My oldest brother and his wife both had black hair. When their daughter was born, she surprised everyone with her brilliant red curly hair. She's 50 now and it is still bright red. Nobody in the family ever questioned where she got the red hair from.
12 True Stories That Took the Most Unexpected Turn
Our existence is full of surprises that can catch us totally off guard. Some of these unexpected events make our days more interesting, but sometimes they can be more serious or worrying. The stories we’re sharing in our list are all about discoveries that completely changed people’s lives, leaving them shocked, confused, and amazed.

So he got back together with the original girl he slit with ?? Horribly spilt with I might add

How old are you when you had that epiphany??

Are you sure this wasn't because the local school start cutoff was 31 August? If mum wanted her to get into funded education swapping the dates would have made her entitled to start a year earlier. (The child being entitled to start the September following their 4th birthday, kids born 31 of August would start that September, while kids turning 4 in September would have to wait until September of the next year.) If she was going back to work, that would have been a huge saving on childcare costs.

I wanna know what happened next!
I wonder what was wrong with her eye ??
Was posted 11 years ago and she hasn't made an update

That's good to hear. When one door closes, another opens.
Plot twists and unexpected discoveries have a profound impact, especially when they involve our family members. Uncovering a secret about our loved ones can completely turn life upside down, and the hidden truths that the people in this article have found out leave them frozen in disbelief.
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