15+ Restaurant Visitors That Got Meals They Don’t Know How to Feel About

3 years ago

There are so many cafes and restaurants nowadays that almost all of them try to come up with some interesting ideas to impress visitors. Of course, these ideas are supposed to attract new guests, but sometimes chefs and marketers seem to really overdo it. This is how chicken wings on shovels and shrimp on washing lines came to be.

We at Bright Side have seen a lot of things, but we’ve never eaten from a shoe. However, the people we’re describing in the bonus section at the end of the article weren’t as lucky.

“A $500 tasting menu and this is how the dessert was served...”

“My friend’s side of sausage at brunch looked like they had to go into the forest to forage for it and then ran out of regular plates.”

“So, do they just get a new piece of bark for every customer or do they wash it and reuse it?”

“This is just a creative way to give us less shrimp.”

“Yes, put the berries in a bowl but not the yogurt, thanks.”

“I’ve heard of putting yourself on a pedestal, but your burger?”

“Nothing unusual, just food on a shovel...”

“How am I supposed to eat pasta off a wooden board?”

“Brick plate? Not a problem.”

“A little bite-sized appetizer served in a box of uncooked potatoes”

“Browsing through my old photos and found this: chips in a pine cone!”

“Why doesn’t the butter deserve a bowl like the tapenade?”

“Nice idea, poor execution”

“Breakfast in an egg box”

“Our soup in...a test tube”

“It even came with dry ice.”

“Someone lost a shoe.”

“Shrimp on a clothesline. How is this even a thing?”

“Food on a truck”

Bonus: A good place has good tables.

“Not a plate, but we’re the only people at the restaurant currently eating on an old wood pallet.”

Have you ever been to a restaurant where you felt like the chef pushed things a little bit too far?

Preview photo credit lazyburger / reddit


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