10+ Star Parents Who Have So Many Kids That We’re All Caught off Guard

10 months ago

Based on research, it has been suggested that parents who have 4 or more children tend to experience greater levels of happiness compared to their counterparts. While this may not be a universal truth, it cannot be denied that families with more children often enjoy many joyful moments. Public figures and celebrities possess abundant resources to adequately support a substantial brood, transforming the management of numerous offspring into a surmountable task for them. Nonetheless, despite their fame and prominence, many stars have chosen to maintain secrecy regarding the precise count of their offspring.

1. Cate Blanchett and Andrew Upton have 4 children together.

Invision / Invision / East News

2. Gordon Ramsay and his wife, Tana, have 5 children in their family.

face to face/Reporter/East News

3. James Van Der Beek and his wife, Kimberly, have a family of 6 children.

AF Archive / Graham Whitby Boot / Mary Evans Picture Library / East News, © vanderjames / Instagram

4. Steven Spielberg is the father of 7 children, comprising a diverse mix of adopted, stepchildren, and biological children.

© Museum of Cinema / Flickr, Invision/Invision/East News

5. Clint Eastwood has fathered 8 biological children, born to 6 different women.

6. Rod Stewart has fathered a total of 8 children with 5 different partners.

Mary Evans/Allstar/Graham Whitby Boot./East News

7. Mick Jagger’s family consists of 8 children, forming a beautiful blended dynamic.

Invision/Invision/East News

8. Mel Gibson has fathered 9 children with 3 different women.

9. Eddie Murphy takes pride in being the father of 10 children.

10. Robert De Niro lovingly parents 6 children, comprising 2 daughters and 4 sons.

Sienna Conwell / Broadimage / East News

11. Elon Musk has welcomed 10 children into his family, including twins on 2 occasions and triplets once.

ANGELA WEISS/AFP/East News, © elonmusk / Twitter

12. Mia Farrow has embraced motherhood with a total of 14 children, with 4 of them being her biological offspring.

NDZ/STAR MAX/IPx/Associated Press/East News

13. Madonna is mother of 6. She has 2 biological and 4 adopted children.

zz/Dennis Van Tine/STAR MAX/IPx/Associated Press/East News

What do we think of a large family? That it is a treasure trove of memories and endless companionship. With many siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles, these families create a vibrant tapestry of interconnected lives. With many shoulders to lean on, extended families offer unwavering support and a sense of belonging that is second to none.

Preview photo credit zz/Dennis Van Tine/STAR MAX/IPx/Associated Press/East News, everett225 / Depositphotos.com, Featureflash / Depositphotos.com


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I'm by no means about to suggest that anything negative, only a question I often wonder to myself while seeing posts such as these; do the children in large families like these feel seen and heard much less than children in a smaller family of maybe only two or three children? I can't imagine or know. I didn't feel very seen or heard in a three child family, so this is why I question this. I do know that many families are very different and function in a much better way than mine did. Which is fantastic. I just wonder how the kids feel sometimes.


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