 14 people that look like they are some kind of 3D printed version of their relatives. Don’t miss the bonus part that shows it’s not just relatives that can look alike.
1. The power of genes is strong in these 2.
2. “My mother at age 21 and me at age 27.”
3. Mother and Daughter on their wedding days. The smile says everything you need to know.
4. “My son (4, 2019) and me (5,1995).”
5. “My mother-in-law in 1962 and my daughter in 2020.”
6. The eyes... they tell the story of generations.
7. “Me on the left in ‘92 and my daughter on the right 22 years later.”
8. “My birth father (deceased) and I. I only met him as a baby, but he lives on in me.”
9. “I tried that genetics comparison experiment with both my parents... The results were pretty cool.”
10. “Me as a 1-year-old compared to my daughter on her first birthday. Genetics are crazy!”
11. “Me in the 70s and my son a few years ago, I thank my mum for the fringe/bangs.”
12. “Me, 7 months old in 1980, and my son, 5 months old in 2019.”
13. “My grandfather deploying with the Seabees (1942-43) and me on the right.”
Bonus: “Great-grandma looks like Mrs. Doubtfire.”
Do you look like an ancestor of yours? Or maybe you look like a movie character? Tell us in the comments.
I get incredible information in your blog.
#7: Unbelievable! I have never seen mother and daughter looking so … umm … different?
Hey Bright Side, ask permission first.