17 Kitchen Essentials That Will Be the Cherry on Your Cutlery Cake

2 years ago

In the olden days, kitchen utensils were very basic and practical, made out of stone, wood, or even shell. Fast-forward to centuries later, utensils have completely evolved from just being practical kitchen items into trendy, multi-use gadgets and functioning forms of art.

We at Bright Side have found these novelty kitchen items that can bring your kitchen to life!

1. A family of goose measuring spoons

2. Knives that can be stored away safely and conveniently

3. Measuring spoons that teach fractions

4. You can sharpen your knives against these rhinos’ horns.

5. A knife and peeler duo

6. A spaghetti spoon that measures single servings

7. A cutting board with a manual slicer

8. You can remove pepper seeds with this corer!

9. Spook + fork + spade = splayd

10. Scissor-type salt & pepper grinders

11. A pop, drop, and shoot bottle opener

12. For juicing and sprinkling your citrus fruits

13. Strainer, bottle opener, and knife = multi-purpose bar tool!

14. A nifty holder to keep your kitchen sink organized

15. A utensil holder frame. Both practical and artistic!

16. The complete eco-utensil set

17. An entire family of butter knives

Do you own any of these cool utensils? Which one do you wish could appear in your kitchen right now?

Preview photo credit Kickstarter.com


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