15 Inspiring Stories About Single Parents Who Chose to Not Give Up and Rock This Life

Family & kids
2 hours ago

Sometimes it happens that you have to raise a child alone. It is undoubtedly hard work. Here are some stories from people who have raised their children alone, as well as from those who were raised by a single parent.

  • I raise 2 children alone. My ex-husband endlessly drove me crazy, my parents didn’t help or support me. I met another man and fell in love. But he had to move to another city.
    And I also decided to move, although no one really invited me. I took my children and went there at my own expense. And what’s amazing is that everything worked out! Everyone was telling me that I wouldn’t survive in a big city, but this never happened.
    The main thing is to believe in yourself. We have a good relationship with this man. And I like the city. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I am a single mom of 2 children. Both children are very shy. It’s hard to see how other children speak freely, but for mine to speak first, to answer in class in front of everyone, to perform on stage is an overkill. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
    There was once a talent show at the daycare. I asked my mother to go there while I was at work. She called me and said that my daughter recited a poem. I’m jumping with happiness!
    At work, they are surprised at my joy, a colleague says, “What’s the big deal?” Well, it’s maybe nothing to you, but to me, it’s a huge achievement! She did it! Moms of shy children will understand me. © #goodmotherhood / VK
  • My mom became a widow when she was very young. I was 2 years old at the time, my mom left medical school and got a job. We lived well, my childhood was happy. But her personal life ended at the age of 22.
    All her friends asked her why she ignored other men, and there were a lot of them who wanted to date her. She replied that she had already had love in her life. Real, sincere love. That my father was always in her heart, that she didn’t need anyone else.
    When I got my first job, my mom returned to medical school. She graduated with honors and now works as a pediatrician. She is always cheerful, kind and affectionate. She found herself in her work, and she also loves my daughter, her granddaughter.
    I don’t know if my mom could love another man or not. But I respect and accept her choice. © Chamber 6 / VK

I think, I can never earn over which I paid by my precedent employer, but I was wrong, world is so large to try their fate. but now I am making $52/h even more,and easily earn minimum $1300/week, on the experience everyone must try to do work online, easy way to earn, here's an example.

  • My mom brought me up alone, but I never needed anything. She worked 2 shifts as a hospital nurse to earn more money. I bought her a professional sewing machine and several types of fabric with my first salary at the age of 19.
    And for 2 years now, my mum has been doing what she always dreamed of — making children’s clothes. She works only a couple of hours a day, has good money and a lot of free time. She’s very happy. And I am happy that I was able to make her life a bit easier, because she has always tried to give me only the best. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I’m a single mum, but it’s easier for me. I named my child as I wanted, I dress her as I want, I bring her up as I see fit. And I don’t have to agree on my decisions with anyone else. It is better for a child to grow up with a single happy parent than with two unhappy ones. © Hedgehog in the Fog / ADME
  • I was brought up by my dad. He put his soul into me, saw talent in me when I went to school. He sent me to music school. I loved it. I even formed my own band with my friends, and we gave concerts at the university.
    But at one point I gave up music for the sake of earning a lot of money and providing for my dad. He gave a part of his life for me, and I want to repay him. So far, I’ve only given him a car and brought him to tears. But that’s just the beginning. There are still so many other things I want to give him, including a house! © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I work in the all-female team, I am divorced. My family is far away, I am alone in the city with my daughter. And how tired I am of these pitiful looks and comments.
    I was able to move from a village to a city alone with a child, to get an education. My daughter has everything she needs. We can afford trips to the movies, children’s centers, picnics. But, according to these ladies, if you don’t have a man, you are nobody. © Podsushano / Ideer
  • I divorced my husband long time ago. We remained on good terms. But he is greedy. The child almost never stayed with him.
    And 2 months ago, my son’s computer broke down, I had no extra money at the time. The ex, in order not to pay for the repairs, offered my son to live with him for a month. After 2 weeks, he started calling me and asking me to take my son back, he would give me the money.
    It turns out that teenagers eat a lot, make things dirty, can sit in the bathroom for an hour and ask for pocket money! I said no. It was like being on holiday. © Natalia / ADME
  • I don’t remember my mum raising her voice at me or my sisters even once in my life. She raised us alone, worked 3 jobs and raised 3 children. She was very tired, but she always found time to talk to us, play with us and read us a story.
    Now we are adults. On her 50th birthday, one sister gave our mom a flat, the other one gave a car, and I gave her a small but very beautiful house by the sea in Italy. © Chamber No. 6 / VK
  • Today, my 5-year-old declared, “A squared plus B squared equals C squared!” I almost cried. This is what it’s like to work with a baby in your arms since he’s 4 months old! I’m a math tutor. © #goodmotherhood / VK
  • I raised my son as a single parent... He is now a successful business owner with 2 lovely kids! There were times when I was not sure how things would work out, my head was often just above water, but he is an amazing human, things are good. © samasa111 / Reddit
  • A guy I know married a woman with a child. She wanted to start a business in her home country of Brazil. She flew there, and the daughter stayed with her stepfather. But the mother was engaged not only in work there, as a result, they divorced.
    And then the teenage daughter declared that she would stay with her stepfather. She said, “Mom is a good person and I love her, but I want a quieter, more stable life.” The grandparents supported the granddaughter — so she stayed with her new father. She grew up, got an education, works as a doctor.
    No, this man is not a unicorn. But for his daughter, he’s surely a superhero. © Ilona Staller / ADME
  • I’m a single mom. With a young son, it wasn’t possible to go out much. I always said that my husband would find me and come to me himself.
    And he did! I had to make repairs in a new flat, so I called a plumber. He came, fixed it and never left again. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I got married at 22 and soon had a daughter. It was difficult after the birth, and I gained weight. My husband didn’t like it, so he left me. Well, I went back to work as a manicurist.
    In 1.5 years, I became slim, happy and successful. My ex saw my photo on social media and texted me, “Let’s meet.” At the meeting, I immediately started talking about child support — he pretended not to hear me. And he offered me to get back together.
    I was not interested because my husband left me during hard times. He didn’t say anything about child support, so I filed a police report. He should help his own daughter somehow! © Mamdarinka / VK
  • A friend of mine has 2 children. Her husband left her when he realized that it was hard to feed the family. The friend was left alone with 2 babies, and she simply didn’t have money.
    Well, she decided to sell her finds from flea markets and thrift stores online. She would buy a jacket for $9 and sell it for $14. That’s how she saved up for a car.

And here’s a story from a single mother who explains why it’s easier for her to raise a child alone.

Preview photo credit Mamdarinka / VK


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