12 Movies About Love Without Limits

6 months ago

There are movies full of romantic, touching and tender love. There are also movies about crazy love that destroys anything that stands in its way. This kind of love may not be as beautiful as it is portrayed in romantic comedies, but it’s definitely worth seeing.

Last Tango in Paris

Ultimo tango a Parigi

This great film has left a vast impression on the audience for decades to come. No names, no past, no conversations... It’s all about passion within the walls of a shabby apartment that turns itself into a universe of its own for the movie’s characters. Connection between a middle-aged American man and a young woman from Paris transfroms into passion, bordering on insanity, passion with inconceivable limits.

The Fault in Our Stars

Hazel has cancer. She finds a cancer support group where she meets Gus Waters. She immediately falls in love with him. Gus and Hazel take off on a journey filled with passion. Their goal is to fill their last days with love, life and sense. This, perhaps, would not have happened at all to such an extent, where two people are so genuinely open with each other, if they hadn’t known how little they had left.

Beyond Borders

This movie is about love that changes us and makes us better and stronger. A young American woman Sarah somehow appears on a charity event and hears a passionate speech by doctor Nick Callahan. His call to help children from countries with military conflicts changed Sarah’s life forever. She breaks up with her husband and rushes toward risk, danger and ... her love . Throughout 10 years fate brings Sarah and Nick together in different "hot spots" of our planet and prepares difficult tests for the lovers.

Breaking the Waves

This film looks like a parable that shows what a boundless love is capable of. A young woman Bess comes from a remote community in Sctoland. She falls in love with a good guy, Jan, who works in a rig at sea. Bess asks God for Jan to always be with her, and he comes back to her from an accident on a rig. Love is a sublime, but cruel thing, and in Bess’ case it makes her push her bounaries and go to unthinkable lengths in order to save Jan.

Punch-Drunk Love

Barry Egan is a neurotic middle-aged man with a whole lot of complexes. He is way beyond the 30s age mark. Moreover, he is suffering from sudden agression attacks and does not communicate with other people well, especially with women. Fate, however, hadn’t given up on him just yet. One day he meets a strange young woman who is destined to turn his life around. This is a genuine indie movie that shows Adam Sandler in a new, unusual perspective. You will never see him this way again.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Love always comes with pain and fear of being rejected. It’s true because the main character decides to get rid of the thoughts about his loved one. When it comes to real feelings, unfortunately a "delete" button does not come in the package. Does love hurt? Yes. Is it worth it? Definitely so.

Three Steps Above Heaven
Tres metros sobre el cielo

These two young people belong in completely different worlds. Babi is a rich cute girl, whereas Hache is a rebellious, impulsive biker who tends to take risks and cares not for danger. Their connection is unlikely and almost inconceivable. Their acquaintance, however, is inevitable. They fall in love, and that love takes them above and beyond the sky. Truly electrifying.

Love Me If You Dare
Jeux d’enfants

This movie is about love, but not the love we are used to seeing. This love is unhealthy, crazy, limitless and absolutely destructive. A boy and a girl came up with a a twisted game of one-upmanship. The game grew along with the children, and even when they grew up the game didn’t stop.



It is very much along the lines of “Twilight”. It is also about a vampire and a human woman, however this love’s portrayal is much closer to art and real cinema than its Hollywood counterpart. It’s mature. Thirst is one of the most sensual recent movies about passionate love, sin and redemption.

Killing Me Softly

The fateful meeting with a handsome and mysterious man drastically changed calm and reserved Alice’s life. She breaks up with her loyal friends and rushes into Adam’s embrace after she realizes that he is her soulmate. Only after the wedding does she realize that she knows nothing about her husband...

Wuthering Heights

There is a number of screenings and interpretations of the Emily Brontë’s work. The one of 1992, with Juliette Binoche and Ralph Fiennes, is the most powerful screen adaptation of her written work. This film was able to expose and portray all the despair, tragedy and pain that goes on in the lives of the heros. Even in comparison to other works, it is rather difficult to imagine a love more destructive and wrecking than that of Cathy and Heathcliff...

Wicker Park

In a restaurant, Matthew notices his ex-girlfriend Lisa, who mysteriously disappeared two years ago. Even after this time, still being passionate about her, he forgets everything else as he steps onto the path of emotional conundrum, riddled with lies and suspion. Despite this, he cannot stop himself from following her, alas not even realizing just how much his blind love made ​​him a victim of a masteful intrigue.


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