16 People Who Made Their Loved Ones an Unforgettable Surprise

3 hours ago

Sometimes the life with a loved one becomes a routine — there is no escape from it, it is a natural process. But there is always an opportunity to shake things up and to surprise the significant other. Sometimes it’s not easy to think of a spectacular option. But the heroes of this article made up a plan of how to surprise their loved ones.

  • My boyfriend and I had our 2-year anniversary this weekend. I got him what he wanted, a bunch of little surprises. And he responds by giving me 2 pairs of socks with the words, “I didn’t have any money, so here...”
    I’m excited about the brightly colored socks, but then he says, “Well, since you don’t mind...” and he pulls out a Moleskine notebook — he knows I love them! Well, here I’m happy all over, and he with the same words continues, “Well, since you don’t mind...” gives me a collection of books of the author I’ve been looking for a long time! I’m looking forward to the next anniversary. © Overheard / Ideer
  • It was just before midnight while we were on vacation in London. He convinced me to go for a walk. Got to Westminster Bridge where we were standing underneath Big Ben, and he said, “This is so romantic, isn’t it? Too bad I don’t believe in marriage, or I would propose to you right now.”
    I was like, “Yeah, yeah, whatever, goofball.” He said, “Because if I believed in marriage, I would probably do something like this.” Pulls out the ring, gets down on one knee. By the time I realize he is proposing, and I say yes, he gets up, and Big Ben strikes midnight. © phiaska / Reddit
  • I work from home, but I still usually look like a well-groomed girl, hair styled, moderate makeup, dresses. Today, however, it’s cold. So, I put on a huge man’s jumper, 6 pairs of different socks, my mom’s underpants and sweatpants.
    I haven’t washed my hair for 2 days, no makeup. And here, while finishing my toast with garlic, I hear a doorbell ringing — it’s my boyfriend returned from a trip and decided to surprise me. © Overheard / Ideer
  • My girlfriend and I live in different cities, we see each other only on weekends sometimes. On one of these days, I told her that I wouldn’t be able to come, but I decided to surprise her and come.
    And here I am on the spot with a bouquet, happily knocking on the door. Nobody opens the door. I call her, and to the question, “Where are you?” I get a hilarious answer, “And I’m coming to you...”. © Overheard / Ideer
  • For 10 years, I’ve been asking my husband to get a cat — he refused, saying that animals don’t belong in a flat, they need a house. Before our 10th wedding anniversary, he said that he didn’t mind a cat and that we can start looking for one.
    The next day we had the anniversary, I decided to make him a surprise — I brought a stray kitten. And he came home from work in the evening with another surprise. Now we have 2 cats. © Overheard / Ideer
  • My husband is not a romantic. But sometimes he makes something from the bottom of his heart. He knows I shouldn’t be woken up in the morning, but one day he did.
    He made me breakfast: scrambled eggs, salad, coffee. He gently tried to wake me up, telling me what a wonderful breakfast awaited me. Naturally, I promised him the worst possible punishment for waking me up. He left, saddened, and for 2 minutes I lay there thinking what a monster I was.
    After so many years, my loved one had a surprise for me. Finally, I gathered all my strength, put on a smile, and went out. I go to the kitchen, and there my husband with a dull look sits and finishes my coffee, next to the empty plates.
    To my mute question, he said, “You didn’t want it, so I ate it all myself.” Women, don’t repeat my mistakes. And, men, be a little more patient. © Ward 6 / VK
  • Every time my husband doesn’t choose the right gift, I remember my university boyfriend, Mike. On my 20th birthday, he gave me a huge box of pineapples. Just huge. There were about 20 pineapples from Costa Rica, it was June and our fridge broke in our dormitory, so my roommates and I ate only pineapples for 3 days so they wouldn’t spoil.
    The funny thing is that I never said or even hinted that I liked pineapples. And Mike’s profession or one of his relatives had nothing to do with this fruit. Mike just wanted it that way — an amazing guy, though peculiar! © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I decided to surprise my girlfriend and make her a delicious dinner. I did my best before she came home from work: I decorated the flat, made swans out of towels on the bed, cooked dinner myself, even cut hearts out of fruit. When my beloved came home, I saw that she was in no mood.
    She stayed in the bathroom for an hour, then came out to eat, said that the food was not tasty, and then went to bed, tossing my swan towels on the floor. This was not the reaction I was expecting, of course, but what I can do. We all have difficult days. © Ward 6 / VK
  • I bought my girlfriend 20 chocolate eggs. Put all of them together beautifully, I wanted to surprise her, but it so happened that I urgently needed to leave that evening, so I gave the gift a week later, after I returned from the business trip.
    She opens the box, and then suddenly says that instead of chocolate eggs, there are ordinary chicken eggs. She found the box a long time ago, and she wanted something sweet, so she was stealing chocolate eggs and wrapping regular eggs in foil instead. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I was driving home after a day of college classes and, by sheer coincidence, wound up 2 cars back from my girlfriend. We had talked earlier, and I knew she was on her way to the grocery store to buy a few things. On a whim, I decided to be sneaky and follow her to the store.
    I waited until she parked and walked inside before going in after her. I spotted her pushing her cart, walking past the produce section. Spontaneously inspired, I began creeping up behind her in a way that I’m sure made me look like some cartoon villain. It was pretty obvious because some of the store employees started staring.
    When I finally got close enough, I grabbed her butt and yelled, “AHA!” She screamed at the top of her lungs and spun around, ready to rip someone’s throat out. When she realized it was me, she started laughing. And she still married me. © Jsquaw / Reddit
  • The other day a rather amusing incident happened. Unsuspecting, I was sitting quietly, surfing the Internet. Suddenly there was a knock on the window. I even shrieked surprised, because I live on the ninth floor. Another knock.
    I felt my hair starting to turn gray. With a sinking heart, I pull back the curtain and see... the happy and smiling face of my boyfriend. He decided to surprise me. I almost died of fright, and he’s laughing! © Overheard / Ideer
  • My wife was turning 30 and was feeling wistful about her twenties. In the 4 month leading up to her birthday, I downloaded all of her old Live Journal entries (about 150 printed pages, all told), formatted them and had them bound. She used to post mixtape track lists back in college, and I found and burned each of those onto supplementary discs.
    The money and time investment was a lot, but it was a gift that both showed her how far she had come and how we were entering into a new decade of life as husband and wife. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • While living in Cape Town and dating a South African, I was homesick, he took me to the mall where they had “American Corn dogs” and “Mountain Dew.” Haha. He said, “But I thought you guys liked these things.”
    Again, such a really sweet and thoughtful surprise. I laughed until I cried. © atn9009 / Reddit
  • Before my wife and I were married, I had an internship out of state over a summer after freshman year at college. She knew the day I was coming home, but I’d been intentionally vague about the time.
    I called her when I was about 5 minutes from her house and proceeded to talk it up as to how I was going to be incredibly late. I was saying that I was 4 hours out yet. It was already 8 p.m. and she worked at 6 a.m. I continued to talk on the phone with her until I was right outside her door.
    She was the only one home at the time, so I rang the doorbell and just waited. She (sounding disappointed) says, “Hang on...someone’s at the door.” She finally realized it was me once she opened it. Good times. I miss being 19 sometimes. © jdpatric / Reddit
  • I drew a little picture of us holding hands together with a bunch of hearts and balloons. Folded it and hid it in the plastic bag containing her lunch box. © wasdo / Reddit
  • Once decided to surprise my girlfriend with a declaration of love by creating a composition next to her door. I wrote the declaration of love with ribbons, added flowers, things like that. I took a friend to help me.
    After it was done, I call her and say, come out to the stairs, check out the surprise! She comes out and there’s nothing there. Well, we decorated the wrong staircase. © Overheard / Ideer

And here’s another bunch of romantic stories. Check them out.

Preview photo credit Overheard / Ideer


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