17 Slightly Crazy Life Hacks for Those Who Want Results at Any Cost

Tips & tricks
5 years ago

A drop of imagination, a pinch of creativity, a spoonful of an off-base approach, and cool (though sometimes strange) life hacks appear to ease your life, especially the situations where the usual methods can’t be applied. How to use one battery instead of 2, how to create a Christmas tree without a tree, and how to stop forgetting important things when leaving home — you’ll find all the answers here.

We at Bright Side never stop admiring people who continue to find new methods for solving issues, when it seems like nothing else will work. Also, there is a nice surprise waiting for you in the bonus part.

No Christmas tree? Not an issue!

One for all

“When your headphones start to peel, use some adhesive tape to clean them.”

“My roommate changed my life tonight.”

If you don’t want to forget something, put your keys with it.

Organizational skills — level “God”

“I don’t think it’s silly if it works. I planted 300 onions in 2 hours.”

“If you can’t find your ice scraper, all you have to do is fill bags with warm water and it melts the ice just fine.”

If you want to shift your coffee to the next level, use frozen cubes of espresso in your iced coffee.

How to hide a wireless charger in plain sight:

What to do if your key broke while in the lock:

If winters in the place where you live are cold, you can use your windows this way:

Hold your ketchup bottle like this when squeezing, so the splatter doesn’t get on you.

Here’s how you can get a tighter makeup brush, with the help of a thin hair tie.

When you need more space in the bathroom:

“Use the lid of a slow cooker to hold open a cookbook while you’re trying to cook/bake.”

Bonus: With just a little more creativity, all the prizes will be yours.

What unusual life hacks do you use in your everyday life? We would be glad to read about them in the comments!

Preview photo credit StickyBamboo_ / reddit


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Wait that single battery trick works? I have been missing out


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