10 Things Men Do That Mean They Don’t Love You

Have you ever encountered men with very strange models of behavior? It’s like they were designed in a secret male laboratory to confuse girls.

This is not going to continue for much longer because Bright Side has found out the truth and is going to share it with you.

10. He’s been away for months, and then he returns as if nothing happened.

What happened: He wrote to you or called you after being silent for a long time.

What you think it means: He was too busy and had no time to write to me. He was kidnapped and only escaped this morning. Or he was imprisoned, but he was innocent. And, of course, he used every minute he had to think about me.

What it really means: He is wondering if you are still alive and if you still love him.

9. He starts a conversation, but he doesn’t support it.

What happened: He starts a conversation, and then he disappears.

What you think it means: He has some urgent business to attend to. His battery died. He was abducted by aliens. A bird was flying by and stole his phone. But he most definitely wanted to talk to me.

What it really means: He just wanted to remind you of himself in case you are in a good mood and you have forgotten the past.

8. He doesn’t try to continue communication offline.

What happened: You have been in an online conversation for a long time, but he still hasn’t suggested a meeting.

What you think it means: He is very modest, and he is scared of me saying "no." He is scared of his own feelings. He is not ready to meet such a wonderful girl. But he will definitely ask me on a date later.

What it really means: He doesn’t want to invite you. He just needs to talk...but not in real life.

7. He uses you in his elaborate schemes.

What happened: You had a great time together, and he suddenly disappeared.

What you think it means: He needs some more time to accept the fact that he now has a treasure like me. He is testing my patience. He has problems at work, and he has no time for love right now. But tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or some other day, everything will be good between us.

What it really means: He is not interested in you as a constant partner.

6. He wants to be a competitor for other guys who are interested in you.

What happened: He appears only in those moments when some other guy is interested in you.

What you think it means: He is jealous. Things are going to be different from now on. He has finally realized that there are other men who are interested in me, so now he will be scared of losing me.

What it really means: He needs constant competition. A relationship without it is just not interesting to him.

5. He is looking for a "special" relationship...but not love.

What happened: He suggested staying friends, but he keeps flirting anyway.

What you think it means: He hasn’t realized that he is in love with me. He is afraid of me saying "no." He can’t resist my charms. He thinks we should become good friends first before we have a romantic relationship.

What it really means: He clearly understands that you are in love with him. And as long as it’s fun for him, he will play along. But he will soon be bored, or maybe he’ll get a girlfriend and won’t need you anymore.

4. He doesn’t spend enough time on you, and he only comes to you when he needs to.

What happened: You meet occasionally after work.

What you think it means: He is so busy. The only free hour he has he spends on a romantic meeting with me. It’s so nice. Sometimes, he even spends the night even though he could go home. Well, I get it. He is so exhausted that he just can’t go home.

What it really means: It’s very convenient for him to have a constant sex partner. But soon, he will have a relationship and a real girlfriend, and his job will suddenly not be as important as it is right now. And you will just ask yourself, "WHY?!"

3. He doesn’t introduce you to his family or friends.

What happened: You are kind of a couple, but you rarely see his family or friends. Or maybe you don’t know them at all. You spend all the important holidays separately.

What you think it means: He doesn’t want to embarrass me. He is very close with his friends and family, which is why he spends more time with them than with me. He is worried that I might not like them.

What it really means: You don’t matter to him as much as his friends and family do. He doesn’t want them to think that you are his girlfriend or, even worse, his bride. It’s because he doesn’t see you that way.

2. He acts like a friend.

What happened: You communicate online all the time. You see each other often because you know the same people. You have a good time together, but there is nothing romantic about it.

What you think it means: He loves me, but the wounds he got in his previous relationship have not healed yet, so he doesn’t want to push it. I will be his best friend, and then he’ll understand that he loves me.

What it really means: You are a great friend, and it’s nice being with you. But you are not his girlfriend. You are nothing more than just a friend.

1. He doesn’t want to discuss your future together, and he doesn’t want any changes.

What happened: When you try to talk about your future, he becomes very mysterious and gets very angry. And sometimes, he simply says, "I don’t know."

What you think it means: He is not used to the fact that our relationship is very serious. He wants to propose to me so that it’s a surprise. However, he has some financial troubles, and he doesn’t want me to have them on my shoulders. When he fixes those problems, we will get married.

What it really means: You don’t seem to be the best candidate for his wife and the mother of his children. He likes the way things are between you right now, but he doesn’t want anything more. He doesn’t want to talk about the future because he doesn’t want to change anything.

Can you add any other examples of very strange behavior of men that confuses you a lot? Tell us in the comment section below!

Illustrated by Oleg Guta for Bright Side


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The illustrations were shocking, I'm ashamed how men (my own speciment) treat Ladies !

I'm married and got together with my wife some seriuos crises .

My single buddy (47 YO) tired to seperate us by harrassing me in our children sensitive issue.

maybe needed me for one beer and some sports.... who knows.....


The site (Bright Side) is the best of this decade !!!!

Deserves a Special Presidential Honor !!


He starts a conversation and then she answers and then you don’t say something back and then she says something a lot of times and you won’t answer that’s so rude


This was so fucking true....I loved a guy and he gave me all the above experiences and I could never understand the reason behind it...Ty for giving all the reasons for his behaviour.


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