Going on the Internet to buy something can either go okay or terribly wrong. That’s because many sellers and advertisers will post fake photos of their products or enhanced images that aren’t exactly accurate. However, there are times when the final result is exactly like the picture, if not even better. These occasions restore our faith and trust in people’s good intentions.
Bright Side searched thoroughly and discovered 15 wonderful results that met or exceeded people’s expectations by miles.
1. “My interpretation vs my artist’s interpretation”
2. “Got mehndi/henna done. Personally think the reality turned out better than the expectation/reference pic.”
3. “My wife was blown away with her cake, reality (right) was better than the expectation.”
4. “An American cherry pie frappuccino in Japan”
5. “An otterly impressive birthday cake from my mom”
6. “Hard to expect TOO MUCH from a gluten-free and dairy-free pizza, but this looks quite all right.”
8. It’s amazing how the sides don’t bend.
9. “My wife’s loaf of bread came out exactly as pictured.”
10. “On the first photo is the custom graphic crest, the second one is the 3D design of it, and the last one is the actual ring result.”
11. “Wow, the carrots are shaped like flowers.”
12. “What I asked for on the left, and what I got on the right — the bakery did an amazing job.”
13. “Expectations met and exceeded!”
14. “Family friend took a single floral class, so I asked her to make my wedding bouquet.”
15. “Commissioned an artist to paint my dog. Thrilled at the result!”
Have you ever received a great result that exceeded the low expectations you initially had?