17 Stories About Men Whose Actions Defy Logic

Many women think that men are like from another planet. Sometimes the lack of mutual understanding leads to tragicomic situations, but more often - to conflicts, because we expect our partner to act one way, and they act absolutely in another way. And sometimes it is simply impossible to put up with it.

  • MIL gave us a trip for our wedding. Later, it turned out that she’d fly with us. I was outraged! We had a fight, and he and his mom flew to Spain without me.
    But I prepared a surprise for my soon-to-be ex-husband. I took a loan for a lot of money, which will be divided in the divorce. I’ve also collected my husband’s stuff, which I’m going to leave on the stairs on the day of his arrival, the locks have already been changed. It was a very short marriage© KMP / VK
  • One day I came down with the flu. My body ached, high fever, my throat was sore, I was almost delirious. I told my husband I was sick.
    All morning he sat in the other room at the computer, at lunchtime he came to the bedroom and complained, “I’m hungry!” I told him I was sick, I wouldn’t cook. And he said, “Okay, I’ll go buy some shawarma.”
    So he went, bought it, and ate it. He never asked me if I needed anything, if I was hungry, if I needed anything at the pharmacy. No help for a sick person, no care, no nothing.
    Then he took the wedding money and went to upgrade the computer, even though it wasn’t necessary. And in the evening, he went to his mom’s. He was at her place for a week or more. And I was in such a state that I don’t even remember if he called or not. And yes, he’s my ex-husband now, of course. © LyutikVrednyj / Pikabu
  • My sister after marriage began to turn from a graceful girl into a tomboy. It turned out that her husband forbade her to wear makeup and high heels, saying, “Who are you trying to seduce?” Then he started criticizing her looks, even though he’s no Apollo himself. And then he dumped my sister, saying that his colleague is different — she wears dresses and makeup... © Trickyowl / Pikabu
  • One time my husband called me at work, "Babe, you're gonna be mad, I made a mess but don't worry I'll fix it!" I didn't even ask, just sighed, because he is basically Lucy from I Love Lucy. When I got home a little bit later it was to a living room covered in gray powder, my husband completely filthy with a trash bag and broom and a super panicked look on his face.
    Turned out he'd decided to help around the house and wanted to clean the fireplace, he'd just decided the best way to do it would be to stand in front of it with a trash bag and use the leaf blower to blow the ashes in. © awash907 / Reddit
  • My spouse quit his job without a plan. He didn't have a job lined up or any idea of what he would do after quitting. I decided he wanted to hang out with friends and do whatever he wanted. He left our kids without insurance, and he left me stressing out about bills.
    After a couple weeks of working 60 hours+ per week, I unloaded on him. He had no idea I was working so much because he was always out living some weird early retirement. I told him I could never do to him what he did to me.
    I could never just quit my job without having another one lined up, because I wouldn't want to jeopardize my family's future, nor would I want to put that stress onto him. What did he say? He said, "Huh. Must be different when you're a mom." © Danger_Dani / Reddit
  • This past week, I had to cook for my husband to take food for a potluck on Tuesday. I picked up everything on my lunch, then started cooking Monday night when he proceeded to tell me, “Oh, yeah, I have softball tonight, so I gotta leave!”
    Sunday, we were going to a BBQ with his friends. I was making the same side that I made earlier in the week for his potluck. Our 6.5-year-old couldn’t find something, so I helped her look all over the house for it, while husband sat in his chair and played video games.
    I’m 12 weeks, and the exhaustion just kicked in, so after not finding daughter’s thing, I sat for a second on the couch to take a break. Husband turns around in his chair, takes his headphones off and says, “Oh, shouldn’t you be going to the store so you have time to cook?”
    After he was done re-attaching his face, he apologized profusely! He also offered to go to the store, but by then I just needed to be out of the house, so it was safer for everyone if I left! © Chemical-Pattern480 / Reddit
  • I have had the week off work. My only goal was to paint the entry door. A pipe burst over the weekend, and I am still dealing with the aftermath. It was in our laundry room.
    I keep all my clothes there due to limited space. I have had to do things in segments due to having to rewash, the floor and ceiling drying, etc. My husband and his brother made a huge mess replacing the pipe. It added a day to the process. I should be done by tomorrow.
    Last night, my husband said, "I am disappointed that you didn't get the door painted while you were off. Did you catch up on your sleep? I noticed you took a nap yesterday and today. Maybe tomorrow you could get more done." © devilgoof / Reddit
  • My boyfriend and I have different tastes in videos and things we watch on our phones. He loves professional sports and sometimes makes me watch some videos on the subject.
    One time I was texting my sister, and he forced me to put my phone away and watch what he had on. Sometimes I just want to read a book or watch my favorite shows. And my boyfriend complains that I show no interest in his hobbies.
    Sometimes he gets so angry that he starts yelling if I don't want to watch what he puts under my nose. And I've never made him watch anything I like. One time I turned on a show and after a few minutes he said he wasn't going to watch it. © BrilliantJellyfish / Reddit
  • My boyfriend has a hard time waking up in the morning. He misses all his alarm clocks and is often late for work. He thinks that as his girlfriend, it's my responsibility to wake him up. But I don't think it's my responsibility.
    My boyfriend is an adult, has known about his problems since childhood, and should have found some effective method by now. But he's making me responsible for it by turning me into his babysitter.
    That doesn't mean I refuse to help him. I've looked for alternative ways to wake him up, but either it doesn't work or he refuses to do it. And I do wake him up when his alarm goes off, but he falls asleep immediately afterwards.
    And sometimes he yelled at me, both for waking him up and for not waking him up. I don't want to help him anymore. But yesterday his boss gave him his last warning. So I am at an impasse. © ThrowRA_StoneTowne / Reddit
  • I am the youngest in my family, I am 22 years old. I have been living separately from my parents for 4 years now, working and supporting myself. My older sister has been financially independent for many years, plus she has 3 children and a family.
    We also have a brother. He is older than both of us, soon to be 40 years old. He feels quite comfortable, not working anywhere and not even trying to look for a job. He lives in a country house, building his own house there. He has been building it for many years, as there is no money for materials or workers.
    You'll ask how he lives, what he eats and so on? He is lucky, because we have a kind-hearted mother who gives him almost all her retirement money, and then sits without a penny herself and asks me and my sister for food. I am okay to give my mom money. But I am not okay with her giving all her money to a grown man who is unable to get a job or even try. She pities him like a mother, and he doesn't try to understand or pity her at all.
    A couple of days ago, both my sister and I sent her money, and today she calls and cries that there is no butter or bread at home. She can't even go to her son's because she doesn't have money for the train. But we know that she couldn't spend it all so quickly: there was a lot there. She takes all the groceries to him, and then she sits there, half-starved.
    I'm angry at my brother for letting this happen. Why should I, the youngest, who has just graduated from university, feed my older brother, who should have been on his feet for a long time? Why should my sister give him some of the money she could spend on her children? © LIFE STORIES || LIFE STORIES
  • I've been dreaming of apricots for 2 months now. I'm pregnant, 8 months. Thought it was a passing fancy, but it hasn't gone away.
    I sent my husband to a premium shop (they always have exotic fruit there). Asked him to get a pound of apricots, orange and soft. And he brought me green ones.
    It turned out that he was playing football with his friends and was late for that shop. So, he bought apricots from some bloke at a kiosk. They're green, but they cost as much as ripe ones. It makes me want to cry, honestly. My husband could have just waited until tomorrow and not spent our money on this. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • A month after giving birth, I was sitting, nursing my daughter. My husband came to admire us. And the baby's fontanelle is throbbing, especially when eating. My husband saw the throbbing fontanelle and turned pale.
    He asked in a quiet, threatening voice, "What have you done to our daughter that she has such a hole on her head? It's jumping!" He panicked. I laughed it off and told him about the fontanelle. He apologized. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • My boyfriend will do anything badly. And even if it's impossible to make a mistake, he'll still somehow make it.
    I asked him to hang a bookshelf on the wall. So, he hammered nails into the aerated concrete wall. Not only the shelf barely holds there - the nails can be effortlessly pulled out of the wall - but also the wall on the back side cracked in 2 places.
    I asked him why he did it without a level, he said he didn't know how to use a level. I watched a video, bought some aerated concrete plugs and re-hung the shelf myself. I don't know what to do with the wall. My dad said he'd come over and take a look. But I don't understand why the guy can't even learn anything.
    I asked him to peel potatoes before my return from work (he was home all day), I come - potatoes are not peeled. So he blurted out that it's not "a man's job." Oh, my God! We had such a row with him that we still don't talk to each other. He can't do so-called man's work, but he doesn't want to do women's work.
    I want to break up with him. We haven't married yet. © LIFE STORIES || LIFE STORIES
  • The other day I found out about my boyfriend's cheating. He's been living with me for 3 months. He quit his job and begged for money. He brought his mistress into my flat.
    I kicked him out, of course. Then I decided to put him in his place even more. I took a day off, didn't go to work and changed the lock in my flat. I had taken my keys from him, but just in case... ♪ LIFE STORIES ♪
  • My colleague Xenia dated a guy for quite a long time. She was so full of quiet happiness. Said they were getting married soon. Of course, how could it be otherwise, because their relationship was perfect.
    They rented a flat, paid in half, because although he is a businessman, but the money is invested in the business. And the household, of course, is all on her: she is the "keeper of the hearth." So, he saved up for a flat. He says, "We'll get married, as soon as we renovate the flat, so that there is a place to live happily ever after."
    But, he says, "I spent all the money, we'll have to do everything ourselves - wallpaper, tiles and so on." And so they started to do everything together, for 2 or 3 days. Then he had all sorts of "business" things to do.
    In short, Xenia worked alone for 6 months, spending her microscopic salary. And her parents helped with their money for the future family. So, she made the place worth of living. And suddenly she meets her fiancé and his girlfriend.
    Though, as it turned out later, this was not a girlfriend, but a wife. The wedding took place a week ago, when he was travelling on business. So, Xenia did free renovations for the ex and his wife. I suggested she at least sue him, but she refused. © AkunaMatata54 / Pikabu
  • I said that I really wanted to pick mushrooms and fry them. My husband was delighted: it was my first “want” in the whole pregnancy.
    On Saturday morning, he woke me up and said, “Let’s go, I’ve arranged a surprise for you.” He put me in the car and drove me somewhere. I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the forest: my husband had brought me to go mushrooming.
    I’m in my 35th week, I was shaken up on the road, and I walked for half an hour. Anyway, I started having contractions. My husband was shocked, “Where will I get you boiling water and nappies here?” He got ready to deliver the baby right on the spot.
    I brought him to his senses and told him to take me to the city. They kept me in the maternity hospital for 24 hours: it turned out to be training labor. I gave birth only a week ago. And my husband said he’d never fulfil my pregnant urges anymore. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • I know some guy. He lived with a woman for 5 years, everything was perfect. The house was clean. She was happier with a simple necklace than a new car from him. But when she mentioned marriage, he said she was not beautiful and wealthy enough for him.
    And a year after their breakup, he began to date the daughter of the judge, who has a dowry, and education, and connections. He gave her iPhones, MacBooks, jewelry and took her to resorts.
    Now they are married, have a child, her pre-marital flat is rented out, she pays the mortgage for the marriage flat. He is successfully running a business, and doesn’t even remember his first girlfriend. © Sever812 / Pikabu

And here are more stories about men whose actions are really hard to explain.


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