16 Cool Things That Won Us Over

year ago

Whether it’s coming across unique items or simply finding beauty in everyday things, some people are truly luckier than others. One of the best things the internet has done is give individuals who don’t have fancy photography equipment the opportunity to share their pictures with us. These 16 people have a talent for seeing the uniqueness in everything.

1. “My middle and ring finger are connected.”

2. “My newborn son covered head to toe in white ‘fur’.”

3. “Just a photo of me wielding a huge icicle”

4. “This little dragon I folded out of a gum wrapper”

5. “My fingers can curl quite a bit.”

6. “I found the Fibonacci sequence in my cabbage.”

7. “Baby groundhog with pine needles on its head”

8. “One of my onion rings from Burger King today looks like a perfect infinity symbol.”

9. “My tattoo had a rosy cheek due to a skin blemish.”

10. “Someone left a door on the beach.”

11. “My cat, Bonk, found a sun spot to bathe in.”

12. “My bar of soap matches my bathroom tile.”

13. “Truly the perfect camouflage!”

14. “The orange I peeled to make coffee cake.”

15. “My 94-year-old grandpa meeting my 2-month-old son”

16. “This two tailed lizard my brother found.”

Preview photo credit MrJusticle / Reddit


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