15+ Stories About Teachers Who Gained Students’ Respect With Just One Deed

3 years ago
If a one-headed duck quacks once a second, does a 2-headed one quack twice a second? That is a rhetorical question, of course — we’re only here to admire how people, animals, and snapshots can flaunt their uniqueness. Experiencing something bewildering can turn an otherwise boring day into one where we feel like the main character of a movie.
The word “peculiar” has at least 20 synonyms, and if we could put together a visual dictionary, we’d have the first 18 covered with the following pics — maybe you can supply a picture for the last 2.
What would you name the 2-headed duckling? Do you have a picture that could be synonymous with “peculiar?” Post it in the comments and challenge your favorite person to do it as well.