16 Stories From People Who Had a Funny Experience With a Rich Person

9 months ago

There are so many movies about quirks of the rich. And it’s not just the fantasies of scriptwriters: people’s testimonies on social media prove that many strange things are going on behind the closed doors of fancy mansions.

  • A girlfriend worked as a nanny for a wealthy investment banker in London, and I could sometimes stay over. Nice house with garden in a posh area, a small manor in France, a flat in NYC, art on the walls, but the guy wore torn underwear. His kids had the latest game console, but when my girlfriend asked what they usually had for dinner, all they knew was instant noodles and crisps.
    I saw his 10-year-old kid pestering him while he was on the phone and when he finally asked the kid, “Yes! What do you want?” the kid replied, “If you give me £20, I leave you alone.” The father went back to his conversation, but pulled a £20-note out of his wallet and gave it to his kid without looking at him. That resumed perfectly the whole relationship he had with his kids. © visualthings / Reddit
  • A really rich, nice lady I knew had multiple massive mansions. She adopted stray dogs and put them each in their own room and hired live-in nannies for them. I helped out a lot at some of her houses when I was a teen, and she paid me good. There was a strict schedule the dogs followed, and there were cooks who made their food from scratch. Sometimes there’d be a nutritionist around overseeing them. I distinctly remember plopping large raw turkey legs into the individual bowls.
    The dogs had room time, and free-roam time, which we had to follow strictly. They trained with a professional and his team in the mornings where they learned fun tricks and all, and some disabled dogs had physical therapy time. Then they had lunch. They were allowed outside on their playfield (football-sized fields) at around 3 p.m. and would play with each other for 4 hours until 6 p.m.
    There was a cute sheepdog that would help us herd them back into the house if they stayed out too long. It was very memorable and also a bit dissociative to see dogs living better than me.
    © narkySeahorse1103 / Reddit
  • My friend went to visit her rich friend who lives in a mansion. The latter invited her to the kitchen, offered her tea and left her alone for about 15 minutes. Well, the friend was bored, looked around the kitchen, finished her cup and poured herself another one. She also ate all 3 cookies from the jar (she was hungry after work).
    Her friend came back, they chatted and said goodbye. And then my friend accidentally found out from a girl who worked in that house as a cleaner that the house is full of cameras. And this woman watches her guests to see how they behave alone. She also watches the housekeepers and her husband!
  • An acquaintance of mine works as a senior engineer on huge mega yachts. The husband is barely there, but the trophy wife (No. 5) who is 10 years younger than his youngest daughter, lives in it most of the time.
    All of the staff know to stay clear of the sun deck between 11 and 12 every morning. She comes up from her cabin and cries for an hour before lunch to herself. Every single morning. The added kicker, the yacht is named after his first wife. © Cotford / Reddit
  • My friend was a security guard for an elderly widow of a Dallas oil baron She had a full-time private chef and kitchen staff, although she lived there alone. He said the chef would cook huge beef roasts, turkeys, brisket, all kinds of food every day just to have available in case the old lady wanted something, which she rarely did.
    They weren’t allowed to give the leftover food away to the staff or anyone else, but had to throw it out every single day. And when the old lady requested ice water or iced tea or lemonade, if even one ice cube had cracks in it, she would make them throw it all out and make it again. © NiteGard / Reddit
  • The CEO of a major telecoms company was playing golf at a course he was a member at, and saw a cell tower near the course that he didn’t like the look of. Next time he was there to play, the tower was in another place. © Colforbin_43 / Reddit
  • I was a waitress when younger. I had a super wealthy guy who wanted to date me, but I wasn’t having it. Said no, even after his $500 tips.
    One day I came to work, and he was there with a lawyer, and he bought the entire steak house and bar I worked in. Then said, “Now I own this place. We will hang out.” He always told me that every single person or thing has a price.
    He took me on trips, bought me a car and a small apartment. He would do wild things. He was a very impatient person and sometimes would buy the line-up of groceries for people just to skip the line? Just unforgettable insane things, I can list many! But when our relationship ended, it got really bad. © Generous_Hustler / Reddit
  • A neighbor got a job as a housekeeper in a big city. I have acquaintances in this sphere, and they like to discuss their employers. Here’s what one maid said.
    There is a popular young actress. She needs to have a bottle of mineral water on her bedside table every morning. Attention! The bottle should be open. She doesn’t want to spend time on opening a bottle.
    And one day the maid forgot to unscrew the cap. The punishment was immediate: she was yelled at in front of everyone, the mineral water was poured directly on her head, and she was immediately fired.
  • We were sitting down at the table with this businessman about to sign a contract, and his assistant forgot “the” pen. Apparently, this pen has signed all the deals that were successful in his early career and made him who he is, so he doesn’t sign any deal without it. So, he legit tells her to get on the jet, and bring it to him immediately. He “apologies” for the inconvenience by adding 20% to the deal. © Who_Dat_1guy / Reddit
  • I know a lady who bought her kid a horse, then they bought the horse a horse for company. Then they decided they may as well build a stable. They now have about 8 horses and run an equestrian school. Imagine having the money to turn a child’s whim into a business. © TheLordofthething / Reddit
  • Saw a Prince of Saudi Arabia in the early 90s throw money in a way beyond all imagination. He flew in his favorite chef from New York to Florida (where the hotel is), made enough food for our entire restaurant staff, his family, and the security staff from state, local, and federal forces he had with him, and tipped us a ridiculous amount, too.
    He stayed at our hotel every year for several years and rented the top 4 floors of the hotel for a month. He had one Boeing-747 for himself and another for his staff, which numbered around 400 people. © RacecarHealthPotato / Reddit
  • When I lived in New York, I worked at a highly regarded hotel, the kind where you would see celebrities every other day. I had my fair share of what-the-heck-did-I-just-witness, ones that stood out to me was when a guest rented out a honeymoon suit just for their cat. I know it sounds made up, but rich people are weird, and so is New York. © Ali8ly / Reddit
  • Custom cabinets made and installed only to be taken down and tossed in the trash because they decided the color they picked out wasn’t the right vibe. © Kitty_Styles / Reddit
  • The wife of an acquaintance told us a story of how she used to work for a wealthy businessman on his private yacht, but, he was never on it. She worked in the kitchen as one of the chefs, and basically he would have his family or his friends use it when they were in town to save on having to have a hotel. They’d just stay on his yacht which she said in the 18 months she worked there, she only knew of him to use it himself once. I mean, can you just imagine having the kind of crazy money to buy a yacht in the first place, then just not using it?! © LongrodVonHugedong86 / Reddit
  • My dad was friends with a Spanish rich dude because they shared some love for old cars. My dad had one, rich dude had many. Thing is, these people had a maid that worked for them since before this rich dude was born.
    His parents were never around, so she was the one to actually raised him. She fed him, took him to school when he was a child, everything your parents would do for you, this maid did. She had been working in that comically large house for over 30 years. Other staff such as cooks, cleaners, etc. would come and go, but she was almost part of the family, we thought.
    One day, rich dude decides he wants to move to the US and sells the house. What does he do with the maid? He just fired her over the phone. He never even said goodbye to the woman that basically raised him. © KalzK / Reddit
  • The owner of a jet I fly frequently sends friends all over the country on his plane, and he isn’t onboard. Friend needs a ride to Texas? No problem! Fire up the jet and take them down there and fly back empty. © CaptainWaders/ / Reddit

And here’s another selection of stories about rich people. Check it out.

Preview photo credit Generous_Hustler / Reddit


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