15 Comics That Prove the World Needs to Have a Nobel Prize for Motherhood

2 years ago

Social media is full of pics of ideal moms who are wearing high heels and who have perfect shiny hair. They confidently hold their babies in their arms and smile widely. We hear from everywhere that kids are the ultimate joy of our lives, and that every woman should experience the joy of being a mother. At the same time, very few people say that being a mother is actually not that easy. The comics of an illustrator named Lucy Scott, who just recently had a daughter and experienced the whole range of parental feelings, will tell all the truths about the first year of motherhood.

Together with Lucy Scott, we at Bright Side felt all the joys and hardships of motherhood that the artist depicted in her comics.

That’s what one little baby can do.

After the birth of the kid, you are happy to have guests at your place only when the babysitter is there too.

The first year of being a mother is not only difficult for women.

Every mom is the most beautiful.

Sometimes it’s better to not know.

Perhaps, having a third arm would help women?

When you have no days off even though you are actually on leave... maternity leave.

Sleeping together with your kid is wonderful.

Where does childhood go?

I do get enough sleep... in my dreams.

Every mother will get her fair share of recognition and praise. Maybe...

It’s not clear which one harder to choose: a stroller or a car.

You are free to do whatever you want after you put your baby to sleep...

That’s what success for mothers looks like.

Life with a baby is full of fun and inspiration for new comics.

What things do you find to be the most difficult in parenthood?

Preview photo credit doodlediaryofanewmum / Facebook


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