16 Side-by-Side Photos That Make a Huge Difference

2 hours ago

While observing things, people, natural phenomena, it’s difficult to catch the moment of change. And only by comparing photos, it is possible to notice what a colossal transformation has taken place. We can keep looking and comparing such photos for a long time, and this is what we suggest you to do now.

“The evolution of my eye color (age 2, 6, 17, 29)”

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“I gave my nail tech a sketch. She produced a vision.”

“22 to 32. Late bloomer to say the least, but I’m finally happy with my looks.”

“My wife took up embroidery in the summer of 2020. I’m so proud of her and her progress.”

“There is a difference of 5 years and 25 pounds between these photos. It’s crazy how much my side profile has changed.”

“The result of losing 25 pounds”

“New vs. 10-years-old tattoo”

“Here’s what a dog with vitiligo looks like (before and after — 1 year difference).”

“I was 24 in the before photo. 29 in the after.”

“Masseter Botox has been a godsend for my clenching and grinding issues. I also switched to Korean skincare and stopped overdrawing my brows.”

“I had no idea what kind of nose I wanted, so I trusted my surgeon. Here I am 6 months after the operation.”

“Lock I’ve been using for 3 years on my truck toolbox: the day I bought it vs now.”

“My sister and her significant other found a kitty out in the desert. The foundling has been named Snow. He is a very happy kitty now.”

“This long football-shaped egg we got from our chickens today vs a normal one. It had a double yolk.”

“Side-by-side comparison of my most recent vs my first loaf of bread. Really proud of how far I’ve come!”

“All the clothes are the same except for the tank top, but the difference between the photos is 41 pounds.”

“The volume difference in these dried beans I soaked overnight”

And here are side-by-side photos of women who dared for a total makeover. Check them out.

Preview photo credit Planktongirlie4003 / Reddit


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