15 Kids With Pure Hearts That Restore Our Hope in Humanity

While we may think that kids are unable to understand what kindness is, research indicates that the abilities necessary for developing into decent and honest adults are laid down in the first few years of life. Babies start to show empathy as early as 6 months old. Knowing this, we have an article for you about kids who proved that love and compassion can last forever.



Went in for a conference with the kindergarten. The teacher said, “I have to tell you something. You know, she’s the one all the kids want to be friends with. There is a boy in the class...” (Oh, please don’t tell me she’s the mean girl. That kid is autistic...) “She decided he needed a friend. She asked to sit next to him at his table. She has made the entire class adapt their recess games so that he can play.” [Teacher is CRYING at this point.] “If she does nothing else, ever, she has changed one life.”
@ hahahahthunk / Reddit



5. “My 3-year-old daughter saw a little girl without hair and asked why she was bald.”

“I explained she was sick, and the medicine made her hair fall out. ’Oh. She can have some of my hair,’ she said.”


7. “Yesterday was my daughter’s sixth birthday. Her wish was to help ’feed hungry people.’”

“She collected all this food to donate to the local food pantry. I’m a very proud father.”



10. “Walked in on my little cousins...”

11. “Those Jurassic Park dinosaurs originally came out with battle wounds.”

“Here’s my 2-year-old, who asked me to help treat his wounds and is now comforting him.”


13. “Hugging strangers in fast food restaurants, no big deal.”

14. “My daughter asked me if she could sell her stuffed animals and donate the money to our local SPCA. Of course, I let her.”


How about you? When was the last time you gave a hand to someone in need? Let’s continue this thread of kindness — post your stories down below, we want to hear what you have to say!


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