13 Gifts That’ll Add an Avalanche of Laughter to Anyone’s Day

year ago

Sometimes it’s really better to give than to receive. And this is especially true when it comes to gag gifts. You’ll find some super affordable ideas on this list that guarantee you priceless reactions!

1. Add a pinch of fun to your home, office, or friend’s home with this screaming goat. When you give it a gentle press, it screams, making everyone around explode with laughter.

This kit also includes a 32-page illustrated pocket guide of fun facts and trivia about goats:

Happy buyer’s review: Such a funny little figurine! I bought it as a silly office Christmas gift, and my friend loved it. She’s got it sitting on her desk at work, and we press it when we get particularly annoyed with something. The sound isn’t too loud, so it’s not overly obnoxious. Cheap and cheerful, yes, but worth the smiles! @lisasue

2. “What would happen if everyone on Earth stood as close to each other as they could and jumped, having everyone landing on the ground at the same instant? From what height would you need to drop a steak for it to be cooked when it hit the ground?” If questions like this keep you or your nearest and dearest up at night, the What If? book will be the perfect gift.

To answer these questions, the writer ran computer simulations, pored over declassified military research memos, solved differential equations, and consulted with nuclear reactor operators. His responses are combinations of clarity and hilarity, complemented by comics.

3. We would like to bring to your attention the Pooping Pooches 2023 Calendar. It’ll be an ideal gift for those who share your sense of humor and can’t stop giggling around you.

$1 from each sale is donated to help a dog in need.

Happy buyer’s review: Got this for a coworker, and she absolutely loves it. The pictures are exactly what you would expect, and no 2 dogs are alike. I don’t know who went out of their way to find this many dogs pooping, but they got great picture quality. @RoDagger

4. Have a friend, family member, or colleague approaching a milestone birthday? Whether it’s for a 40th, 50th, or 60th birthday, retirement, Christmas, or Secret Santa, these hilarious joke pants make a great gift and are sure to make them laugh! So, grab these novelty emergency pants and never let your friends or loved ones get caught short again!

Disclaimer from the seller: Please, please, PLEASE! Don’t actually try to use these as actual pants, you’ll have to spend all afternoon cleaning up your mess, and in your old age that might put your back out!

Happy buyer’s review: Bought as a joke gift for friends at work, and they loved it. Would recommend buying if you know someone who has a good sense of humor and who always leaves it to the last min to go to the toilet. @Helen

5. This sign will let everyone know how you truly feel. Bring these cheeky phrases to your home or office! It’s constructed with high-quality wood and features rounded corners with sanded edges for a distressed look.

Make sure to check the size before buying!

Happy buyer’s review: Love this saying. A small wooden box perfect to put anywhere. I have it on my windowsill in the living room. @AshG

6. A mini air dancer can be placed on a table. It will inevitably improve your mood with its happy dance, even on the gloomiest days.

Some users suggest pretty unique ways to use this dancing man:

  • Love these peeps as they are helping to deter the raccoon population that historically raids my annual grape production. Very fun and thus far seems to be working as these dancers create movement throughout the night when those nocturnal vermin do their thing. @cathy b
  • Bought this because my garage has a motion-sensing light switch, and it always turns off when I’m stuck under the tightest part of the car. I set this up near the light switch, and the chaotic motions keep the switch from timing out. I used to have a switch with a manual override, but it went bad, and apparently, they don’t make that type anymore. @D. A. Blake

7. A square magnet that is great for posting notes, memos, and photos on the fridge or any other magnetic surface

Happy buyer’s review: Bought it for my friend (but actually wanted it for myself!). And she nearly fell on the floor laughing... Sarcastic friends will love it! @faithful

8. A mouse pad that is a must-have for all corgi lovers. If your friends, parents, or colleagues work on a computer all day, this cutie can help them avoid arm pain.

It also has a rubber bottom so it stays in place and doesn’t shift. Just look at how comfy it is:

Happy buyer’s review: This is one of the best Amazon purchases I’ve made in LIFE. It’s quarantine season right now, and my office was forced to become a home one, and all I have to say is this gave my home office so much life. I could be going through the dumbest, most boring virtual work presentation, but then I look down and see this little curvy, 3D canine rear-end, and everything is alright. Buy this piece. You won’t be disappointed. 10/10, would buy again. @Booch

9. Beard baubles that will serve as a novelty gift or the perfect stocking filler. You can also bring it to your Xmas party to make all beards shine with a festive vibe.

There are 9 baubles in the pack. By the way, you can also use them on your hair.

Happy buyer’s review: These beard baubles were hands-down the best I’ve tried on the market. The package arrived in excellent condition with no damage at all, and the picture on the box was a reasonable representation of the contents. My only slight gripe is that the model on the packaging had well over 24 baubles affixed to his impressive beard, so if that’s the look you’re going for, you will need to buy 3 boxes, as each one only contains 9.
Upon opening and with the tension mounting, I was dazzled by the way the light was being reflected off these decorations. The excitement built to a crescendo when I reached in and held one in my hand — the mounting was sturdy, and they felt satisfying to touch. As soon as I had affixed the first bauble to my ginger beard, I knew this was a match made in heaven. Once secured in place, it just felt right, helped by their featherweight construction and ability to swing freely around their axis. They really are very secure once fixed into place. I’m struggling to think of an activity that would dislodge these from the beard, although my girlfriend and I have certainly had a lot of fun trying to do so with some vigorous and spontaneous exercise! With all 9 positioned in their rightful place, the reaction from my friends and family has been nothing but positive, and I can genuinely say that I will be sad when the Christmas season comes to an end and I can no longer wear these without fear of reprisals. They have become a part of my identity over the holiday period, and I feel stronger and more confident with them in place.
I would recommend it to anyone looking for a way to take their beard to the next level and give enjoyment to their nearest and dearest in a way they will never forget — or let you forget. Happy Christmas to all. @Amazon Customer

10. A mug with an easy-to-grip handle that will surely make the person you give it to weep with laughter. And if you’re close when they use it for the first time, try to keep a sly expression and burst out with ferocious HA-HA-HA once they see the text.

The mug is made of high-quality ceramic. It’s dishwasher & microwave safe, non-toxic, and perfect for any cold or hot drinks.

Happy buyer’s review: This mug was perfect! He didn’t suspect a thing. The mug is super durable... Survived the fall without a chip. Will use it again on the next husband. @Andrea V

11. A bag that will make anyone stand out in the crowd. It has a simple, long handle that is adjustable + one zip that goes down the length of its back. A great size for a day bag to put in your essentials. One fun feature is that its little feet are loosey and goosey, so when you run with the bag, its feet go REALLY wild.

It’ll be a stylish addition for those who are brave and confident:

Happy buyer’s review: This chicken bag is the best! It’s really roomy inside due to the clever construction; it is not just sewn flat, so it has a great capacity. It is also nice and soft, and I love the little pocket in the wing. This is my best purchase of 2021 so far 🐓 @El

12. Yep, this is for real. It’s a knife for those logs that sometimes need help going down. It’s made from metal-reinforced silicone and is strong, hygienic, and easy to clean.

As the seller claims, this knife will chop the most compacted of brownies, the most seasoned of sausages, the longest of sewer snakes, and the most ferocious of bog crocodiles.

Happy buyer’s review: Best joke gift ever (that would actually work). Arrived quickly, good quality, humorous packaging... Great gift idea! @Jenny

13. This feeder will transform squirrels into magical beasts from Fairyland! So, if your loved ones are ready to witness a real backyard wonder, go for it!

There’s a hole on the top so you can pull a string out and tie it over a tree branch or on the wall.

Happy buyer’s review: It worked! The instructions were very helpful. In addition, I put some shelled peanuts in a small box not far from the unicorn first to lure them closer (tried deshelled ones first, but pigeons ended up eating them all). We have a squirrel family that lives nearby, so once they realized there was food inside the unicorn, they kept coming back! @Happyjoy

What do you like more — to give or to receive presents? Why?

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Preview photo credit Andrea V / Amazon, Happyjoy / Amazon


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