9 Hilarious Times People Lied on Social Media

6 years ago

Famous journalist and columnist Mike Rokyo once said, “It’s been my policy to view the internet not as an ’information highway,’ but as an electronic asylum filled with babbling loonies.” And this was when social media wasn’t even born yet. Today when we see people on the internet, we realize that one way or another he was stating the truth.

Here at Bright Side, we promote the internet only as a medium of truth and this is our humorous way of asking you all to not fall for the deception of some people in this virtual world.

1. Someone: How single are you?

2. A romantic dinner with myself

3. The guy still doesn’t have a selfie stick.

4. “Don’t put words in my mouth.”

5. From car to bus in 0.6 seconds

6. Just another day, chilling out

7. Me: How single are you?

8. Are you on diet? Do you want to put a pic on Insta but don’t wanna buy a burger? Try the new McMicro from McD...

9. “My new kitchen...at IKEA?”

Well wasn’t that eye-opening? No matter what the intentions were, you can now conclude that it’s easy to deceive on the internet? Do you have any photos like these? Feel free to drop them in the comments and share the article with the people you think need to realize the fact that the internet is all virtual.

Please note: This article was updated in June 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit StackerPentecost / reddit


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