10 Simple Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup

Girls stuff
year ago

Naturalness has always been in trend. Today many girls spend so much time trying to put their makeup on to look like they aren’t wearing any at all. But following some beauty rules can help you look great without using any products on your face.

Bright Side introduces to you 10 simple tricks that will make you look naturally flawless without foundation, lipstick, or other cosmetics.

Make your eyebrows look perfect

On a face without makeup, the eyebrows inevitably become the center of attention. Shape your eyebrows for your face shape. If needed, tint your eyebrows with dye or henna. When choosing the color, make sure it matches your hair color. If you weren’t born with thick brows, apply a mixture of castor oil and vitamin A to your eyebrows daily. After a few weeks, you will notice the amazing transformation of your eyebrows.

Accentuate your eyes

To make your look "wider," curl your eyelashes with an eyelash curler, and then apply transparent gel to them. You can even go further and get eyelash extensions.

Get rid of dark circles under your eyes. Start by reconsidering your diet. Dark circles can be the result of a deficiency of iron or B vitamins in your body (liver and red meat contain large amounts of these). Choose eye creams with a whitening effect or the ones with retinol. Сold compresses with mint or green tea are very useful too.

Whiten your teeth

A bright smile adds 100 points to any image. Therefore, make sure nothing prevents you from looking attractive. Use whitening toothpaste, especially after drinking coffee or wine. But remember not to overuse it as such toothpaste can be quite harsh. If your teeth are naturally gray or yellow, get them professionally whitened.

Don’t forget about your lips

Nutrition, moisturizing, and reasonable exfoliation are not only important for your face but your lips as well. Use lip balms that can sometimes be replaced with olive oil or any other natural oil. Once a week massage your lips with a soft toothbrush or with your fingertips — you should moisten them and dip them in sugar beforehand.

Take care of your hair

Dull hair color and a haircut that was done a long time ago are really not beneficial for your makeup-free face. Choose simple hair styles and natural colors, as more drastic options would be discordant with a natural appearance. Get your split ends cut regularly, use products with heat protection, and don’t go overboard with the styling products. Coconut oil can add shine to your hair. It also helps to fight dandruff, dryness, and other problems. Rinsing your hair with boiled herbal extracts (sage and oak bark for brunettes, chamomile and linden for blondes) also makes your hair look shinier.

Use sunscreen

Ultraviolet radiation greatly increases the appearance of premature wrinkles and other unpleasant "bonuses" of aging. It can also lead to skin cancer, and people with light skin can be affected the most. Therefore, products with SPF must be used not only in the summer on the beach but throughout the year.

Focus on your skin

Cosmetologists believe that we shouldn’t wash our face more than 2 times a day. And it’s even better to do this only before going to bed. In the morning you can use cleansing milk, lotion, or an ice cube. The most important thing is not to rub your skin too much as such procedures can be quite harsh. Making face masks (a white clay mask, for example) once a week is also useful. And if your skin is not too sensitive, you can gently exfoliate it by using different face scrubs.

Get enough sleep

Proper sleep (at least 7-9 hours) is essential for keeping your skin in perfect condition and for good health in general. Go to bed by 11 pm because after midnight the body starts to produce one of the main "beauty hormones" — melatonin. Try to sleep on your back to reduce the appearance of potential premature wrinkles.

Reconsider your diet

Studies confirm a direct connection between the condition of our skin and the food we eat. Oily marine fish, vegetable oils, seeds, and nuts are among the most important foods. They are a source of fatty acids, vitamin E, and carotenes which are the main weapons in the fight against free radicals. Dairy products should also be included in your menu because they are the key to healthy microflora.

Find your own color

Correctly choosing the color of your clothes will help make your skin tone look even, hide flaws, and make your appearance more expressive. Skin without foundation looks paler, and that’s why it’s important not to make the situation worse by choosing overly dark and cold shades. White is also not the best option. The best ones are pure bright colors: blue, turquoise, emerald, peach. Ideally, you need to determine your color type and choose clothes in accordance to specific rules.

Preview photo credit pixabay.com
Based on materials from wikihow


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Great post. All you need to do to look great without makeup is just tol make your eyes look amazing. I used Latisse for a while, then switched to Careprost (generic Latisse) (it’s a way cheaper). I love it! I’m so happy I’ve found “GETLASH24” in Google and got Careprost. You can see a real difference in 2 weeks. I have used Careprost for a about year now. It’s worth it because my eyelashes are now extremely long and curly. When people talk to me, they end up staring at my eyes and smiling. I get so many compliments and comments. Absolutely beautiful. My eyelashes definitely became longer, fuller, and darker.


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