Neuroscience tells us that, as humans, looking at the bright side of life has been ingrained in our brain activity for as long as we have lived on Earth. Psychologists say that we prefer thinking positive thoughts instead of negative ones. Maybe that’s why we are able to manifest better versions of our situations.
Bright Side welcomes all the happiness that we bring to ourselves by overcoming difficult times. Here are a few people to inspire us with their wit and positivity, despite their adversities.
1. “6 months seizure-free. I’m getting my license back!”
2. “This is my new flat. I no longer live in a van!”
3. “Conquering my fear of heights. I did smile eventually.”
4. “I have been learning to make desserts after 28 years of not knowing how to cook anything besides Mac N’ Cheese.”
5. “I just got approved to be prescribed the new FDA-approved alopecia drug!”
“After having alopecia for 10 years, this may be a life-changing drug for me. I’m so excited with this journey!”
6. “First session of a scar coverup completed. Still need to add cherry blossoms and a background.”
7. “After 8 long years, I finally got my Black Belt.”
8. “Quite literally gave me my smile back.”
9. “After 6 months of struggle, I finally beat anorexia!”
“Body dysmorphia can be a struggle, even for guys, and I’m so glad I overcame it.”
10. “It might not be super noticeable, but I’ve really been working on getting healthier this year. Looks/weight aside, I feel better and am less tired.”
11. “A little coverup. Now, you can’t even tell there’s anything missing!”
12. “I feel both feminine and masculine inside.”
13. “I had a hair transplant and was able to take photos at a wedding and feel confident this past weekend.”
14. “I beat my binge eating addiction.”
15. “Went to my first Pride Parade/Festival yesterday!”
16. “17 years after failing out of college for the third time, I got a scholarship to go back and finish. I now have my Bachelor’s degree.”
Which of these stories inspired you today? What can you say about their experiences?