10 Stories Where Technology Truly Was Rocket Science

2 months ago

Technology is all fun and games until it feels like you need a PhD just to turn something on. These 10 stories highlight moments when tech became so complex, it might as well have been rocket science. They’ll make rebooting your laptop feel like a breeze in comparison.


A teacher told us that he was teaching a bunch of seniors to use computers, and a lady tells him that she ran out of table. Turns out her mouse was on the border of the table, and she didn't know she could raise it and put it back at the center so she could keep on moving the cursor.

Phoenix_667 / Reddit


Last night, I told my girlfriend how to use Teamviewer (remote control program). I asked my mom to come in my room and told her my PC was haunted. My girlfriend then opened Word on my PC and wrote some scary stuff. I barely could contain the laughter while my mom freaked out and called for my dad to cut the power.

EliteCorps / Reddit


My grandma doesn't understand the concept of my wall or private messages. I'll comment on a picture, along with other friends. She'll see it and start talking to me, on someone else's picture.

Once, I posted a funny picture of a baby, and she commented, "OMG, am I a grandmother again? Why didn't anyone say anything? Why am I the last to know?" I replied to her comment saying it's just a funny picture.

She completely ignored that and carried on commenting in caps about what a terrible grandson I was and how much she can't wait to meet the new grandchild. I had to delete the picture in the end.

Pagan-za / Reddit


My dad has recently gotten into texting, and also has adopted my cat since I moved out. He sometimes writes to me early in the morning, and sings it LU, for "love you" - which is nice. A little weird, but nice.

He's always been a super macho tough guy, but since adopting my cat, he takes pictures of her with his phone and writes messages as if she was talking. "I miss you" or "I'm hanging out at the Vet office and doing a-ok after getting my claws removed." Funny, adorable and strange at the same time.

Unknown author / Reddit


My parents were on a road trip going from Texas to Canada, listening to an audiobook on a CD. After about 14 hours, my mom got embarrassed and confessed to my dad that she had no idea what was going on in the book, since some characters had resurrected without explanation.

My dad, also embarrassed, had been unwilling to admit he had no idea what was going on either. They arrived at the hotel and went to sleep. The next day, they discovered the CD player was on shuffle, and had been listening to the chapters out of order.

hzsfre / Reddit


I tried to get my grandmother to play Wii Sports to get her doing at least a little activity.

"Ok, now move your hands to play, grandma."

"Move my what? What button do I press?"

"No button, just move your hands around."

"What button is my hands?"

"You don't need to press any button, just move your hands like you're playing tennis."

"I don't understand your weewee!"

Hraesvelg7 / Reddit


I helped my mom purchase a new computer monitor. I suggested she give her old one to Goodwill. She said, "Oh, I don't know, what if some identity thief gets ahold of it."

I tried to explain that her monitor doesn't store any data. I think she is still dubious, the old monitor still sits in her computer room.

magicmuds / Reddit


When I was younger, during the days of the family computer, I downloaded an incredibly rad screensaver that made it look like the whole screen was on fire. Anyways, long story short, my mom saw it one day and went crazy.

"Stop burning all my files!"

Calls dad into the room.

Dad: What happened?

Mom: He started a fire in the computer and he's burning all my files!

Dad: You're grounded.

I just stood there with a confused face.

Unknown author / Reddit


My dad used to "rewind" the Internet after he was done. That is, when he wanted to close the browser, he would first click Back until he was back at the home page.

marinuso / Reddit


My mum found out she had to like something on Facebook for a competition, so she managed to create an event for herself with the name of the company as the title, then write 'likes this' on her creation of the event on her own profile four times. Aww.

hey_jude_ / Reddit

Suddenly, your bad day at work might not seem so bad after hearing these wild office stories. They prove that every workplace has its fair share of drama and surprises. They might even make you a little more grateful for the quieter days at your own job.

Preview photo credit Pagan-za / Reddit


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